Chapter 9 - You Stayed

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"Wei Ying!?" Lan Wangji burst through the front door like a bolt of passing lightning.

It was late, the halls stood empty and the house seemed quiet, a little too quiet, and Wuxian, well he happens to be nowhere in sight. 

Heart thumping loudly within his chest, the actor ran through the many corridors shouting for Wuxian, however, he heard no response. 

Lan Wangji couldn't believe it, Wuxian did run away. How could he? He promised. Now Wuxian's going to get caught and it's all Lan Wangji's fault for placing his trust in the older man.

Tears unknowingly clouded Lan Wangji's eyes as he rummaged through doorways, yet, he still couldn't find Wuxian. Stumbling his way to the last door, which so happens to be his bedroom, Lan Wangji presently lost all hope.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji whimpered out, Pushing the door open, a breath of relief will Lan Wangji's parted lips seeing the familiar figure lying in his bed, a book rested against his chest, spectacles laid upon the tabletop, and the man in question lay soundly asleep. 

He didn't run. 

He had the chance, and he didn't. 

A wave of satisfaction swept over Lan Wangji as he looked up to the heavens, thanking the Lord for answering his prayers. Then, with one swift movement, Lan Wangji speed-walked up to the older man, not caring that he's sleeping. 

Immediately the younger grabbed hold of Wuxian, squeezing him into a tight embrace against his chest. A childish smile stretched across his face, as fresh tears of bliss poured from his golden eyes. Lan Wangji was happy, happy that he'll finally get his Wei Ying all to himself. For he had a lot of time to think while he was driving back home, and come to think of it, the cops finding out about Wuxian wasn't such a bad thing anymore. Now, Wuxian would never be able to leave.

Wuxian's eyes darted open, shocked at the sudden embrace, yet, he made no indication of wanting the latter to let go. For it so happens to be the first time anyone had ever held him in such a caring way.

"What are you doing?" Wuxian muttered, his face squish against the younger man's chest. Feeling tiny droplets of liquid beads fell upon his face, Wuxian glanced up. 

Suddenly Wuxian's heart paused a beat, a sharp pain igniting within him, a pain that shouldn't have happened, but it did, upon seeing the sobbing beauty beside him. 

Why was Wangji crying? 

Did someone hurt him? 

Wuxian would end them for laying a hand on his Wangji. Wait. His Wangji? 

No, no, no. This can't be happening. Shaking his head from side to side, attempting to get those crazy thoughts far off from him as possible, Wuxian lightly pushed the younger man away. 

Then, Wuxian hoisted himself up, sitting upon the bed, his gaze never left the tearful man who sat beside him. "What's wrong?" Wuxian questioned, surprising himself by the genuine concern that filled his voice.

With shaking hands, Lan Wangji wiped at his tear-stained face, "I thought that you had run away -"

"I told you that I wouldn't." Wuxian interrupted.

"I know, it's just - nevermind." Lan Wagji cleaned at the last remaining bit of tear, "I'm glad you didn't though. There's something I have to tell you, Wei Ying, you see, even if you wanted too you can't anymore." The frown upon Lan Wangji's face gradually appeared into a sinister smirk, "They found out who you are - a murderer." Lan Wangji chuckled, "You're stuck with me forever my Wei Ying. You can never leave me. Never -"

Before Lan Wangji could get another word out, a stinging pain burned from his porcelain cheek, turning it red instantly. Wuxian had just slapped him. 

Eyes now a flaming red, Wuxian grabbed the younger man by his collar, "What did you do you crazy bastard?" With teary eyes, Lan Wangji pouted, hoping it would have an effect on the latter, unfortunately, it didn't, "Answer me!" Wuxian shouted.

Lan Wangji heaved a deep sigh, he wasn't too pleased with Wuxian's response, to be honest, the crazy psycho should be happy that they'll get to be spending more time together. 

Growing irritated from the older man's endless shouting in his face, Lan Wangji grew annoyed and punched Wuxian square in the jaw. Slipping off the bed, he fixed his shirt while glaring at Wuxian who sat, wiping the droplets of blood off his lips. 

Lan Wangji rolled his eyes, regretting his sudden outbreak, "I didn't do anything okay. Don't blame me for your negligence. You brought this upon yourself -"

"LanZhan, What the hell did I do?!" Wei Wuxian remained furious.

Lan Wangji sighed, "Seriously? That's what you're asking me. You killed people Wei Ying, and now, the police found out. They're looking for you. If you don't believe me, you can check the news for yourself, I heard that's the only thing they've been covering right now. You know if they find you, you'll probably be hanged right?" 

Wuxian's eyes widen. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Why does this have to happen to him? All he wanted to do was kill people in peace goddammit. This was all Lan Wangji's fault, ever since the brat showed up in his life, nothing was the same, and if he didn't kidnap Wuxian, none of this would've happened.

Wuxian got up, pointing an accusing finger toward the latter, "This is all your fault you brat. Mark my words, you're going to pay for what you've done -"

"Now now." Lan Wangji beckoned with his hand, "No need for threats. You said it yourself, we're in this together, remember? So. Considering I'm going to be your sole provider. Since you can't leave." Lan Wangji snickered, "You need to start doing as I say, okay? Good. Secondly, all I'm asking is for you to give me a chance, and love me in return. If you do so, I promise to love you until my dying day." Lan Wangji beamed, yes, with the police finding out about Wuxian definitely wasn't so bad after all. 

Wuxian stared confusedly at Lan Wangji, Was this nut job serious? Did he expect Wuxian would actually stay in this prison home with him? 

He's most definitely out of his mind.

Trying to hold back his frustration, Wuxian marched up to Lan Wangji, "You want me to stay?" Lan Wangji nodded happily, "Alright pretty boy. I'll stay. But don't blame me for whatever happens next." Lan Wangji pouted.

Wuxian huffed, "And wipe that stupid pout off your face, you look ridiculous." Wuxian had enough of this, about to turn around and head out the room, only to be frozen in place as Lan Wangji 's cold hands cupped his cheeks. 

"As you wish my Wei Ying," Lan Wangji responded, attaching his lips upon Wuxian own for a simple peck seconds before pulling away while chuckling and grinning like a madman. 

Bloody brat, Wuxian will get you back for that. 

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