Chapter 7 - We're The Same

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Humming silently to himself, Wuxian wiped the smirk off his now flushed face. Shifting away from the open grassland, Wuxian strolled up to Lan Wangji, whose gaze hasn't left the older ever since they came outside.

Wuxian chuckled playfully, dangling his cuffed wrist in front of the younger man's face, "Lan Zhan." Wuxian said energetically, "You see. I didn't run away. Can you take these off now?" Wuxian pouted, "I promise I'll be good-"

"No." Lan Wangji interrupted.

Wuxian's eyes widen, while his fake pout increased in length, "But Lan Zhan -"

"I said no." Lan Wangji deadpanned, grabbing hold of Wuxian's cuffed wrist, dragging the older back to the house.

Wuxian huffed, "Lan Zhan, you're not going to lock me back up in your torture room again, are you?" Wuxian winked at the older, who had a very visible red-coated ear. Wuxian continued, "Ah ya, say something. I thought you like me -"

"You thought wrong." Lan Wangji quickly came to his defense, "Now stop talking before I end you."

Lan Wangji couldn't help but wonder, was Wei Ying seeing through his cold dementor? No, that can't be, after all, he tried hard to hide it from the older man. Trying to calm his racing heart from exploding within his chest, Lan Wangji began walking faster.

Sensing he was getting through Lan Wangji Isn't-so thick skin, after multiple attempts during the passing weeks, Wuxian couldn't help but gaze sinisterly at the younger, "Hmph. Don't deny it, Lan Zhan." Wuxian stated playfully, "Otherwise you wouldn't have been so good to me. I really admire you, going through all this trouble, just for me. I must be really special huh Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji paused in front of the door, looking over his shoulder, the younger man huffed in response, yanking Wuxian by the hand once more, and stepping foot into his house.

Wuxian snickered internally.

Oh, he had a plan alright, and it was no longer trying to escape. No, it was his turn to have some fun, he was going to play mind games with the Lan Wangji, fun right? Wuxian thought so. Wuxian is going to break Lan Wangji until he loses control and pleads for death.

When Lan Wangji least expected it, Wuxian would end his life in the most sinister way possible, Lan Wangji would regret ever kidnapping him and made him feel so inferior. The actor made Wuxian feel beyond disgusted with himself, like an amateur, Wuxian was no amateur.

Anyway, the actor shouldn't be surprised when Wuxian turns on him, after all, Lan Wangji himself is a sociopath, a not so clever one at that. Stupid man, he would have to find out the hard way.

The younger man was already weirdly hopelessly in love with the psychopath, silly boy, doesn't he know that a psychopath isn't capable of loving?


"Lan Zhan, you can't do this." Wuxian said, "I'm uncomfortable." Wuxian pouted as he was being cuffed to the bedhead.

Lan Wangji sighed, "What's wrong with you, huh?" Lan Wangji leaned forward, scanning Wuxian's face, searching for answers he knew he wouldn't find." Do you have split personalities, or are you just a nutcase?"

"Wa - what are you talking about?" Wuxian replied, "Lan Zhan, that's no way to talk to your future partner in crime." Wuxian winked.

In fact, Wuxian already knew what the younger man was getting at, and to answer Lan Wangji's question. Yes, Wei Wuxian does indeed have split personalities.

You see, it all started at a very young age when Wuxian became a victim of bullying from no other than his adopted family who had pledged to protect him. Still, that didn't stop his hopefulness of having them love him some day, that is until one day, he couldn't take it anymore.

On that terrible day, Wuxian was only thirteen when he'd taken someone's life. He didn't mean too, it just happened so fast. One minute Jiang Cheng sprew insults toward him, the next, he was lying dead on the floor. On that dreadful day, Wei Wuxian had not only lost a brother, he'd also lost his light.

Wuxian snapped out of his thoughts when Lan Wangji spoke again, "This childish behavior of yours. You weren't like this when I first met you. Come to think about it, all you did was threaten me while you were locked up. What are you up to Wei Ying?" Wangji grabbed the older man by his white shirt's collar, yanking him upward.

Wuxian chuckled nervously, "No no Lan Zhan, I'm being myself. This is how I am." The older man grinned, showing off a set of white pearly teeth, "We're friends now, aren't we? I told you I wouldn't run away earlier, and I didn't. I like you, Lan Zhan. You and I, we're the same. I'm willing to put the past behind us, what do you say?"

Pushing the older man back upon the bed, "I'm nothing like you." Wangji replied, walking toward the door.

Wuxian hurled daggers flying at the younger man's back, suddenly all the joyfulness leaving him.

"Oh, but you are." Wuxian said, "And if I'm correct, you already know that, don't you?" Lan Wangji remained unmoving by the doorway, attentively listening to Wuxian's words, "Don't try to hide it, Lan Zhan. Just embrace it. Like me!." Wuxian snickered, transforming back into his lively self.

Sighing to himself, Lan Wangji closed the door, drowning out the cheerful laughs echoing inside the room, and descended down the stairs until the sound of Wuxian's laughter completely evaporated.

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