Chapter 11 - Drunken Confession

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Heartbeat racing, Wuxian allowed his body to drop against the satin sheets, having Lan Wangji hovered over him like a hungry lion, Wuxian couldn't help but close his eyes at the feeling of being loved by a beast much like himself for the first time in forever. 

Wuxian was well aware that despite the growing hunger within those flaming golden eyes, Lan Wangji's tender caressing wasn't from hunger, no, it was love - deeply hidden love. 

"Tonight." Lan Wangji swiftly tore off his own shirt, "I'm going to show you what it's like to be loved, and I promise Wei Ying." Sinking back down, Wuxian's hands were hoisted in a painfully tight grip above his head by the younger, "I'll be the best you've ever tasted." Lan Wangji licked the shell of Wuxian's ears, gaining a meek tremble in return. Lan Wangji smirked at that, then said, "I'm going to stay on your mind, you'll be craving for more." 

The younger man moved his lips, attaching them to the pink beads that adorn Wuxian's chest, gaining a whimper from the older. Soothing and absorbing at the now pink, hardened nipples, Lan Wangji didn't stop until Wuxian finally gave in to a desirable moan. "Do you like that?" Lan Wangji questioned, gaining a pitiful nod from the older. 

Lan Wangji gasped at the sight he'd created with just his tongue, couldn't wait any longer, Lan Wangji stripped them both fully naked from any obstacles. When done, Lan Wangji laid nestled between Wuxian's parted thighs. 

"Wei Ying, do you know that I've kissed your lips within my dreams about a thousand times?" Lan Wangji said, placing sloppy kisses upon Wuxian's jawbone. Humming in response, Wuxian said nothing. Lan Wangji continued, "When I'm done with you, you won't ever want to sleep with another man again. I'll please you like no other." Lan Wangji bit down on Wuxian's neck, leaving a scar that was sure to remain for days.

Wuxian gasped at the painful pleasure, "Yes." 

Lan Wangji lifted his head to greedily take in Wuxian's beauty, "Relax baby." Lan Wangji said, "I'm not going to hurt you." Saying those words, Lan Wangji slipped two fingers into Wuxian's awaiting mouth, "Suck." Lan Wangji commanded. Wuxian obeyed without hesitation. When his finger lay coated with Wuxian's saliva, Lan Wangji removed them, placing them between the older man's thighs. 

Slipping one finger into the older man, Lan Wangji bent down, devouring Wuxian's hypnotizing lips before he entered another finger and drowning out any unwanted moans that might want to escape. When he deemed Wuxian ready, "Ready?" Wuxian nodded in confirmation. Not wasting a second longer, Lan Wangji slammed himself in.

Wuxian screamed at the foreign intrusion, craning his head backward, Wuxian vibrated at the powerful rock of his hips following Lan Wangji's merciless invasion. Back arched, and eyes tightly shut, Wuxian realised unmanly moans while allowing himself to be a victim to Lan Wangji's addicting poison. 

Panting harshly, Lan Wangji's thrust became more agile within the fleeting minutes, removing his hand away from where he'd held Wuxian above the head, the younger unite their lips together once more, immediately, both began devouring each other like starving, ravenous lions.

Both men moan harmonious through their joined lips from the undeniable pleasure they were receiving. For tonight, they would forget about the past events and just indulge in the present, just for tonight. 

The feeling of cosmic erupting inside him, Lan Wangji could no longer hold back. Without warning, the younger moaned beautifully, releasing himself into the older man.

Detaching their swollen lips, they both chuckled drunkenly at each other. However, before Lan Wangji could contemplate his next move, the younger was being flipped over until he lay under Wuxian. 

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