Chapter 6 - Two Could Play

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Why does it feel like Wuxian had been trapped in this hell-hole since forever?

Perhaps it was forever.

Perhaps he was dead and this was his personal hell for having murdered innocent people. If that was the case, he deserved it.

There was once a time Wuxian believed that he was insane - a fucking lunatic even. However, he was nothing compared to that deceiving man who goes by the name of Lan Wangji.

Instead of torturing him, the actor had decided to play mind games with the photographer. Well, that's what Wuxian kept telling himself, otherwise, why would Lan Wangji be kind to him? It has to be some sort of amusement.

It's been so many days since he'd been rotting away in this stinking prison, Wuxian lost count. Still, he couldn't complain, for he wasn't being treated as a prisoner, Lan Wangji had taken care of him as if Wuxian was royalty.

Now, Wuxian was left with mixed feelings. He didn't know if whatever he was feeling for the Lan Wangji happens to be real or not. Wuxian was confused to the point of snapping.

Lan Wangji had made Wuxian grow so comfortable around the actor he probably wouldn't even run if given the chance. Maybe he was slowly developing Stockholm syndrome?


"Goddammit, Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji snapped out of utter desperation, "Haven't I been good to you? Haven't I given you everything you've asked for? Why are you being so damn stubborn? Eat God dammit! Please." Lan Wangji forced a silver spoon jammed with cream-filled porage down Wuxian's throat.

"Lan Zhan, let me go." Wuxian muttered, after swallowing the tasteless substance, "I've learned my lesson. Please, you'll never hear from me again. I'll vanish forever."

"Wei Ying, I can't do that." Lan Wangji replied, forcing another spoonful down Wuxian's throat, "You've murdered so many people, can't you see that I'm keeping you here for your own good? I'm protecting you from yourself. And, I don't want you to disappear. I'll keep you safe, right here, where no one can harm you."

Droplets of silvery beads fell from his golden eyes as Lan Wangji cradled the younger man within his arms, whom he had grown fond of over the passing weeks.

Lan Wangji held the older man like a child as he fed him, afraid Wuxian might slip away. Lan Wangji blamed himself, it was his fault Wuxian was in this helpless state.

Lan Wangji had fallen in love, as stupid as it may sound, he fell so deep, he wouldn't even deny it if anyone was to ask. However, Wuxian wasn't to be trusted, and the older man would probably never share the same feelings as Lan Wangji.

Wuxian had become weak, too weak for his own good. Well, that's what he wanted Lan Wangji to think. For you see, Wuxian might not be physically strong as the younger man, however, he has a mind of deception.

Spending time with Lan Wangji, Wuxian came to the realization that the actor had a soft spot for him. Something Wuxian wishes to never achieve. He may admire Lan Wangji and wants him in his bed, yes, but that's all it was, he didn't love the man.

Wuxian lifted his hand, gently caressing Lan Wangji's cheek, for he very well knows the impact he was having over the younger man, "I can't stay here much longer Lan Zhan. Even a terrible person such as me will go insane. Don't you trust me?"

Lan Wangji sniffed at his running nose, "I trust you -"

"Then let me out." Wuxian interrupted, a sickening glare lingered in his eyes that didn't go unnoticed by Lan Wangji.

"You promise you won't run?" Lan Wangji asked, "That you'll stay with me and allow me to protect you forever?"

Wuxian smirked, "I promise."


Welcoming the warmth of the sun's rays as it caressed his pale features, Wuxian was finally able to breathe once more after being held captive by the crazy love-struck sociopathic actor.

Glancing over his shoulder, Wuxian could see the actor piercing gaze upon him, Lan Wangji stood merely a few feet away from the photographer, not trusting him, as Wuxian might attempt to run away, not that he could, for Lan Wangji's home stood upon acres of land. Wei Wuxian trying to escape would be the equivalent of him asking for death, not that Lan Wangji would kill him, no, Wuxian would just be locked away until his dying day.

Wuxian was well aware of that, yes, he was finally outside, unfortunately, chances of escaping were very slim.

But then again, did Wuxian want to escape?

Lan Wangji had put the photographer to shame at his own game, causing Wuxian to seem like an utter fool.

Now it was time to get back at the actor.

Well, two could play at that game.

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