The second day of training was similar to the first, exept that this time Propheus was thrusting a Pike endlessly at a training manequin while holding the shaft under his arm a hundred times then another hundred over his head.
He did this ten times before throwing the pike at a wooden pole for the rest of the morning.He ate the same meal as yeasterday with the everyone else and consulted his menthor for the afternoon.
He was to listen to the complexities of armors and equipment/weapon maintenance then learn how to put one on and off and exercise doing so.
He spent half his afternoon doing so and the later part of it throwing at the pole again.
When noght fell his master came to him."Tell me, do you want to be a Foot Soldier or a Cavalry Man?"
"Foot Soldier sir!"
"Hum... i will see what i can do for you to becaume a foot soldier. In the meantime you will keep training like usual."After that Propheus was free for the day so he decided to walk in Last City. Somehow everyone he crossed covered their noze and fled... He sudetly realised that in game he has been heavely exersising without showering.
He ran to the river and was about to use some grass to clean himself but a boy with blond hair and blue eyes that was also washing up hands him a soap."It works much better with this."
"Thanks... Alan. I am a Soldier just like you."
"Oh. I'm Propheus."
"Nice game name"
"Clean your clothes too or the stensh wońt leave."
"Damn! They made this way too realistic."
"Haha yeah especialy the sun!"
"Hahaha"The boys talked some more sharing stories about their training and masters as they washed and walked back to the barracks.
"So what are you training to be?"
"Pikemen, infantry. It relatively secure as long as there is enough people by your side."
"Cool. Maiby i will choose it too..."
"You can get a Halbard later."
"Okay. Its decided! Never been much of a swordman any way."The two trainees said good bye and logged off.
On his side Zeo ran laps around the training ground in the morning and went to the Mercenary Guild underground training room after eating with the trainees.His master was waiting for him there with two stone boulders. He had to lift a boulder over his head while holding the other at hip level for ten minutes then switch their positions. He repeated the exercice for four hours until his master let him free.
Zeo then went out of the city and practiced throwing his axes at a tree. By the time he had to log off he had a perfect hit score.
Fantasy World Online II: Second Chance
RastgeleThe second wave of dive game produced by RetroGame is out and Thousands are determined to become their legend! Second Chance is one of them. It centers around a brocken world attempting to rebuilt itself after a magical plague that killed most of it...