Chapter 12 - Oops, I Did It Again

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Sulking under the covers, Wuxian grunted, his back's an aching mess, his head felt as if a time bomb had exploded, and most importantly, he had done something so preposterous, he just hoped that the sleeping beauty beside him would forget about what he had done - they had done, last night.

It wasn't about them making love, no. In fact, Wuxian rather enjoyed that part, it was the drunk confession bit that's been invading his mind. Although he tried to hide his hidden emotions, it had somehow slipped out when he'd least expected it.

Isn't Wuxian supposed to be a psychopath? 

Psychopaths don't carry sentiments. God help him, for he's truly confused.

Wuxian even attempted ending Lan Wangji's life last night, unfortunately, he got kicked in the groin by the latter. Besides, even if Lan Wangji hadn't done anything, Wuxian now knew to himself that he wouldn't be able to go through with it. 

So, now what? 

Try again perhaps? 

Yes, definitely, maybe last night was just the alcohol talking, and not him.

Getting off the mattress, the older man marched back and forth alongside the bed, glancing every so often at the sleeping doll, as he mentally debated on how to end the poor boy's life. All he needed to do was go up to Lan Wangji and strangle him. It's not hard, he had done it countless times before.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Wuxian rubbed his sweaty palms together while halting in front of the sleeping form. Gazing down at Lan Wangji, Wuxian's fingers were steadily making their way to wrap around the actor's neck, but something stopped him before he could get to the strangling part. 

He couldn't bring himself to do it. Perhaps Wuxian was indeed in love, for no other had ever treated him the way Lan Wangji did. Lan Wangji cared about him, despite seeing all his flaws, and Wuxian would be lying if he said he too, doesn't also care for the little brat.

Lost in thoughts, Wuxian had once again failed to notice Lan Wangji's dreamy stare rested upon him.

"You tried to kill me last night." Lan Wangji said. 

Wuxian jolted backward, completely taken back. Embracing the area where his heart occupied, beating abnormally fast, Wuxian exhaled. Sneaky brat, how long had he been awake? 

Plastering a fake smile, the older man snickered, wiggling his fingers and waving his hand at the latter, who in return gave Wuxian a scolded stare. Wuxian, "Ah Lan Zhan, you're awake, how are you-"

"Untie me now Wei Ying." Lan Wangji interrupted, sending daggers at Wuxian's way.

Kitting his brows together, Wuxian hummed, for inside his twisted mind, he thought that he still had it in him to kill Lan Wangji, he probably just needed more time to clear his thoughts. 

"Lan Zhan." Wuxian said with a pouted, "Be reasonable will you, We've had such an amazing night and the first thing-"

Lan Wangji jolted upward, ''I said untie me!"

Wuxian rubbed the nape of his neck, "I will. I will. Just hear me out first. I have to figure out a few things. Then I'll come back and untie you, okay? I promise Lan Zhan, just trust me, alright?" Wuxian chuckled restlessly, "I'm hungry. Are you hungry Lan Zhan? -"

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji gritted his teeth.

Wuxian hummed nervously, turning around, the older male picked up a handkerchief from the ground, "Just keep this in your mouth for now, okay?" Wuxian said, stuffing the cloth into Lan Wangji's mouth, "I'll be back. I'll get you something to eat. Just stay here and don't move, in the meantime, you can reflect upon the things we've done last night." Wuxian snickered, quickly grabbing the first piece of clothing he spotted in Lan Wangji's closet and jade-walking out of the bedroom, ignoring the muffled yells of Lan Wangji.


Fixing himself and Lan Wangji a couple of peanut butter sandwiches, Wuxian had been in the kitchen for quite some time now. Thinking about how he should kill the actor until finally, he decided he wasn't going to do it. That's right, Wuxian was going to open his heart once again, secretly hoping it wouldn't be crushed by the younger man. 

Lan Wangji made it clear numerous times how he felt, now it was Wuxian's turn to return those feelings. He didn't know what life would be awaiting the two, for he was already a criminal, the older man knew that his life would probably be a short one. But he didn't mind, for he was finally accepting the thing he had craved the most when he was a child - to be loved.

"Lan Wangji!" A voice called from inside the hall, "Where the hell are you? I've been calling your phone nonstop for the past hour, did you forgot we've gotten an interview in the next -" 

Wuxian snapped out of his thoughts, dropping the plate he held in his hand as he came face to face with none other than Lan Wangji's manager, Xue Yang. 

Both men eyed each other with shock, one held fear, while the other held concerns. Wuxian mentally slapped himself, for he had completely forgotten about the interview Lan Wangji had brought up yesterday when he only wanted to get drunk with the actor. 

"Yo-You!" Xue Yang stammered, pointing his finger toward the Wuxian, "What are you doing here? What have you done to Wangji!?"

Wuxian sighed, "Relax alright, I haven't done anything." Wuxian elevated his hands in the air, showing he means no harm, regrettably, Xue Yang didn't buy his attempt of a diversion, for he was already warned by the news about the mindset of a psychopath, and Wuxian himself knew he couldn't let Lan Wangji's manager go, now that he had seen him.

Tousling through his back pocket, "I'm calling the cops." Xue Yang gulped, slowly backing away after seeing the innocent-looking man in front him, now transforming into a demonic creature, ready to attack, "Stay away from me!" Xue Yang's panic voice rang through the empty kitchen, spinning around, the young, fearful manager made a run for his life.

Seeing this, within a matter of seconds, Wuxian grabbed the knife that's been sitting on top of the counter, waiting to be used, and trailed behind the frightened boy. The older man had a sinister look plastered upon his devilish face. Wuxian thought he wouldn't kill again for the sake of starting anew, turns out, the Gods had another thing planned for him, for he wasn't about to let the youngster leave alive.

With trembling hands, Xue Yang ruffled the spare keys that Lan Wangji had given him, through the front door. When the key wouldn't budge, Xue Yang glanced over his shoulder, a sharp breath parted his quivering lips, for he knew this would be the end of him.

Stabbing the sharpened blade through Xue Yang's neck, Wuxian smiled upon hearing the gargle of blood pouring out the younger man's mouth. 

Within flashes, the half-dead body slid it's way to the ground, however, the attacker wasn't done as yet. Drawing the knife back out, like a madman, Wuxian pierced Xue Yang's body over and over while laughing menacingly. 

Blood sprew everywhere, drenching both the attacker and his victim in crimson red. Casting heavy breathing, Wuxian placed the blood coated metal object against the dead man's neck once more, severing it from its owner's body. 

When done, he picked up the butchered head, Wuxian began laughing sinisterly, showcasing his blood-stained teeth, Wuxian placed the severed head against his beating heart, allowing his arms to wrap itself around the lifeless object for a final embrace, heaving a sigh, Wuxian smiled, allowing his eyes to close, for he had done it again.

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