Chapter 8: Painful Regrets

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Sitting in the bed huddled in the warm and soft bed set. My brain pointing me to visualize my pretty much worse moments where Finn was there to help.

I was 5 and it was my first day at school. I turned to Finn. "What if I can't learn, Finn? Finn, what if the kids are mean and tease me about my overalls? What if I have a mean teacher? I CAN'T GO THROUGH SCHOOL WITH A TERRIBLE TEACHER!" I said. Finn crouched down to me. "Babe look at me all that is going to be fine. You can't live of ifs. Because if if was a fif we'd all be drunk, sweetheart." I looked at him confused. "That makes no since." "Exactly. It makes no since to live life on 'What if's, boo" he said to me.

I smiled and trotted merrily into the school.  I sat in the middle next to a girl who looked really pretty. "Hi my name's Ryan. I'm a werewolf mixed with a vampire." She said to me. "I'm Marceline and I'm the last human." I said to Ryan who was chewing gum. She gasped "You're a human! Do you wanna be friends?" She asked me. "Yeah I only had one friend he's the vampire king." I said like I was the stuff. "WHAT?!? You know Finn." She said amazed. "Dude, the guy bathes me." I said shrugging. She sat there stifling a 'Whoa' and the teacher came in. "Every one I am Mrs Dillon and I'm an earth element." She said kindly.

Then there was a time I was 8 and I was at the mirror lake. I stood up looking down at myself I frowned at myself. But my reflection taunted me and smiled. I let out a growl at it and kicked at the water thinking it'd shatter. It only sent waves through the water and when it stills it wiggled like a jell-o cube and she laughed at me. "You'll have to try harder than that you dumby" it said and stuck its tongue out at me singing childish taunts. I pulled up the sleeves to my button up shirt for school and jumped at the reflection forgetting that it was water. I fell in. But I tried to go back up but the water was like a glass barrier.

I simply couldn't get up. I saw a hand and thought it was the girl in my reflection though I had lost breath so my vision wasn't it's best. I swatted the hand away wanting to die rather than be tormented by my own reflections and voices I'd heard from above the water. Another hand plunged in the water and plucked me right out. "Marceline are you okay" Finn asked me frantically. I coughed out water that felt like glass chunks coming up my throat. I sucked in oxygen and nodded at Finn and I started to shake.

He rubbed my arms and picked me up "We need go get you dry before you get pneumonia." he noted.

Next I was twelve and I was in Finn's bathroom with a knife. I looked at myself in the mirror and took in my appearance. I sat in a corner of the bathroom and took the knife to start cutting along with the other slashes I had hid so well from Ryan and Finn even PB. Finn was gone and was supposed to be back in 2 hours which would usually give me enough time to dry the blood wash the dried blood off and cover the cuts before he came back. But this time it wasn't the case. Finn had left something and smelt blood and ran quickly to my location.

He dropped to his knees in front of me, without anything to shield the knife from me causing a slash across his hand that healed 5 seconds later. "What are you doing?" I didn't respond. I just looked at my arms covered in cuts some barely healed others I reopened and some I just created blood gushing out of all of them. "Answer me." I looked up at Finn. "Finn I'm alone and everyone thinks I'm a strange freak and I have a limit of 4 friends and one of those is a Teddy bear and everyone else is going to live for ever and I'm gonna die, no one loves me so I might as well die now and save the world from an extra burden." I said receiving looks of disbelief from Finn.

"Marceline that isn't true. Because your friend Ryan loves you. PB loves you and most importantly I love you. You will never live a day where you have any less ounce of love and everyday I make it a priority to give you more love today than I did yesterday and the day before that. Marceline you don't have to do this because if you feel bad you can talk to me or PB. Even Ryan because she's a female friend. But I'm not going to let you die and dying, right now, is not your concern. I don't ever wanna see this happening again." He said and I nodded looking down. He pulled me to his last and bit into his wrist. "Finn what are you doing." I asked him. He only replied with "Open your mouth." I did and he put his wrist in my mouth. I wanted to push the hand away but when the blood hit my tongue I was like on a sugar frenzy and practically attacked his wrist with my mouth. (AI: It's 2:54am I'm tired people cut me some slack here)

I glanced at my arms to see the cuts disappear as a tingle runs through them. When they were gone Finn took his wrist from my mouth and wiped my face with my towel. "I'm sorry Finn" I said. "It's okay boo. Just don't do it again." he said. I nodded and hugged him.

Those were three of the many memories I remembered and practically envisioned. I weeped when the memories came to my present happening. The memories went away and I sat in the bed being a baby. I had no Ryan, she was visiting her family her mom a werewolf and her father a vampire really nice peeps. But I still didn't have her. No Hambo and no Finn. Just me and these sheets.

(You can start the music now)
I'm not a stranger.

I heard the front door open but stayed still.

I am yours

Finn floated up the latter to the room. He liked at me and cane and sat next to me on the bed. "You good?" He asked. I shook my head. "no" "Well what happened." he asked pulling me into a hug. "I don't wanna talk about it now." I weeped pathetically. He rubbed my back length hair and said "When your ready to talk just tell me." I nodded. "Thanks Finn" I said "Anytime, Boo"

And I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists, I find it when I am cut

Yay I updated at 3:15 in the morning. Well at least in Chicago.

Hope you enjoyed my sleep deprivation writing I wrote longer when I'm sleepy. I just caught a cold I know because I was sneezing and I can smell my mucous and I have this scratch on my neck that burns when I touch it, all I have to do is put my finger a millimetre from it and it burns. I've been getting scratches I don't remember having before. I thinks it's my little brother. Also I put my OC/Friend that hangs out in my brain in the story. She'll have appearances later in the story just not today tomorrow. Before auto correct fixed tomorrow tomorrow was spelled tooomoooorrrow because when I'm sleepy I seem to behave like a drunk. Now my eyelid is twitching.

That whole paragraph was  random and not that necessary. -rolls eyes shrugs shoulders- oh well. Good night enjoy

BYE GUNTHERS until next time

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