Chapter 2 - First Encounter

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It's been an agonizing long few months since Wuxian had anything to add to his collection of unconscious humans that's been hanging up on the walls inside his hidden basement. It was time to look for new artworks. Perhaps he would stumble upon someone during work.

Yes work, he still had a job to do, considering he's a professional photographer. A few days prior, Wuxian had received a call from a manager of a young actor by the name of Lan Wangji. He was scheduled to do a photoshoot of the young actor today.

Wuxian was thrilled, to say the least, he had done plenty of research on Lan Wangji, the young man was indeed breathtakingly beautiful, and he wasn't just a pretty face. Lan Wangji happens to be one of the few actors who cared about the well-being of others. The actor had multiple non-profit organizations where the less fortunate would benefit from. 

Beautiful and kind-hearted. Lan Wangji was exactly Wuxian's type.

Perhaps if the two hit it off, Wuxian would approach him to go on a date together, and if Lan Wangji's lucky enough, Wuxian might consider being with him, after all, it's been a while since Wuxian had an actual relationship. However, if not, then no matter, the photographer would still want the actor's portrait hanging inside his basement wall. It would be a win-win whether Lan Wangji agreed to it or not.

Chuckling at his sinful thoughts, Wuxian grabbed the last pieces of equipment, heading excitingly out the door to meet the handsome young man who would be filling his already full pockets.


Walking into the studio, with the impression as if he owned the place and everyone inside, Lan Wangji went straight up to his manager, Xue Yang, all the while trying and failing to ignore the weird-looking man, who had on a pair of dorky glasses and an odd, yet, an innocent smile covering his face. With a cute pair of buck teeth, the man was indeed adorable, like a rabbit perhaps. 

Breaking apart from Xue Yang, Lan Wangji made his way over to greet Wuxian, "You must be Wei Wuxian." Lan Wangji smiled, drawing his hand for a shake with the older male, who happily accepted it, "I heard so much about you from Xue Yang, it would be an honor working with you. If your work comes out to my management's satisfaction, we would be seeing more of each other." Lan Wangji internally hoped it would.

"Really?!" Lan Wangji nodded, "That means a lot coming from you Mr. Lan." Wuxian snickered, shaking the younger man's hand excitedly, "It's an honor to be working with you too, sir."

Wangji smirked, Wei Wuxian had unintentionally caught his attention the moment he came into the studio, now hearing the older man's voice. Lan Wangji couldn't help but think, if angels were to come on earth, they would look and sound exactly like Wei Wuxian. 

Still, even if he does want to get to know the photographer better in a more intimate way, Lan Wangji couldn't just ignore the lustful feelings that have been bubbling up inside him, that's why he was now eyeing the older man like a hungry lion, ready to devour its prey. Unknowingly to him, the older had already planned on doing the same.


Although the photoshoot went by smoothly, Wuxian couldn't help himself from mentally gorging at Lan Wangji whenever the actor would strike a seductive pose. If he was correct, Lan Wangji was knowingly teasing him. But why? 

Wei Wuxian knew he was good-looking, hell, he's hot. However, Lan Wangji, that man was nothing but a work of art, a masterpiece sculpted of fragile porcelain ready to ravish by Wuxian's sinful hands.

Wuxian came to the conclusion that Lan Wangji would never settle for a lowly man such as himself. Nevertheless, even if the actor wouldn't want to commit to him, that doesn't mean Lan Wangji wouldn't want to sleep with him. Who wouldn't? 

So instead of trying to form a lasting relationship that was doomed to fail, Wei Wuxian would be fine with just having the actor to warm his bed for a night, maybe two. Afterward, Lan Wangji's breathtaking portrait would be hanging at the center in Wuxian's studio.


"I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Lan." Wuxian bit his lower lip, silver eyes seductively pierced the younger who didn't seem the least bit bothered, "I'll work on editing your pictures all night if I have too."

"Please." Lan Wangji cleared his throat, giving Wuxian the same seductive look the older gave him, "Call me Lan Zhan, and I should perhaps call you?" Arching a well-defined brow, Lan Wangji waited patiently for an answer. Leaving his lust aside, for some unknown reason, Lan Wangji couldn't help but feel at home being around the photographer. Call him naive for having just met the man, he couldn't help it, the actor knew it's a feeling that wouldn't be going away any time soon.

Wuxian beamed childishly, "Wei Ying." 

Lan Wangji hummed, loving the sound of the older male's alluring voice when he proclaimed his name. A musical voice the actor would never get enough of. Lan Wangji needed more.

Although they'd only known each other for a measly day, both men wanted - craved, each other, that was certain, both their eyes roamed hungrily over the others' body, dying to have a simple taste of the other. One hopes for a long-lasting relationship, unfortunately, the other carried a more sinister agenda. 

They stood in silence, frozen in place, speaking with their eyes until Xue Yang came to inform Lan Wangji about his afternoon meeting, only then, did they parted ways, wishing each other goodbye.

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