Chapter 1 - Psycho

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Jazz music scattered throughout the dining room, the guests all dressed in the utmost elegant clothing while clapping their hands in acknowledgement to the event's performer, who bowed toward them before she disappeared behind the red curtains. 

Ignoring the next performer who emerged from the curtains, Wei Wuxian remained seated in utter boredom by a table packed with unappetizing food that the rich would ravish in. Wuxian's hollowed-out eyes remained trained against a gorgeous woman sitting beside him, a woman who wouldn't stop spouting absolute nonsense, in hopes of gaining a few cheap laughs from her peers.

All decked out in one of his best evening attire, Wuxian faked a few laughs while sipping on red wine as he surrounded himself with unintelligent people. People who didn't value his time, yet Wuxian remained unmoving for he couldn't take his eyes off the beauty with skin white like pearl itself.

When the woman twisted her head to smile a Wuxian, he returned a much more pleasing one, for Wuxian had great ideas for the woman whose lips were painted in a luscious red Wuxian planned on smearing upon her face later on while hearing her screams as he buried himself deep within her.


Hours dragged by until the business dinner finally came to an end. A dinner that was catered to wealthy businessmen and women, some entrepreneurs, some managers of corporations, authors, artists, and photographers. Wuxian, being one of the absolute best photographers in all of Beijing had received an invitation to attend, which he gladly did.

Stepping outside, Wuxian's eyes landed on the beautiful woman once more. Smirking a devilish grin, Wuxian fixed his crooked black suit, heading straight for the red Mercedes stationed in the parking lot, Ignoring the woman he knew he would be having wrapped around his arms before the night's up. 


Sitting peacefully in his parked car side beside the isolated road, Wuxian couldn't help but reminisce about the woman he had his eyes set on from the moment he'd seen her two weeks ago. 

Yes, Wuxian had met her before and stalked her ever since. Her name's Wen Qing, a writer of mysteries and horror. Not knowing that she herself would soon become a victim of horror and mystery.

Wuxian watched as her car drove by him, slowly backing out, the photographer drove behind her. He had been waiting for this moment for two weeks, all he needed to do, was wait for the spikes he had littered the road with earlier to do their work. 


Hearing the sound of tires blowing was like music to Wuxian's ears, wiping the smirk from his sinister face. Wuxian exhaled, opening the car door, transforming himself into a now completely different -concerned person. 

Face filtered with worry, Wuxian marched up to Wen Qing, who stood out of her car, cursing toward the blown-out tire. "Are you alright ma'am? I heard the explosion, did you perhaps blow a tire?"

The Wen Qing spun around, the red silk dress pierced his milky white body. A magnificent creation, Wuxian thought. She was indeed perfect. 

Wen Qing chuckled awkwardly at the dashingly good looking man in front of her. "Ah, it's only you Mr. Wei." Wen Qing sighed in relief, "Yes, but no worries. I'll call for a toll."

"Allow me." Wuxian insisted, grabbing the phone from his pocket before Wen Qing had any time to object. Dialing random numbers, Wuxian pretended to be calling for a toll service, when in fact, he was speaking to one on the other end. 

"They're running a little late." Wuxian beamed, placing the gadget back into his pocket, "Perhaps I should give you a ride?" 

"Oh no." Wen Qing dismissed with a wave of the hand, "I wouldn't want to put you to all that trouble." Wen Qing insisted. 

However, deep down, Wuxian sensed she wanted to go with him. For if he would request again, she wouldn't turn down his offer. 

Wuxian smirked, "It's no trouble at all."


Lying naked beneath the silk sheets, the beautiful writer didn't understand what had prompted her to fall for the devilishly handsome - intimidating man, offering herself to him within minutes of meeting the dashing stranger. This wasn't how she had planned on spending her night, yet, it was one of the best nights she had ever experienced with a random person before. 

Having the photographer wrapped his arms securely around her, she drifted off to sleep, not knowing that it would be the beginning of her eternal rest.


Tracing his fingers along the lines of the sleeping woman, Wuxian pulled a syringe from his pocket, piercing the needle into the woman's flesh. 

Snickering to himself, Wuxian wrapped the sleeping beauty in the red silk sheets. Hoisting the camera from on top of the table, Wuxian's fingers worked magic as he snapped multiple portraits.

Everyone in Beijing knew of the famous photographer Wuxian, What they didn't know was that he was also a collector. 

An art collector, to be specific. 

A photographer by day, and an art collector by night. 

Wuxian's art was no other than the final images of breathtakingly beautiful humans. 


Overhearing the muffled cries coming from his car trunk, Wuxian stepped on the breaks, coming to a halt. Disembarking from the vehicle, the photographer began walking toward the back of his car. Once there, he opened the trunk door, pulling out a wooden suitcase. 

Observing clearly through the darkness, one would be able to see the panic movements of a person stuffed inside. Fortunately for Wuxian, there was no one around, he made sure of that.

Paying no attention to the whimpering woman, Wuxian trekked deep within the woods, heading toward the direction where he'd already dug a grave days ago when he had first graced Wen Qing's presence, for he was confident since that time that he would have her. Once there, Wuxian dropped the suitcase inside. 

Staring at the barely visible movements coming from the suitcase, Wuxian's hallowed silver eyes held no sort of emotion as he began filling the grave with dirt until the whimpers could no longer be heard.

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