Chapter 8 - Feelings

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Why him? 

Why does life have to be so complicated? 

 All Lan Wangji wanted to do was love the crazy bastard. Is that too much to ask for? 

Lan Wangji sprawled half-naked on the sofa, facing the flat-screen Television set, his eyes twitching every so often at the mere mention of Wei Wuxian's name.

A few days prior, the news was flooded with the disappearance of Beijing's famous photographer, Wei Wuxian. Although the authorities didn't have any solid lead, that didn't put Lan Wangji's mind at ease. 

He knew sooner or later they would find Wuxian's hidden bunker, if Lan Wangji could find it, they soon would too. Then Wuxian would not only be a missing person, but he would also become a wanted man.

If they somehow manage to locate Wuxian, Lan Wangji would also be exposed. They would spend the rest of their life in prison. But then again, prison doesn't sound so bad if they would get to see each other every day, except, who's to say they would even be in the same prison? This crazy roller coaster was doomed to fail from the very beginning. Or was it?


"I have a party - more like a gathering, to attend tonight." Lan Wangji stated, pouring orange juice into Wuxian's cup, who's seated upon Lan Wangji's tiny kitchen table, his wrist still bound by the shiny metal cuffs, "It's for my latest movie promotion. If you hadn't turned out to be a total psycho, I would've taken you -"

"Thank you." Wuxian interrupted, catching the younger by surprise.

Lan Wangji took a seat beside the latter, eyeing him suspiciously, "For what?"

Wuxian took a sip at the juice, "For taking care of me. Even when I don't deserve it. I'm not stupid Lan Zhan." Wuxian bites at his lower lip, "I know you have feelings for me. But why? Who would dare love an abomination as me?" Wuxian thought by digging deeper, he could get through to Lan Wangji, that, and he was curious.

Lan Wangji hummed, eyes darting toward the coffee cup in his hands, "You're not an abomination Wei Ying." In his moment of not thinking things through, Lan Wangji let it slip, "To answer your question. I'm not sure, but from the moment I laid eyes upon you." Lan Wangji twisted to look the older man in his eyes, "I knew you were special, yeah. It's like a feeling of familiarity. Perhaps we had known each other in our past life." Lan Wangji joke, taking a sip at the now tasteless contents. 

Did he just unknowingly confess his feelings to Wuxian? Great, now he's embarrassed. Only if the earth could open up and swallow him whole. 

What the hell was that? Wuxian wondered, wanting to barf at Lan Wangji's cheesiness.

No way, this can't happen, this shouldn't happen. 

Wuxian didn't know where that slight ping in his heart appeared from upon hearing Lan Wangji's confession, but he damn sure would ignore it. He isn't the type to have feelings, for anyone - or anything, he prefers it that way, after all, in the end, they only wind up hurting you. 

New plan. Lan Wangji must die - as quickly as possible. 

Deciding he wasn't interested in that topic anymore, for it was having an impact upon him, Wuxian heaved a deep sigh, "Don't tell me you're going to lock me up again until you get back?" Wuxian pouted. An expression of Wuxian, Lan Wangji had become quite fond of, for he couldn't get enough of the older man's adorable pouting. 

Lan Wangji, "If you already know the answer, why do you still ask?"

Wuxian frowned, "Oh be reasonable Lan Zhan, ever since you've let me out, have I ever tried to run? No, I haven't. Even if I leave, it's not like I could go to the cops, I've got blood on my hands too. We're in this together, remember?"

Lan Wangji hummed, "I'll think about it."


After fighting mentally with himself, Lan Wangji lost to his foolish side, giving in to Wuxian's plead and allowing the older man to roam about his house carelessly while Lan Wangji attended the party that, up until a few weeks ago he would've been excited about, that is until he met Wuxian. Now, nothing else no longer matters. 

The young actor knew deep down he was ruining his life for carrying feelings for an uncaring man. But perhaps he could change that. Maybe if he showed Wuxian what it's like to be loved, the latter would possibly accept him. It was a slim chance, still, it would be worth a shot.

All he had to do now was hoped and prayed that Wuxian wouldn't do something stupid and try to run away while he was away for the night. It's definitely going to be a long night ahead.


Standing still, while being circled by a huge - bothersome crowd, receiving nothing but praises might seem pleasing to most. If Lan Wangji was the same self he was before a certain someone showed up in his life, turning his world upside down, he too wouldn't mind. But unregrettably, he was no longer that person, so his mind stood elsewhere.

Although Lan Wangji had committed his fair share of murders - four to be exact, he never thought of himself as damaged as Wuxian. Yes, he might've tortured innocent people who dare to invade his private quarters, and dismembered their corpses before disposing of the evidence. However, he was willing to change and put all that behind him. 

The actor never imagined he would've done what he did, but he always considered his wrongdoings as justifiable. You see, Lan Wangji was frustrated at the time, being an actor had taken a toll on him. Though he promised himself, after being caught the third time, which had prompted him to kill not one, but two innocent persons, he had vowed to never again commit such atrocities. 

That is until he had met Wei Wuxian, and finding out that very person whom he was willing to spend forever with was just as demented as him. 

Lan Wangji suddenly snapped out of his crazed thoughts upon hearing the mention of Wuxian's name echoing out of someone's mouth who stood merely a few feet away from him.

"....yes it's true." The man emphasized with his hand, as if telling a horror story, "Turns out the guy's a total nutjob. I hope they hang him when they find him." The man who's in an all-white attire then shifted toward Lan Wangji, and continued speaking, "I can't believe you worked with that lunatic. Who would've thought though -"

Heart racing a mile a minute, "What are you talking about?" Lan Wangji interrupted.

"Haven't you heard? Wei Wuxian, that missing photographer is a bloody serial killer. Let me tell you, Mr. Lan." Said man then pointed at Lan Wangji, "You're lucky he didn't find you interesting, or you wouldn't be standing here by now. I heard the last person he's suspected of killing is Wen Qing, you know, that writer. They said he's a suspect, but we all know the truth." The man informed Lan Wangji and the others, unaware that the actor was gradually spacing out. 

Amidst the room now spinning, Lan Wangji's breathing grew harsh. He needed to get home and make sure his Wuxian's safe. 

Oh no, what if Wuxian ran away? 

What if they catch him? 

He would never get to see his Wei Ying again. 

With that in mind, Lan Wangji sprinted out the dining room, unbothered by the concerned stare of his fellow actors whom he'd bumped into on his way out. Lan Wangji didn't stop until he was finally in his car. Upon hearing the engine roared to life, Lan Wangji raced home as fast as he could with hopes that his Wei Ying was still there.

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