Big and Little

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Katrina's POV

I walked up to the 21st district to go see my big brother Jay Halstead. I only found out I had 2 brothers just under a month ago when I moved back to Indianapolis. I walked up to the front desk and Trudy Platt was standing at the front desk "Morning Trudy is Jay in?" "Yes, I'll walk you up" "Thanks Trudy" I smiled and Trudy put her hand on the scanner then pulled open the big metal gate then walked up in front of me.

"Halstead you have a visitor" Jay looked up and saw me then ran over. "Kat" he shouted then picked me up and spun me around then put me down on the floor. "The last thing I heard was you were in the back of an ambo" "I'm fine" "Have you seen Will?" "Not yet I'm just off shift" "I must be the favourite" "And so what if you are?" A smile appeared on his face "I am the favourite" I nodded. He picked me up and spun me around again "Ok stop spinning me around" Hailey walked out of the breakroom "Katrina" "Hailey" I gave her a slight nod and turned back to Jay "Where's Ruz?" "Out following a lead" I nodded "I'll go see Will then come back" "Ok be safe Kat" "Be safe Jay" I hugged him then walked downstairs. "Bye Trudy" "Bye Katrina" I walked out to my car and got in and started driving to med.

I got out of my car and walked up to the ED. I saw my little brother standing at the nurse's station talking to his fiancé Natalie Manning. "There's my big sister" I smiled and walked up to him before hugging him. "Hey Natalie" "Hi Katrina" I smiled then looked at Will "Are you ok? Jay told me the last thing he heard was from 51 that you were in the back of 61" "I'm fine the floor collapsed and I was stuck down there for a while but I'm ok" he hugged me. "You should have seen Jay he was acting psychopathic" I chuckled "I would say that sounds like Jay but the only other injury that I've had on the job is smoke inhalation" "Yeah well being here with Jay and I is better than your past life" I nodded "That's very true"


I opened my car door and walked over to the corner. "Dad, you can't keep phoning me to pock you up" "Why not" "Because I have a job and I'm on shift just now" "So you can go back after you drop me off" "Dad what happens if there is a fire and I can't get there in time because I'm at the other side of town or I'm stuck in traffic and lives die because we can't go in pairs because I'm not able to get there?" "So what am I not as important as your job" I clenched my jaw "Dad I can't keep doing this is the last time I'm picking you up" he sighed and I got back in my car just as my radio went "Dad get out now" I shouted at him. My dad got out of the car and I rushed to the fire.

End of Flashback

"Hey I've got to get back to work" I nodded "I'm gonna go see if Ruz is back at the 21st" "Ok I love you" "I love you too" I smiled and walked back out to my car. I text Jay to see if Ruzek was back at the district yet. "Hey, big bro is Ruz back yet?" "Yeah, he came back just after you left" I drove back to the 21st.

I hopped out of my car and walked up to the 21st again. "Hi, again Trudy" "You're back" "Yeah Jay said Ruzek was back" "I'll buzz you up this time" "Thanks Trudy" I walked over to the metal gate and pulled it open then walked up the stairs.
"Kat" Jay ran up to me and hugged me again. "Calm down I was here half an hour ago" "I know but you are still my little sister" "And Will is younger than me so worry about him" I smiled and Ruzek walked in "Kat" he walked over to me and hugged me "Hey Ruz" I smiled and pulled back "I heard something about someone needing plates run" "Yeah Ruzek here can't do it" "I can I didn't become a Civilian Teach and Surveillance Expert for 2 years back in Indianapolis for nothing" "You were" I nodded "Yeah I had to prove myself to Mom because apparently I couldn't be a firefighter until I did something else" "That's mom for you" I nodded "So where do you want me to run these plates I can't do it standing" I smirked and looked at Jay "Use my desk" I nodded and walked over to his desk and sat down.

Jay's POV

"Yeah, I had to prove myself to mom because apparently I couldn't be a firefighter until I did something else" "That mom for you" I felt bad for Katrina if I knew I had a sister beforehand I would have tried to do something to get us together. I didn't know that she existed until we showed up at a fire where there was gunshot's fired.

Jay's Flashback

We pulled up to the fire and Hailey and I walked up to Chief Boden "Halstead, Casey report" I looked at him "Did you just say Halstead?" he nodded "Chief it's Casey I'm coming out with Halstead" I looked at Hailey. We walked away and Hailey looked at me "Halstead?" "That's what I'm thinking" Casey walked out with a young woman with blonde hair and they walked over to the ambo. I looked at Hailey "I'm going over" she nodded and I walked over to the ambo and the young woman was arguing with Brett and Foster. I looked at Brett "Can I steal your firefighter for a minute?" "Yeah" I looked down at the young woman.
"Detective Jay Halstead intelligence" I smiled "Katrina Halstead" she smiled back "Never met anyone with the last name Halstead except my brother" "No one I know has the last name Halstead" I smiled "Can you tell me what the shooter looked like?" "Erm, he was wearing all black a gun like the one yous carry I'm not the best with guns" I took my gun out and showed it to her "This gun?" "Yeah that's it" "Thanks you should go to med and get it looked at even though your radio took it" "Nah" "Go and ask for Dr Will Halstead" I smiled then walked back to Hailey.

Flashback Over

"So where do you want me to run these plates I can't do it standing" I smiled "Use my desk" I nodded. Katrina walked over to my desk and sat down and started typing. "Ok plates were last seen at 283 West 13th street 15 minutes ago. I put a BOLO out for you" I smiled and walked over to Katrina and kissed her head before grabbing my jacket. "Go home Katrina get some sleep then meet us at Molly's tonight" Kat nodded and I ran downstairs.

Katrina's POV

Jay walked over and kissed my head. I stood up and walked downstairs. I waved to Trudy then got in my car and drove home.

I opened my door and unlocked my apartment door and walked up to my bedroom. I got changed into a pair of leggings and a big hoodie. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes.
When I woke up it was 6 pm so I decided to get changed. I got changed into a tight maroon dress and put on a pair of black over the knee high heeled boots. I put on a small bit of makeup then walked downstairs. I unlocked my door and walked out to my car. I got in and drove to Molly's because I don't drink.

I opened my car door and walked into Molly's. I saw Jay sitting with Hailey and Ruzek so I walked over and sat down next to him. "I do not like what you are wearing" I smiled and hugged him then a man walked over "Jay" I moved out the way so Jay could get up "Mouse no way when did you get back?" I walked over to the bar. "Herrmann can I get a soda please" "Sure Halstead" I smiled and Herrmann handed me the soda and I walked back over. "Katrina this is Mouse" "Mouse I've heard a small bit about you" I smiled and shook his hand. The night when pretty fast after that.

I opened my car door and walked into my house. I took my makeup off and got changed into a hoodie and a pair of leggings before going to bed and falling asleep for the night.

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