Chapter 15- Alex's Trial

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Eden's POV
It's been about two weeks since Alex and Mariana were taken into custody. The whole family is shaken up, mostly Lauren and Dani. Laur is so close to Alex, I'm sure she feels betrayed, and Dani, my little Bunny had to hear her older brother confess to a crime at just 9 years old.

Today is the day of the trial, and needless to say, I'm terrified. I have to testify against my brother and the person who made me feel safe for so long. And if it couldn't get any worse, Nicole is going to be there too. She basically shut me out since her mom was arrested, I'm sure she blames me, which is understandable. I just want her to talk to me, I need my Coco, the person I felt most comfortable with for so long.

I didn't even realize I was crying until Christina walked into our room and asked, "What's wrong?" I sit in silence for a while, contemplating what to say. "I-I'm thinking about Nicole.", I respond carefully. Chris sighs as she plops on my bed next to me. "Yea, I can't say I wouldn't be doing the same thing if I was in your situation.", she pauses, choosing her words wisely. "All we know is this is hard on her, she's 11 and her mom is pleading guilty to attempted murder. What you need to do is be the bigger person, if she needs a hug, give her one. If she wants to be left alone, allow that. After today I do want you to message Nicole and make sure she's ok. Most likely Mariana will be behind bars for a very long time, that's gonna be hard to cope with.", Christina says. "Thanks Chrissy", I say while hugging her

*time skip*

I enter the court room, trembling. Amy agreed to stand next to me as I give my testimony, which is calming my nerves slightly. My family takes a seat in the pews while Mom, Amy, and I meet my attorney in the prosecution booth. My attorney, Taylor, who happens to be Officer Morgado's younger sister, lays out our plan of action for the trial. I look to the defendant side of the room and see Nicole, staring into space, clearly distraught.

Alex enters the now full room, hands shackled like he's some form of animal, and it breaks my heart. He takes a seat at the defendant's booth. The judge begins the trial with all the legal stuff, then turns to my brother in custody. "Hello Alexander. Do you mind explaining everything?.", the man in a black, silk robe asks Alex. He simply nods and begins his statement.

"Well, uhm, it started the day before. Mariana approached me at the beach. She walked up to me and said something like 'you need to give me your sister tomorrow or you'll be dead. I'll give you money for your services.' I was obviously terrified for my own life, so I brought Eden to her in the middle of the night. I didn't realize she was going to kill her until I handed E to Mariana. I wanted to take her back, but I was too scared to. When we found out Eden was ok, I was shocked and confused. My baby sister, Dani, must've realized because she pulled me in her room and forced me to spill. I didn't tell her about the part where my life was threatened or that I didn't want Edee to die, I had too much pride. I didn't know what was going to happen. Yea, that's it.", He explains, I can tell he's being truthful, I just hope everyone else can.

I am called up to the stand to testify. Amy and I walk up to the podium and take an Oath of Honesty. I take a deep breath and begin telling my story.

"Well, I don't remember much, but when I woke up I felt myself being held by the ankles, with my hands and feet tied. I was thrown into a river and began to panic. I carefully did dolphin kicks to the surface and floated on my back till I hit a rock, where I was able to untie my restraints. I slept there for the rest of the night and began walking through the woods, sleeping on the ground for another night and ultimately finding a neighborhood and getting home. I just want to make one thing clear, I know my brother, Alex, very well. I can tell when he was lying, and he wasn't just now. I'm not trying to cover for him, I'm under oath.", I say.

I step of the podium and follow Amy back to our chairs. The jury leaves the room to come to a conclusion. What feels like an eternity later, all eight of the pedestrians enter the room, one holding an envelope. The judge opens the encasing and carefully thinks momentarily. "Alexander Dante Cimorelli, the State if California has sentenced you with one month of community service under the charge of forceful assist in attempted murder."

I beam, so great full my older brother wasn't given some crazy punishment. The jury is refreshed which can only mean one thing, Mariana.

A.N: hey guys it's mickey! i wanted to write more but it's almost ten o'clock at night and i had a long day bc of swim team so i'm tired lol. i hope y'all liked this chapter. also, if you got the taylor/officer morgado thing please comment you did bc you are real one. anyways, dms always open <3 mik

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