Chapter 5 - Game Changer

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Before Wuxian had any time to react, Lan Wangji's grip tightened, slamming the photographer's head into the car window, prompting the glass to crack against impact. 

Studying Wuxian's depressing state with his empty eyes, Lan Wangji ran his slender fingers across Wuxian's blood-coated face. The actor hummed in content upon observing the unconscious man nestled comfortably within his arms, like if he belonged there. Leaning toward Wuxian's ear, Lan Wangji said, "I'm doing you a favor."


The chilled night air swept through the cracks of the cold hardened walls, biting at his pale flesh, Wuxian groaned in a pained voice, the ache in his head from being hit earlier, simply intensified ten times worse causing Wuxian to flutter his silver eyes open, only to be engulfed in absolute darkness.

Glancing around, Wuxian couldn't help but wonder, how on earth did he end up here?

Even though he knew it was all Lan Wangji's doing, Wuxian couldn't quite understand how an innocent-looking person such as Lan Wangji could be capable of kidnapping him. He's the one who should be doing the kidnapping, not Lan Wangji. Talk about a turn of events.

Turns out, the actor's just as messed up as Wuxian. Perhaps even more so since the room, Wuxian's presently in, wasn't an ordinary basement. The white walls - like an insane asylum, were designed to keep noises in, and there were chains - so many chains hung upon the walls. 

Wuxian glanced up at the wall his back sat, braced against, pulling against a set of chains that kept him in place. "Lan Wangji." Wuxian muttered to himself, "What are you up too?" 

Wuxian pulled some more until his wrist stood covered in bruises, realizing it's no use as the chains were far too thick, Wuxian sighed, dropping his head in defeat. Being a professional in the field of killing himself, Wuxian could tell that this wasn't Lan Wangji's first time. The actor probably had dozens of people down here already. 

However, the question remained, what had Lan Wangji done to those poor unfortunate souls?


Hours appeared to have drifted by, yet, Wuxian couldn't help but tiredly tug upon the shackles, hoping they might somehow magically snap under pressure. They didn't.

How could he let this happen to him? 

Why did he have to be so careless? 

Damn him for underestimating Lan Wangji. 

No matter, things take time, Wuxian will get back at Lan Wangji if it's the last thing he does. With every fiber in his being, Wuxian would not rest until he got his revenge on Lan Wangji.

Hearing the cracks of an open door, Wuxian's gaze darted toward the tall figure by the entrance. The older man wasn't scared, however, he wasn't too pleased either. With a scolded frown upon his resting bitch-face, Wuxian waits for Lan Wangji to explain himself, then he will kill the bastard with his bare hands, as soon as Lan Wangji removes the shackles, that is.

Flicking the lights on, Lan Wangji marched up to the chained figure who sat upon the cold hardened floors. Lan Wangji smirked at the breathtaking sight before him.

"Hungry?" Lan Wangji snickered, dangling the bag of hamburgers in the air.

"What's the meaning of this you brat?" Wuxian tugged at the chains, "Is this your definition of getting back at me? Just wait till I get my hands on you. You're finished, you hear me. Finish I say!"

Lan Wangji hummed, eyes staring blankly at the older, "You done?" Lan Wangji deadpanned, as though bored by Wuxian's outburst.

Wuxian's lips parted, only no words came out. What was wrong with this psycho? Wuxian felt even he wasn't as absurd as Lan Wangji.

Hearing nothing but silence from the latter, Lan Wangji continued, "Good." Lan Wangji dropped the bag in front of the latter, "Eat up Wei Ying." Lan Wangji grinned, "Oh, and don't forget to make yourself at home, cause you won't be leaving any time soon. Or, ever." Lan Wangji chuckled at his bland joke. 

When Wuxian didn't bother to reply, Lan Wangji cleared his throat, "I hope this gives you time to reflect upon your wrongdoings." Lan Wangji turned his back on Wuxian, "Goodnight my Wei Ying. I'll leave the light on just so you won't get scared."

Taking one last glance over his shoulder, Lan Wangji directed a sinister glare toward the older, seconds before stepping out and shutting the door behind him.


The actor had done plenty of investigation upon Wuxian after the photographer took it upon himself to break into Lan Wangji's house. That's when everything came tumbling down. 

Wuxian wasn't any ordinary man, no, he's a deranged psychopath. A murderer, who enjoyed spending the night with his victims, before ending their life. Not forgetting the hundreds of pictures he would take of them before he'd committed his gruesome murder. 

Surprisingly, that didn't bother Lan Wangji, for he too is a bit messed up in the head. Still, at least he doesn't take pictures of them. Talk about creepy. No, Lan Wangji's considerate. He just kills them when they decide to break into his home. You can't blame the poor man, he's only protecting himself from intruders. It's not his fault for keeping them locked away in his underground basement for many days, torturing them until they begged for death. 

It's their own fault for wanting to come into his peaceful home. Lan Wangji was just giving them a warm welcome. 

However, Wuxian's a rare case, he fascinated Lan Wangji. Yes, Lan Wangji had lusted over the older man when he'd first laid eyes upon Wuxian. But it wasn't all lust, it grew deeper. It felt like love at first sight. Unfortunately, neither men were in their proper senses to figure out what ‘love’, actually is. 

What Lan Wangji didn't know though, was that Wei Wuxian himself, in his own twisted mind, was feeling somewhat the same, otherwise, the photographer wouldn't have stalked him to the point where Wuxian had grown somewhat obsessed over the actor.

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