Chapter 16: Broken legs, knives and blueberry condoms

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3rd person POV

Marceline walked into Finn's room pouting, red and black striped shirt with a red crop top and skull sagging almost like her expression. Ryan was with Rocky and, like any other person, Marceline didn't like to be a third wheel. It isn't the average enjoyable activity. Finn laid on his bed, sweatpants clinging to his waist and no shirt looking up at his phone.

He looked from his phone, turning it off, and his gaze to Marceline, who made her way to his bed. She got to his bed and let herself plummet onto Finn. "Well, hello to you too," Finn said sarcastically.  She grunts pathetically in response. "What's wrong with you?" Finn asked all amusement drained from his voice. "I thought it was hard when they first started dating but now I've been made a third wheel, in my own home." She said and sighed.

She lies on his abbs one of her hands on his abdomen, spreading her warmth through his cold upper body. Finn rakes his fingers through her messy hair, "Well, tootse, I won't make you a third wheel, and I promise I won't disregard you for a girlfriend anymore." He told her, sitting up on his elbows. Marceline looked up at Finn sadly and said "You promise?" He smiled and roughs up her hair and replies "I promise." He replied honestly.

She nodded lying her head on his chest taking in his scent of man, as she likes to call it. "Finn, do you remember why we don't play hide and seek?" Marceline asked him in a teasing tone. Guilt flashed across his face. "Yes, I do." He said. Finn rested his forehead in his left hand and Marceline smirked.

Once when Marceline was 7 she and Finn were in the house during a knife storm and the power was off, the house lit up by candle light. Marceline and Ryan were trying their hardest to persuade Finn to play hide and seek with them. He finally gave in. He found Ryan and they knew where Marceline was, they could smell her. But they acted as though they couldn't find her. Marceline was in Finn's closet on a shelf and started to panic, so she jumped down from the shelf, broke her leg and cried like a little baby.

"Again, I'll repeat, I'm sorry." Finn said and Marceline chuckled at him. Then Finn sat up against the head board and Marceline laid her head in his lap. "Marcy do you remember the first time you saw a condom?" Finn asked slowly erupting with laughter. "You're never gonna let me live this down." She said trying not to laugh herself. "No I'm not."He said laughing hysterically.  Marceline shook her head and smiled. "I don't know why you got condoms, you get no pussy!"

Marceline was ten years old, venturing through Finn's room with Ryan as usual. Ryan went to his book shelf and stroked the spines of the books. She picked up a book frantically. "Marceline! This book is called how to cook children!" Marceline walked over to her hybrid friend. "No, you idiot, that says How to cook for children!" She yelled at her friend. Ryan wasn't always on the bright side, sometimes she still isn't. Ryan looked back at the book "Oh..." Ryan put the book back.

Marceline walked away shaking her head. She walked to his brown wooden dresser and pulled open a drawer. Marceline giggled and pulled out a pair of blue plaid boxers. "Ryan, look!" Ten year old Marcy exclaims. Ryan looked around and saw the boxers and laughed. She walked in very to Marceline and they both savagely rummaged through the drawer, looking at Finn's underwear. They got to the bottom of the door and sighed. Marceline saw something. It was a blue square package that had big words on it. "What's this?!?" "I dunno my have those they say they prevent accidents." Ryan said slightly confused.

Marceline read the words out loud mispronouncing them in the process. "Cone-dooms blueberry." Marceline's raised her eyebrows. What a weird name. "My parents have watermelon." Ryan offered. Marceline looked at Ryan "Really?!?" She said sarcastically. Ryan smacked her lips and they pointed their attention back to the mysterious package.  She opened it and a circular piece of blue rubber came out.

"Well what do you do?" Ryan asked. "I think you blow it up!" Marceline blew into the hole of the rubber object and it enflated. She tied it up and sniffed it. "It smells like BLUE BERRIES!" Marceline cheered. "I wonder how it tastes" Ryan said. Marceline handed it to Ryan and Ryan licked it. "It tastes like blue berries too!" Ryan said. They heard a door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. "What are you two doing?!?" Finn yelled and the girls squealed and ran in Marceline's room and hid in the chest dropping the item. Finn shook his head "little brats."

Marceline laughed and Finn nudged her. "What it's true!" She giggled. "How would you know?" Finn said glaring at her. "Because I'm always around." Finn sighed and shook his head. After a while of sitting there and letting her thoughts crowd her mind. Like how she was made a third wheel sometimes or when she used to cut herself. She sat up and sat with her legs over the side of Finn's bed. Finn sat up next to her.

"You okay?" He asked her, a concerned look on his face. She nodded. "How many times have I told you that you were beautiful?" He asked her "I dunno, plenty." She responded. "Did you ever believe it." "Yes." She breathed put as he got closer slowly "How come" He said his face coming closer to hers. "Because you told me." She breathed out the words as his cold lips brushed hers, then finally his cold lips latched onto hers softly.

The kiss was interrupted when Marceline's phone rang causing her to gasp and jump. She answered it, the call was from Ryan. "Hello?"

"You can come home now, Rocky decided to be a jackass." Ryan sighed from the other end of the phone.

"What'd he do?" "I'll tell you when you get here."

"Okay, bye." And with that Marceline hung up and put her phone in her purse and grabbed it. She got up and said "I-I'll see you later Finn." Marceline said. "Alright" he nodded. Marceline trotted down the stairs and out the door. When she closed it she leaned her back against the door. In his room Finn laid back down on his bed. "Duude" they both said with their eyes closed.

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