Chapter 6- The Reunion

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Eden's POV
The last act gets off stage and I'm immediately filled with nerves. I don't quite know why I'm nervous, I've wanted this day to come for over 5 years, now it's here. Mariana walks into the room, beaming. "Hey sweetie! Do you want to do individual meetings with your family, or all at once?", she asks in her usual sing-songie voice. I have to thing for a bit. I decide on individual, but I want to be surprised on who it is, so I ask Mariana to have them put their names in a hat and draw one at a time to see me. She walks out the room, and I start smiling like a psycho from all the excitement. Mariana knocks and I turn around to face the back wall. The door opens and closes, so I spin towards it. I see Lisa standing there, a single tear escapes from her eye. "Klise", I scream, running into her arms. We both break down in each other's arms, sobbing, so happy to be back together. We collect ourselves and sit on the couch in my dressing room. "So tell me your favorite things, there's so much I don't know" Lisa asks. I ramble about theatre, dance, singing, writing, playing guitar, swim team, my friends, everything I love. We y'all back and forth until Mariana comes in. "Hey girls, I hate to cut y'all short, but everyone really wants to see you, y'all can talk more later, I promise.", Mariana says to us chatter boxes.

Lisa leaves the room and, once again, I turn and face the back wall, filled with the same adrenaline again. I hear someone enter the room, but before I can walk to her, she's already in my arms. "Hey Bunny", I whisper into my little sister's ear. "Hi Edee", she responds, choking up. I carry her to the couch and hold her close, like if I loosened my grip, I would lose her again. We talk for 15 minutes, about me, about her joining the band, about memories, all  whilst she's in my arms. Mariana, once again, says everyone is going crazy and that I need to shorten our reunions to 10 minutes. I don't really like that idea, but I am leaving with them tonight, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem.

I have to practically pry Dani out of my arms, but eventually she heads back to the rest of the family. I don't feel nervous after 2 good encounters, just VERY excited. Another one of my family members enters the room and scoops me up before I can look at them, just from that I know it's Michael. I hug him as tight as I can. He has always made me feel so safe, that definitely is one thing that hasn't changed. He jumps onto the couch with me in his arms, something he used to do with me all the time. We laugh about old memories for our whole 10 minutes, no get to know you icebreakers like I did with the girls. Mariana barges in once again. "Come on Michael, we still have 10 more people to get through", she says stern.

Michael goes out into the hallway and turns the corner. I decide not turn around and just to sit on the couch this time. After a bit of waiting, a timid little boy walks in the room. "Hi Joey", I say softly. Expecting him to stay where he is, I don't move, but much to my surprise, be leaps into my arms and says, "Hi Eden!" He clearly isn't why anymore, as he spends our entire 10 minutes telling me about sports and piano. As expected Mariana cuts our conversation short and fetches Joey. I realize this is taking forever, so I think that going in pairs would work best now. I inform Mariana as her and Joey leave the room

It's hard to describe what I'm feeling right now. I know these people, but I don't at the same time. I practically contemplate all of life whilst Mariana retrieves the next two Cimorelli's.

A.N: hey guys i really don't have the energy to finish the reunions tonight so i might just have them come in one big group...let me know what y'all think!
<3 mik

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