Chapter 13 - Thank You & I'm Sorry

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Stepping foot inside the now gloomy room, tears of a flowing river stream from Wuxian's swollen face. Staring at the lying figure upon the bed, Wuxian's head bent, as if in shame upon seeing Lan Wangji's ice-cold eyes of anger pierced through him. 

Sensing something most definitely wrong, the coldness within Lan Wangji's eyes slowly morphed into a warmer one from seeing the sobbing mess of a man, he'd at one time deemed the evilest being that had ever graced his presence, turned into a spineless corpse Lan Wangji's unfamiliar with. And although Lan Wangji wanted to comfort the older man, he couldn't get past the blood drench Wuxian, he knew something terrible had happened.

"What happened?" Lan Wangji questioned out of concern, "What did you do Wei Ying?" Pulling against the cloth that's been bounding his wrist from since the night before, Lan Wangji was now eager to get out, so much so, he didn't know where he acquired the strength from, with one harsh tug, the cloth burst.

Unbothered, Wuxian sat upon the bed next to Lan Wangji, the older man was confused. Where did these sudden emotions come from? He had never felt anything when killing someone, so why now? Why does he suddenly feel bad for ending someone's life? 

"I'm sorry Lan Zhan." Wuxian whispered, "I didn't mean to kill him, he saw me, I couldn't let him go."

Lan Wangji didn't bother to ask what Wuxian was talking about, all he knew is, he needed to comfort the sobbing man. In his naked form, Lan Wangji held on to the blood coated man, embracing him in a warm hug while caressing the older man's hair. 

Lan Wangji didn't know what exactly had happened, but he knew he had to be there for his Wei Ying, now more than ever since that the older man seemed to be needing him, so Lan Wangji brought Wuxian head to rest upon his chest, "It's alright." Lan Wangji cooed, "Now tell me. Who did you kill Wei Ying?"

Wuxian nodded his head, not wanting to say as his sobs intensified, "You'll be angry at me." Wuxian hiccupped, "You said nothing I do will make you hate me, but now..."

Seeing the broken man, Lan Wangji held onto him tighter, "I won't. I promise." Lan Wangji responded, placing a gentle kiss on top of Wuxian's head.

Wuxian wrapped his blood-soaked hands around the naked Lan Wangji, "Oh Lan Zhan! Why do I feel sad, why does it suddenly hurt? I shouldn't have killed him but he was about to call the cops, I can't spend the rest of my life in prison Lan Zhan, I rather die -"

"Who did you kill Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji calmly interrupted.

Wuxian did not reply, instead, he remained silent until Lan Wangji gave him a reassuring kiss upon his forehead, "Xue Yang." Wuxian strained out, "I just killed Xue Yang...please don't be angry at me, I know that he was your manager." Hearing no response, Wuxian continued, "I've put you in trouble haven't I?" Wuxian heaved a deep sigh, closing his silver orbs, he waited patiently for Lan Wangji's wrath.

Lan Wangji was upset, furious even, yet, he felt as if he too was partially to blame, for if he hadn't gotten drunk with Wuxian last night none of this would've happened. Although he wanted to unleash his anger onto Wuxian, he couldn't bring himself to do it, for he loves the man too dearly. So dearly, it blinded him.

"It's alright." Lan Wangji lifted Wuxian's face to meet his. Gazing into Wuxian's tear-filled eyes, Lan Wangji said, "I don't blame you, I know it wasn't your fault. We'll figure this out. We have to get rid of the body first, okay?" Wuxian grinned, gently nodding his head, Lan Wangji continued, "Everything's going to be alright, I promise. Now. go get yourself cleaned up, we've got a lot of work to do." Lan Wangji smiled, placing yet another kiss upon Wuxian, this time, however, it was on each of the older man's eyes, wiping away the tears with his lips as he did so.

Seemingly satisfied, Wuxian hummed, placing a quick peck on Lan Wangji's lips, "What do you suggest we do with it?" Wuxian pinched at Lan Wangji's cheek, "I'm sure you're being watched like a hawk when you're out there. Won't that be difficult?"

Lan Wangji smirked, "I have my ways. I'll get rid of it, and you, clean the mess that you've created, okay? I promise to protect you, and I'll do just that."


While Wuxian spent time inside getting rid of all the bloodstains, wiping every nook and cranny touched by Xue Yang clean. Lan Wangj was inside his hidden basement, getting rid of the main evidence itself. Unlike Wuxian, Lan Wangji had different means of getting rid of dead bodies, it may be gruesome, but it was effective. For he had not once been caught.

So here he was once again, dismembering the man who was formerly his trusted manager and friend all in the name of love. Slicing off an arm, then a leg, Lan Wangji did this until there were tiny pieces of what previously belonged to Xue Yang, laying them upon the mental table. Now all he's left to do is burn it, piece by piece.


After completely getting rid of all the evidence, Lan Wangji made sure to attend his interview without Xue Yang to avoid any suspension. Although he knew that sooner or later he's the one who would have to report the man missing, for Xue Yang didn't have any family despite being well known among the upper class. 

A trying day it indeed had been, that's why after all the hustle and bustle were over, Lan Wangji came back home where he was presently relaxing in his room with Wuxian wrapped firmly around his arms. 

Who would've thought that it would take a dead body for them to get closer? 

"I'm sorry for killing Xue Yang." Wuxian pouted playfully, "And, thank you, for everything Lan Zhan." Wuxian pecked the younger upon his plump lips. 

Lan Wangji chuckled, "Don't thank me just yet. This is far from over, Xue Yang was well known, and I'm afraid that after tomorrow I would have to report him missing, I don't want to be the main suspect when the truth finally comes to light." Wuxian hummed in approval, "Wei Ying, If something was to happen, would you be willing to leave this place, leave everything behind and start anew?"

Wuxian, "With you?" Lan Wangji nodded, "Of course. To be completely honest Lan Zhan, I've been falling for you too, despite trying to strangle you last night." Wuxian giggled, placing his fingers upon Lan Wangji's nose and giving it a slight pinch in hopes of getting rid of the dead stare Lan Wangji's giving him, Wuxian continued, "I thought killing you would solve the problem, but now I come to realize its not a problem. I'm willing to stop what I've been doing to be with you, cause I can see it in your eyes, and I can see it when you smile. You're all I've ever wanted." Wuxian beamed. 

Lan Wangji rolled his eyes, "You're crazy, you know that?"

"So?" Wuxian pouted, "What if I'm crazy? All the best people are, trust me, I should know because I've fallen for one, otherwise, we wouldn't have gotten along." 

The room grew quiet for a few minutes until Wuxian decided to speak again, "Lan Zhan?" Lan Wangji hummed in acknowledgment, "Kiss me."

Lan Wangji chuckled, bringing his face closer toward Wuxian, "I thought you'd never ask." Lan Wangji said, pulling the covers over their heads, for tonight would surely be another lasting night worth remembering.

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