Chapter 15 - Gusu

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Having left his home up in flames an hour ago, Lan Wangji presumed it would be best to get rid of any possible indication regarding him and Wei Wuxian being together. That means burning everything he had worked nothing but hard for, only taking the things he deemed necessary. 

However, they both knew even though they tried to get rid of every potential evidence, it would be futile once the authorities got their hands on the evidence that Jin Ling had assured would be sent to the police department by six. 

Presently, both Lan Wangji and Wuxian were seated silently in Lan Wangji's car, neither knows what to say. They may be far from home, unfortunately, they weren't out of Beijing as yet. They were both in a state of shock, for none had expected things would turn out this bad.


Time passed, after being soundless for over an hour, Lan Wangji decided he should be the first to speak, "I killed someone just now - a young boy and a stupid one at that."

The reality was finally kicking in for Wuxian, he sighed, rubbing at his aching forehead. Wuxian now had enough of all the drama and just wanted all the bad choices he'd made to end, "Why?" Wuxian asked, tilting his head to look at Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji rolled his eyes, "Bloody brat had been watching us." Lan Wangji gripped at the steering wheel, "He was just a nosy fan, I don't know how he managed to do it but he got close to the house, close enough to see us." Lan Wangji gritted his teeth, "He knew we were together, he knew you killed Xue Yang - apparently, he had pictures. He wanted money. I would've given him. But he also wanted me to turn you in, and I could walk free." Wangji turned to stare at Wuxian, smiling, he said, "I wouldn't do it. So, long story short. I shot him."

Lan Wangji didn't know what the outcome would be, if they would escape or not. However Wuxian's the reason Lan Wangji now had faith, he had become Lan Wangji's paradise and Lan Wangji would do anything to be able to spend eternity with Wuxian. 

Deep in thought, Lan Wangji failed to realize Wuxian was casually leaning in until the older rested his plumpy lips against Lan Wangji's cheek. Wuxian stayed that way for a few seconds, eventually, Wuxian kissed the porcelain skin, allowing a single silver bead of tear to fall from his half-closed eyes. 

Wuxian was grateful, for the first time in his life, he was grateful for all the things someone had done for him. Now Wuxian was choosing to be good - a better person, and he'll love the world as he should, he'll be good, for all the times he never could. All for the sake of living a happy life with Lan Wangji.

Wuxian trailed his lips near Lan Wangji's ear, and whispered, "Thank you, and, I love you."


Many more hours appeared to have drifted by, they were eventually able to breathe safely since they'd managed to make it out of Beijing before six. Lan Wangji hadn't told Wuxian where he was planning on taking the latter, but after being bugged about it throughout their drive, the actor decided to tell him, simply because Lan Wangji was certain that the police wouldn't be able to find them now.

Still in the car, Lan Wangji turned to look at Wuxian, eyes filled with the desire that Wuxian would accept what he was about to say, "I know of a place, Wei Ying."

Wuxian jumped at the sudden interruption of the much-needed sleep he'd been trying to get. "Huh." Wuxian rubbed at his tired eyes, "What did you say, Lan Zhan?"

"I know of the perfect place where we could go." Lan Wangji replied, "We'll be happy there, I promise."

Wuxian hummed, "Where?"

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