Chapter 14: New year's special

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hi I decided to do a new years special instead  of both Christmas and New year's. I really wanted to do both but I'm lazy and then I'm gonna have another Christmas chapter so I didn't want to do too much Christmas. Maybe I'll change it to thanksgiving so it won't seem like I'm doing too much on the Christmas part. Anyways here's the story. And plus it wouldn't be special because I do Christmas all the time.

New year's eve

Marceline's POV

I sat in the dark of Finn's living room with a wine glass of red sparkling grape juice. With a few candles by me I read this book on my tablet PB gave me for Christmas on this app called Wattpad. There was this girl named I_love_Marshall-lee1 she was pretty weird, cool and slightly crazy. But aren't we all? Too bad she's gone now. I sat on the floor in a red shirt, some shorts and black leggings with polka dots on them and red high tops. Anyways I was reading this book I forget what it's called but I read:

I wrapped my arms around his neck as continues to strip my clothes off me from the bottom to top. He grabbed my hips and drove his-

I stopped reading and squealed "OH MY GOD!"  Catching the tablet before it slipped out my hands and turned it off and sitting it on the floor next to me. I drunk the rest of the grape juice on my glass and went to get more. There was no more red so I went to the freezer to get the white sparkling grape juice. I opened the cork and poured some in the glass. I sat back down and drank my juice humming a tune. Finn floated into the room and sat next to me. "Wassup little book worm. I'm surprised you aren't reading right now." I rolled my eyes at what he said "Finn have you ever considered keeping thoughts to yourself?" I asked him. "Yeah but what's the fun in that?" He answered. I looked at him as he floated over the couch chuckling to himself.

"You dick!" I said fighting the urge to punch him. He chuckled and made the candles die down. I folded my arms and mumbled 'I hate you.' I sat against the wall with my arms folded and my legs crossed. The candles lit back up and Finn crawled in front of me until his face was only inches away from mine and he had a wide smile with his mouth full of rigid fangs. Though I kept my glare up, cold and hard. I folded my arms showing I wasn't gonna crack and the candles went back out. Marceline. I heard echo through the halls. I stood up and grabbed my axe bass, and heard the whisper echo in a different direction this time.

"Finn quit playing." I shouted. "What does thou lips speak of now?" I heard Finn yell sarcastically from upstairs. MARCELINE! I heard again. Then something reached out and grabbed my leg and I let out a scream and slashed at the thing pulling me. "FINN!" I screamed out after some stinky fluid splashed me in the face. I cringed at the stench and tried to fight off the creature who still had my leg. "FINN!" I yelled louder this time. I swung at the arm on my leg and the hand came off the arm and the hand fell limp to the carpet letting go of my leg. I screamed pretty creeped out and finally heard something come down the steps. I got off the floor and ran towards the steps as if my life depended on it... well my life did depend on it. 

The candles lit back up and I saw Finn and jumped on him. He luckily caught me but tried to put me back on the ground. But I held my legs around him tightly holding on. "Something grabbed my leg!" I screamed like a little girl. I shook pathetically as he held me in his strong arms. Wait what? We saw something go from a pile of arms and intestines and goop to a human shaped person who looked business-y and had a blond bun and look like a woman. "Mom?" Finn said putting me down. "Yes Finn it is me. Now give mommy a kiss!" I held onto Finn and his 'mom' walked towards us and he jerked away from his mother. "You could at least give me a kiss since your little human tried to cut off my limbs." She said with a sinister smile.

(AI: M-O-N-S-T-E-R monsters monsters so bizarre M-O-N-S-T-E-R monsters monsters yes we are!)

"And with our family axe." She continued on as if I attacked her first. Oh such modest mommy we have here. Slow clap. Finn nudged me in my side meaning he probably read my mind. I folded my arms a pout present on my face. "Oh dear how old are you, 7?" She mocked my pout. So I replied with "Mentally yes." Her smirk dropped to a scowl. We both growled at each other and Finn stepped away. "We can tell you've been brought up by Finn." She said smirking. Why she was smirking though, my guess was as good as yours. "Well we can tell you've been eating a bunch cream puffs honey, look at the pudding pack your rocking." I snarled. "Oh, slut, put on some clothes!" She shot back.

"Well, grandma, maybe you wanna take off some layers, wouldn't want you to stroke out having a hot flash" I said fanning my self to taunt her.

"Little girl, " she said venomously. "Get off the breast and grow the fuck up.

I smacked my lips and spat "Bitch!"

She ran at me and I swung at her with my axe hitting her on the head. We riddled for a while and then when I pinned her on her stomach with her hands behind her back I spat "Seems you're all bark and no bite, huh bitch?" Where is Finn you ask, he's standing on the wall sucking the red out an apple. "Finn you're just gonna let her harass me like this?" She whined under my foot. I rolled my eyes and let her up. She turned to me "Well, Marceline you've earned my respect and trust. I'll be leaving now." She said and left out a portal to the Nightosphere where she ruled.

I turned to Finn and said "I need a nap." and I walked upstairs and took a nap.

Tbh I had no idea what I was doing for this chapter so I just wrote I know today's Christmas but as I explained at the beginning I do Christmas all the time it wouldn't really be a special now would it?



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