chapter 31

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The silence in the room hung heavy after Adonis left, his words still echoing in my head. If anything happens to her or the baby, I'll hold you responsible. The baby. His baby. I clenched my fists at the thought, trying to push back the anger that was boiling up inside me.

I sat back down beside Sapphire, my hand still holding hers, but my mind was spinning. I wanted to protect her, keep her safe, but every time I thought about them—her and Adonis's baby—it was like a knife twisting in my gut. I'd been there, ready to keep her safe, but the baby weren't mine to protect. They were Adonis's responsibility, not mine.

I looked at her, her face pale but beautiful as ever, her hand resting on her stomach. That bump—the one I hadn't wanted to notice, hadn't wanted to think too hard about. But now that I was here, sitting beside her, knowing that her life and the lives of the baby had been in danger... It was impossible to ignore.

She hadn't told me. Not once. She hadn't looked me in the eyes and said, "Logan, the baby is Adonis's." She just... kept quiet. Like she knew I'd figure it out. Like she assumed I was fine with it. I wasn't fine. I wasn't even close to being fine. But I couldn't lose my temper, not here, not now. She needed me to be steady.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, my voice coming out more strained than I intended. I didn't want to sound so... cold.

Sapphire nodded, her eyes meeting mine for a second before drifting down to her lap. "I'm okay," she whispered. "Just tired."

Tired. She looked exhausted, and I couldn't blame her. Hell, I was exhausted too, from the guilt, the confusion, the constant battle in my head. I hated Adonis for this. I hated him for putting her in this situation, for getting her pregnant when he knew she was still wrapped up in all the mess with me. And I hated myself for ever letting her go to him, for driving her into his arms with my anger and jealousy.

I glanced at her stomach again, the swell unmistakable now. There was no point in asking now. She'd never say it, not directly. Maybe she thought that was mercy. Maybe she thought I didn't need to hear the words. But I did.

I leaned back in the chair, rubbing a hand over my face. "We'll leave as soon as the doctors say it's safe for you to go," I said quietly. "You'll be safer at my place."

She nodded again, still not looking up at me, and it made my chest tighten. I didn't even know how to talk to her right now. There was so much between us, so many things left unsaid, and I wasn't sure if I had the strength to dig through it all.

"Logan," she said suddenly, her voice soft but urgent. I turned my head toward her, meeting her eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone steady.

She hesitated, her brow furrowing as if she was searching for the right words. "Thank you... for being here. For protecting us."

"Of course," I replied immediately, the words almost automatic. I'd always protect her. No matter what. Even if it killed me inside to know those kids weren't mine. "I promised I would, didn't I?"

She gave me a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. It was like she wanted to say more, something important, but stopped herself.

A heavy silence settled again. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something—something crucial. But I wouldn't ask. I couldn't ask. The truth was staring me in the face, and whether she confirmed it or not, it didn't change anything.

All I knew was that Sapphire and the baby—Adonis's baby—were my responsibility now. And no matter how much it hurt, I wasn't going to let anything happen to them. Even if it meant pretending like this didn't tear me apart. Even if it meant watching her every day, knowing that she'd chosen someone else. Knowing that she didn't trust me enough to even tell me the truth straight up.

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