Chapter 3 - Stalker?

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As promised, Wuxian stayed up the entire night preparing Lan Wangji's pictures. He only hoped that the actor would appreciate his hard work, for he had put a lot of effort into making sure they turned out perfect, almost as perfect as Lan Wangji himself - almost. Now, Wuxian was heading to the studio to see the man himself, who had captured his attention in being his next potential victim. 


Wei Wuxian's gaze averted toward the entrance of the studio door where he was earlier asked to wait, a young man stepped in. Seeing the innocent smile which stretched across Lan Wangji's face, made Wuxian crave the porcelain beauty further. 

"Forgive my lateness, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji halted in front of the older man, sticking his hand out for a shake, "I got caught up with a few renovations at home. I'm making a few adjustments." Lan Wangji winked at the older, making a blush to unknowingly appear across his cheeks, "Now let's see what you've got here, shall we?"

Wuxian nodded sheepishly, beckoning Lan Wangji toward the central table where he'd sent on display, all of the previous day's portrait he'd taken of the young actor.


The presentation ended just as quickly as it had begun, prompting Wuxian to seek another method of wooing the young actor since he was unlucky at gaining any attention from the latter throughout the small amount of time they were together. 

Although Wuxian quickly got annoyed from the lack of attention he'd been receiving from Lan Wangji, Wuxian got to acquired more about the young man's behavior, for when it came to business, Lan Wangji was nothing but professional, so all of the tiny gestures Wuxian been throwing at the actor had been futile.

Still, in Wuxian's messed up mind, his pride was somehow hurt, he couldn't help but feel as if Lan Wangji suddenly lost interest in him. Only yesterday Lan Wangji was all over Wuxian, what made him become so distant all of a sudden? Was Wuxian not good-looking enough for him? How dare he?


Standing outside of Lan Wangji's private office building, it was now or never for Wuxian, he had to say something - anything if he wanted to - in the near future, spend a night with the actor. 

Clearing his throat, Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan, Forgive my bluntness, but, perhaps later on - tomorrow maybe, you might like to have dinner with me?" 

A few seconds of awkward silence befell upon them, however, Wuxian's silver eyes never left Lan Wangji's golden pair, for Wuxian's lingering gaze was filled with a threat as if daring the other to refuse him, only to show Lan Wangji what he was capable of if that latter choose to refuse him.

Lan Wangji glanced downward, somewhat ashamed of what he was about to say, "Wei Ying, I'm afraid that won't be possible." Although Wuxian might've captured Lan Wangji's attention, the actor's contract wouldn't allow him to date. This was something he had come to regret, and even if he wanted too, a contract is a contract, he couldn't breach it. Looking back at Wuxian with a pair of puppy eyes, Lan Wangji continued, "After all, I am a busy man. But I'm sure we'll meet again. I still have your number, perhaps I would call you some time." Wuxian's eyes twitched, but he remained quiet, "Until then. Goodbye Wei Ying." Lan Wangji smiled innocently, stretching his hand for a simple farewell shake with the older. 

Dumbfounded, Wuxian stared at the outstretched hand for a few seconds. Dull-witted actor, Wuxian had intended on going soft on him. Even actually considering being with him. But no. Lan Wangji didn't want that. Indeed, they would meet again, only, it wouldn't be in a welcoming circumstance. 

Smiling bitterly, Wuxian extended his hand, shaking Lan Wangji's own, not withdrawing until he'd given the younger man a squeeze or two.


In the past few weeks, when coming back from the studio, and the instant he'd step foot inside his home, Lan Wangji couldn't help but feel uneasy. It was as if another presence had been lingering within the comforts of his home. If that's the case, it wouldn't have been the first. Being an actor wasn't all rainbows and sunshine, Lan Wangji had come across many obsessive fans throughout his years, and some of them weren't harmless encounters.

The young actor knew he had to find the trespasser, and if his hunch were correct, he knew exactly who that person so happens to be. 

Lan Wangji had been seeing the older man's face constantly in the passing weeks, ever since their first encounter back at his studio, lingering in the corner, snapping pictures every so often. Unaware that he, himself, was being watched by the actor.


Smirking at the monitor in front of him, Lan Wangji bit his lower lip seeing the familiar face that was captured on one of his multiple hidden security cameras he had installed a while back.

When Lan Wangji first met Wuxian, he never would've thought that the innocent-looking man could be capable of doing something like this. Not that Lan Wangji minded. In fact, it was rather amusing. 

Still, he had planned on considering meeting Wuxian, possibly to go on a date with the photographer, for he'd been growing a sort of soft spot for the older man he had only met once. 

But a stalker? 

No, that just won't do.

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