Chapter 4 - Hello Again

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It's been several, agonizingly slow torturous weeks since Wuxian last spoke to Lan Wangji. Although they'd promise to meet each other again, it never happened.

Damn actors think that they're too good, Wuxian kept telling himself. Nevertheless, Wuxian couldn't just forget about the gorgeous man and move on, now can he?

Of course not.

That's why he'd spent every waking minute of the day stalking the actor for the past week. Don't blame Wuxian for obsessing over the idol, who in their sane mind wouldn't? But then again, was Wuxian even sane? He had killed so many people it was hard to tell at this point.

Wuxian had even started to kill irrelevant people, it wasn't his fault he'd been caught a few times trying to get a little too close to the actor.

No. It's all Lan Wangji's fault for making Wuxian become so captivated by his mere presence that the photographer couldn't go a day without seeing Wangji's beautiful face. The photographer had to have Lan Wangji. If not in his bed, then upon his wall would do just fine. One way or another, he just had to.


Cruising steadily through the desolated night road, Lan Wangji's golden eyes pierced straight through the rearview mirror, gazing at the black Mercedes that's been following him for quite some time. Lan Wangji was no idiot, he knew exactly who sat behind those tinted windows.

Nonetheless, Lan Wangji couldn't help but find the older man's behavior alluring. He had always had it in him for mysterious men, but none had ever captured his attention the way Wei Wuxian had from the very beginning.


Stomping on the brakes, Wuxian came to an instant halt upon seeing the car in front of him stopped and the stone-cold face of Lan Wangji emerge.

Why did Lan Wangji stop?

Did he somehow notice Wuxian following him?

No matter. Wuxian was more than capable of protecting himself from the harmless actor. Lan Wangji's the one who should be quite afraid, for if only he knew what the latter had planned for him, he would cower in the corner, crying for his non-existing mother.

"Are you following me?" Lan Wangji demanded, stepping closer to the mysterious man who was seated comfortably inside his Mercedes.

A smirk appeared across Lan Wangji's face, amused by Wuxian's determination, for he knew the other was nothing but a crazy stalker. Yet Wangji seemed unafraid.

Either Lan Wangji was incredibly stupid, or incredibly fearless, there was no in-between.

Wuxian chuckled, gazing into the rearview mirror and fixing his glasses seconds before getting out of his car, "It's you, Lan Zhan." Wuxian chuckled awkwardly, a slight cheerfulness lingered within his voice, "Of course not Lan Zhan. Why would you even think that?" Wuxian faked a pout, "I saw your car stopped in the middle of the road. Forgive me for thinking that something's the matter." Wuxian smirked dangerously at the handsome man in front of him, all cheerful replaced with a sinister glare.

Lan Wangji hummed, "I see."

Sensing the lust igniting from the older's silver eyes, Lan Wangji knew Wuxian was up to no good. If the crazy stalker thinks he can intimidate Lan Wangji, he had another thing coming, for Lan Wangji could be just as intimidating.

Straightening out his suit, Lan Wangji stepped closer toward Wuxian until they stood mere inches apart.

For some reason that bothered Wuxian, causing the breath to pause within his throat, Wuxian didn't know where the sudden nervousness came from, this feeling never happened before, why now?

He's the hunter. Why does he suddenly feel like the prey?

Wuxian gulped, chewing at his lower lip. The older man closed his eyes and rustled the raven hair above his head as he debated in his head whether or not he should just forget about Lan Wangji. It appeared to be the most logical thing to do, but he couldn't, even if he tried.

With hundreds of thoughts running through his mind, Wuxian failed to notice the actor leaning closer toward his exposed neck.

Sniffing at the intoxicating scent, Lan Wangji was charmed by the odor of spices that ignited from Wuxian's body, he couldn't resist taking a sniff. Stretching his tongue out, Lan Wangji captured the older man's Adam's apple between his teeth.

Sensing the wet liquid, Wuxian eyes darted open, a gasp fell from his parted lips. Stumbling backward, the photographer scraped his back against the car, prompting his glasses to fall from the sudden impact.

Why in God's name would Lan Wangji do that?

Dumbfounded, Wuxian's heart skipped many beats as he scrunched down, feeling for his glasses, for he could not see very well without them.

"Looking for these?" Lan Wangji snickered, almost childishly, lifting the spectacles and dangling it in front of the older man's face.

Wuxian laughed nervously, "You found it." With sweaty palms, Wuxian raised his hard to grab hold of the spectacles, only to have the actor pull it further away from his grasp.

"Ah ah." Wangji teased.

Hearing the menacing tone in Lan Wangji's voice, Wuxian gulped, something wasn't right, he could feel it within his bones. "What are you doing? Give it back Mr. Lan."

"Oh?" Lan Wangji arched a brow, clearly amused by Wuxian's sudden change in character, "So now it's Mr. Lan? Tell me, Wei Ying. What were you doing at my house a few days ago, hmm?"

Surprised by the actor's knowledge of his intrusion, Wuxian couldn't help but wonder. If Lan Wangji knew, why didn't he call the cops? What exactly was the actor up too? Before Wuxian could get a word out, Lan Wangji continued, "Were you lost or something?... Oh wait, I know, You came to pay me a visit?"

Exhaling deeply to calm his nerves, Lan Wangji said, "Do you know what I happen to do, when I find an intruder in my house, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji gripped the photographer roughly by his cheeks, directing his face to the side. With an alluring voice, Lan Wangji whispers, "Do you wanna find out?"

At that exact moment, Wuxian knew he was a dead man.

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