Chapter 14 - Escape

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Driving peacefully without interruptions in a desolated street, Lan Wangji was heading home after a trying day of shooting his new movie. He'd been given the day off early because of the lack of attention he'd been showing toward his work. Many had assumed it was due to stress, what they didn't know was that it was something completely different, in a twisted, sinister way. 

Lan Wangji tried, but he couldn't stop thinking about Xue Yang, and the effects it would cause if ever he was to be investigated for Xue Yang's disappearance. The thought of being separated from his Wei Ying bite at his back, leaving an ache he didn't know could be possible.

It's been several weeks following that dreadful day when Wuxian slaughtered his manager, Xue Yang, senselessly. Lan Wangji had even gone to the police department to lodge a missing person complaint. Although there were presently no leads, the actor was afraid of what would happen if the police started to investigate him as a suspect.

As for Lan Wangji and the photographer, well, they've been on good terms ever since, even going as far as calling themselves a couple. A strange behavior, even for them.

Just as Lan Wangji was about to make a right turn, something struck against his window, causing the glass to fracture upon contact - it was a rock. A huge one at that.

Stepping on the brakes, the car screeches, coming to a halt alongside the empty street. Lan Wangji got out, a look of displeasure rested upon his face, which grew ten times worse from seeing a young man, no older than Lan Wangji himself, strolling up toward him.

Lan Wangji knew that the boy must've been the culprit who threw the gigantic rock towards him, from the menacing grin which adorned the boy's devilish looking face.

"What's the meaning of this?" Lan Wangji said, pointing toward the cracked car windscreen, "Were you trying to kill me back there?"

Lan Wangji was furious, all he wanted to do was go home and spend time with his Wei Ying, he doesn't need any more drama in his life. Yet, the boy didn't seem to be the slightest bit bothered by the actor's outburst, he was more so entertained.

Wiping the smirk from his face, the young boy said, "Forgive me, Mr. Lan, I didn't know of any other ways to get your attention." Lan Wangji huffed, clearly unamused, "Um, my name's Jin Ling." The boy, now known as Jin Ling, grinned playfully, "I'm a big fan of yours, Mr. Lan. Well, I was." Jin Ling smirked, his face transforming back into a devilish appearance once again.

Lan Wangji exhaled deeply, he couldn't believe this was happening to him again. He just seemed to be having bad luck everywhere he goes these days. "Listen here you piece of shit." Lan Wangji barked, "You're lucky I'm not going to charge you for the damages that you've caused, but-"

"But you haven't let me finish!" Jin Ling snapped, holding a hand in the air, as to silence Lan Wangji, "You haven't heard the good part as yet, Mr. Lan. I think I'm the one who should be calling for the cops. Don't you think?" Jin Ling arched a brow at the silent man who waited patiently for him to continue, however, Jin Ling now stayed quiet.

After a few minutes of nothingness from the boy, Lan Wangji stated, "What are you getting at?"

Jin Ling sighed, "Seriously? That's it?" Jin Ling threw his hand in the air, disappointed by Lan Wangji's lack of interest, "I thought you'd at least act a bit more curious." Lan Wangji remained tranquil.

Jin Ling groaned, "Alright, since you insist. I'll just get to the point. I know you're hiding Wei Wuxian in your home, I know you two twisted assholes are together, and, I also know you two killed Xue Yang." Jin Ling snickered, "You see, I really am a big fan of yours, so I've been secretly following you for a while, hoping that I'll get to meet you. That's until I saw Wei Wuxian inside your house. You two disgust me.

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