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I rolled out of bed then realised I was only wearing underwear so I grabbed one of Mouse's shirts and put it on. The shirt came down to my midthigh. I walked out to the kitchen and made 2 cups of coffee. I grabbed the cereal then felt arms around my waist then Mouse's chin on my shoulder "Morning handsome" "Morning sunshine" his voice was raspy because he just woke up "My shirt has never looked so good" I turned around and kissed him. Mouse put his hand on my face and I jumped a bit in pain "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I kissed him "I know you didn't" I smiled and there was a knock at the door "Jay, Casey or Brett" "I'll get it" I nodded and Mouse went to answer the door. "She's in the kitchen" 
"Hey Halstead" "Hey Casey" I got hit in the head by something and I turned around and there was a pair of joggers "Why?" "Becasue you are in my shirt and nothing else" I shook my head and put the joggers on then jumped on the counter. "So how can I help?" "Brett's been silent since last night and I don't know what to do about it" "Casey give her time she just found out and no one knows except me and you and she probably don't want to talk to us at the moment" "Ok I get that slightly but how is your face?" "Fine until someone touches it" I smiled "Give her a day or 2 go spend today with Severide" He shook his head "I'll go find something today Severide said he was taking Kidd out today" I jumped off the counter "Well I'll be at the 21st today so phone me if you need me" "Thanks for all this" "Don't worry" I hugged him then walked to the door with him "Be safe Halstead" "You too Casey" I smiled then walked to the living room and sat down.
"Everything ok?" I nodded "He just needs to wrap his head around something" He kissed me and we ended up making out until our phones went "This has to be a joke" I sighed "Your duffel bag is in the bedroom" I nodded and walked to the bedroom and stole one of Mouse's black hoodies then took out my black ripped jeans and black timberlands and got changed. I threw my stuff in my duffel bag and walked to the bathroom. I put my hair into a half up half down bun then did a nude makeup look the best I could with one hand and avoiding my eye and lip the best I can then walked out to the living room. 
"That's my jumper" I nodded "Don't trust me with jumpers I still have Jay's" "Is that right?" "Yeah it is and you need to go get ready because we both got that text" "Fine" I smiled and sat on the sofa and watched the news "Mouse come on this is now on the news" "Ok let's go" I nodded and grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket as we jogged out to the car.
"Ok, what did they say it was" "Something about police being shot at" "Where?" "I don't know Jay has Mya so I need to find a baby sitter" I sighed and took my phone out my pocket "I have 3 people I could use" I phoned Severide "Hey Halstead what's up?" "I know you and Stella are doing something but I need a really big favour" "Sure what's up?" "We have been called into work for a police shooting and I need a babysitter I saw Mya with you the other day and Casey has enough on his plate" "I'll watch her don't worry" "Severide you are a lifesaver can you pick her up from the 21st" "I'll wake Stella up now and come to the 21st in around half an hour" "Thank you so much I owe" "Calm down I know you would put Mya first but this is an emergency" "I got to go" "Ok I'll see you soon" I smiled "Kelly and Stella agreed to watch Mya" 

I opened my door and we jogged into the 21st "Halstead" I nodded to Mouse and jogged to Trudy "Everything ok?" "I think it has something to do with that shooting can you phone me when Stella Kidd or Kelly Severide come?" "Sure" "Thank you" I jogged to the gate put my hand on the scanner and put my pin in. I jogged up to the bullpen.
"MOMMY" I picked Mya up and put her on my hip "Hey sweetie" I kissed her head "You got booboo" "Yeah mommy has a booboo" I put her down and sat down "Ok so what we got?" "Mass shooting mainly police" I nodded "How can we help?" "You got first aid training?" "Paramedic training" "We will need you" I nodded and my phone rung "Katrina Halstead" "Halstead Kelly Severide is here" "Thank you I'll get Mya" I smiled "Mya you remember Kelly don't you" "Yeah he let me go on the firetruck" "Yeah he did he's here to watch you ok?" "Yeah, can I take Fluffy?" "Of course you can you get your bag from uncle Jay" "Ok mommy" "Halstead everything ok?" "Yeah Severide is here to pick Mya up" Hank nodded and Mya ran over to me with her bag. I took her bag and put it on my back then picked her up and walked downstairs with her.
I put her down and she ran over to Kelly. He picked her up and spun her around and placed her on his hip "Thank you so much for doing this" "Don't worry about it I know that you can't look after her every minute of every hour" I nodded and kissed Mya's head "Be good for uncle Kelly" "Uncle" "You are all like my brothers" I smiled "Oh is Ruzek up there?" "Yeah everyone is" "Can you tell him not to get shot because it will break my sister's heart more than him breaking up with her" "Hold on a minute Severide" "What?" "I knew it" I chuckled "Knew what?" "Well I used the process of elimination after Mya caught Adam kissing someone in the locker room" I smiled "I'll tell him" "Thanks" "Right Mya mommy is gonna go now" "Ok mommy" "Be good for uncle Kelly and Auntie Stella" I kissed her head "Bye mommy" "Bye Mya" I jogged over to the gate and put my hand on the scanner and put my pin in then ran up to the bullpen.
I got to the top step "Ruzek Severide said and I quote don't get shot because it will break his sister's heart more than you breaking up with her" I smiled and everyone started looking at Ruzek "I hate you Kat" "What he didn't say it had to be in private" I smiled "Wait hold up" I looked at Atwater "That's why Ruzek was caught in the locker room by a 6-year-old and then insisted on coming to 51 to pick you up yesterday" I looked at Ruzek with wide eyes "That makes more sense than the partners being changed" I sighed then yawned "You ok baby?" "Yeah, I'm just tired" "Hey little sister want a coffee?" "No, I'm not in the mood" Everyone turned to look at me "What?" "Katrina, you just turned coffee down" I nodded "Yeah so what?" "You have never turned coffee down since you got here" I shook my head "I'm just not in the mood for police coffee" I grabbed my phone out my back pocket  because it started ringing "Katrina Halstead" "Halstead it's Severide" "Severide what's up?" "I'm coming to the 21st Mya has a temperature and keeps crying for you" "Ok Trudy will phone me when you get here" I sighed and put my phone in my back pocket. "Ok so we why but we believe this is the target" He put a picture up on the board "This is the shooter" I walked over to the board "Go onto Instagram and Facebook see if he has any deleted pictures with her or a dating profile where they matched" I turned to Mouse "What are you thinking?" "Crazy ex-boyfriend after the girlfriend that broke his heart but all the other people he shot were bonus'" "Like James?" "Yeah, I was the target you were the bonus" "They did date" I nodded then turned to Mouse "Look like it ended a month ago today" I reached over my desk and grabbed the phone "Katrina Halstead" "Halstead Severide is here with a crying Mya" "Thanks Trudy" I put the phone down and ran downstairs.
"Mommy" I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck "It's ok mommy's here" Kelly handed her fully "I'm so sorry for making you come back" "It's ok I'll take her out another day" I nodded "Say bye to uncle Kelly" "Bye uncle Kelly" I smiled and took the bag from Kelly and put it on my shoulder I walked over to the gate "I'll buzz you" "Thanks" I pulled the gate open and Mya was still crying on my shoulder. "It's ok baby girl" I kissed her head. Her head was now in the crook of my neck and she was still crying. I could feel the temperature of her head on my neck and she was really warm.
I walked to my desk and sat down. I moved so her head was now on my chest snuggling into Mouse's jumper. Mouse walked over and crouched down so he was at her hight "Hey Mya daddy wants a cuddle" She moved closer to me "What's wrong sweetie" I rocked her a little and she soon calmed down "Want me to go get her some medicine?" I nodded "Please" I kissed Mya's head "Halstead" I looked up "How's your face?" "Ok until I touch it" "And your hand?" "Fine I can't feel anything and I can't do anything so I'm hanging out here" "Ok watch what you are doing" I nodded and Mouse handed me a syringe with medicine in it and a water bottle. "Mya take some medicine" She took the medicine and was almost sick so I handed her the water bottle. "Shall we get uncle Matt to come pick us up and we can go to daddy's house" She nodded slightly and I looked at Jay "Who?" "Casey I know what he will be up to" He nodded and walked into the break room. "Take another drink sweetie" I held the water bottle out and she took a drink of it, "Casey said he would phone me when he gets here" I nodded "Thanks" I sat rocking Mya for a bit "Casey's here I'll help you down" "Mya you go with uncle Jay until we get downstairs" She moved off me and cuddled into Jay. I kissed Mouse "I'll see you tonight" "You got your key?" I nodded and walked downstairs behind Jay.
"I'll take her" Mya cuddled into my chest again "I'll come by after shift" "Ok I love you" "I love you too" I hugged him then walked out to Casey's car Mya had just fallen asleep so I put her in the car seat.
"Hey" "Hey" I climbed in "Mouse's?" I nodded "Please" "Is she ok?" "I really don't know she was with Severide and he phoned me saying that she was crying for me" "I hope she's ok" "So do I and did you know Ruzek and Severide" "I found out the other night" I shook my head "Of course you did" I chuckled "How did you find out?" "I used possess of elimination but Severide told me to tell him not to get shot because it would break her heart" I smiled "Of course he did" I looked down at my hand "You're either thinking about your ex or last night" "Or both" I sighed "The first thing Mya said when she saw me was mommy you got a booboo? I don't know how I can go home with bruises on my face or broken bones or broken ribs" "Hey don't worry about it we both know you are a great mother" I nodded "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah?" "Before Sylvie fainted how was she feeling?" "Tired she didn't want alcohol either" I looked down. Shit, I'm tired and I don't want coffee "Why?" "No reason" I could feel my heart racing and I hoped it was just a false alarm and that I was just overreacting.

"I'll carry her in" "Thanks Matt" I opened the door "First door on the left" I smiled "Thank you Matt" "Don't worry about it" I sat on the sofa and took my boots off and turned the tv on and started watching S.W.A.T because I had missed a few episodes. My eyes started to feel heavy so I turned the tv off and grabbed the cover from the back of the sofa and put it over me. I moved the cushions to the arm of the sofa and lay down. Soon enough I was sound asleep. 

Mouse's POV

I walked into the house and no one was around I walked into Mya's bedroom and she was sleeping. I knew Katrina wouldn't leave Mya by herself so I walked into the living room and Katrina was sleeping on the sofa with a cover over her. I picked her up bridal style and walked to the bedroom. I lay her down softly and pulled the covers up. I kissed her head and walked out. 
"Jay man scare me to death why don't you" I grabbed 2 beers and handed Jay one "Where's my sister and niece?" "Both in bed" "I don't wanna say this out of place but I'm gonna ask because she is my sister is everything ok between you two?" "I think so" "She was acting strange today that's all" "I noticed it as well I am slightly worried about her and Mya" I took a swing of my beer "I've never seen Mya act like that she was fine last night" I nodded slightly "Games on" He nodded and we walked into the living room and watched the game.
"MOMMY" I sighed "I better go" I stood up and walked to Mya's bedroom. "I want mommy" I sat on the bed and lifted her onto my lap "Mommy is sleeping" I kissed her head and rocked her "Why don't I go get you some medicine and you can sit with uncle Jay" She nodded and I walked through to the living room with her. I placed her down and Jay handed me the syringe with medicine and her water bottle. "There you go munchkin" I gave her medicine and then she took a sip of the water. I lifted her onto my lap and rocked her until she was asleep "I'll take Mya you go check on my sister" I nodded and handed Mya to Jay then walked to the bedroom.
I sat on the bed next to Katrina "Hey sweetie" I put my hand on her face and rubbed her cheek "Hey" I smiled "Hey" her voice was croaky "Do you want anything?" She shook her head slowly "Can I get some water?" I nodded "I'll go get it" I kissed her head and walked to the kitchen "Want another beer, Jay?" "Yeah" I grabbed 2 beers and a bottle of water. I handed Jay the beers "She ok?" I nodded slightly and walked back to the bedroom.
I opened the water and helped her take a sip "Are you ok?" "I'm just tired and I feel sick" "Ok go back to sleep I'll be in soon" "Ok say hi to my brother" "I will" I kissed her head and walked through to the living room and sat down.
Jay handed me my beer "Thanks man" I took a wing of the beer "Your sister says hi" "How is she?" "Say's she's tired and feels sick" "You know her younger brother is a doctor" I chuckled "Yeah I know but Mya's sick as well hopefully it'll pass" I sighed and we watched the game.
"Man I'm gonna get going let you care for your girls" I nodded "Thanks for keeping me company" "No problem man I wasn't going anywhere except Molly's" I gave him a man hug then switched everything off. I went to check on Mya and she was still sleeping like a baby.

Katrina's POV

"I didn't wake you did I?" I shook my head slowly "Nah I wanted to see my man before I go back to sleep" I smiled and kissed him as he climbed into bed "You sure you are ok? You look like a ghost" I nodded "It's probably just a bug" "If both you and Mya aren't feeling well tomorrow I'm phoning your brother and not going to work" "Babe you don't have to" "I know but you can't look after Mya if you are ill yourself" I nodded then moved my head onto Mouse's chest. His heartbeat like a song calming me down slowly calming me down from the inside. He kissed my head and I slowly fell asleep.

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