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"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61 Multivehicle Accident West 17th and Halstead"

"Oh come on" I got out of bed and walked to the ambo. I pulled my jacket and radio on then jumped in "I thought I would get to sleep on my last night" "Sorry to say this but it's 4:30 so you did sleep most of the night" "Well it's better than 3:30" I chuckled "Ok we get it" I pulled my gloves on

I jumped out and grabbed the medical bags "Kidd you take that car I'll take this one until we get another ambo here" "Ok Halstead" I walked over to the green car and climbed up so I was looking down at her through the sunroof 
"Help me please!" "Ma'am I'm lieutenant Halstead with the Chicago Fire Department we're gonna get you out" "I can't feel my legs oh god help me please" "Ma'am I need you to take a couple of deep breaths" "SEVERIDE, CASEY, HALSTEAD" I looked up "It's the chaplain and he's bleeding bad" "Ok you guys separate the two-car and we will pull them out at the same time Halstead you good up there?" "I'm good but be careful I don't fancy flying at 4 in the morning" "Tony attach the winch" I nodded "God, help me please" "Ma'am I need you to stay as calm as possible. Take a breath in for 4 hold for one and out for 4 can you do that for me?" She nodded "WAIT CASEY, SEVERIDE" I looked at them "If we move this car she would be paralyzed or worse" "But" "I know the longer he is pinned the more blood lost" "Halstead it's your call" "Gallo, Kidd get the jaws" "Help me" I looked down "Ma'am I need you to keep breathing for me this is going to be loud" "Lieutenant it's the Chaplin" "We're getting her out first her injures are more serious so if you aren't happy with my choice go sit in the truck until we are done" "GALLO YOU HEARD YOUR LIEUTENANT GO GET THE JAWS" "Sorry captain" "Severide, Casey I can't get down without moving wrong" "I'll come up" Severide climbed up and helped me down "I feel stupid now" "Come on Halstead" "HELP ME HELP ME I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS" "Ma'am we hear you but you are going to have to stay calm so we can get you out" Kelly took the jaws "Kidd how is he?" "Weak pulse he's lost a lot of blood from the head wound" "Backboard" I moved out the way and walked to Kidd "SEVERIDE SHE IS GOING WITH THE OTHER AMBO" "LET'S GET CHAPLIN OUT" Truck and Squad worked on getting the Chaplin out and to the ambo. "I'm driving" "OK" jumped in the ambo and drove to med.

I jumped out "Kidd what we got?" I pulled the gurney out and focused on other stuff "Trauma 2" We pushed him into trauma 2 "On my count 1...2...3..." We move him over "Ok thanks" I smiled and walked out. I pulled my gloves off and binned them then filled the paperwork "Maggie are you always here so early?" "I was doing a double shift so no" "Well goodbye for a week" "Oh where are you going?" "Office of fire investigation" "Well have fun" "Not gonna happen" I signed the paperwork and walked out to ambo and jumped in
 "Did I make the right choice?" "We both know that no matter what way we got him out it would still be bad" "Yeah I guess you're right" 

I pulled my jacket and radio off then walked to the common room. Everyone looked up "How is he?" "He's touch and go I think I heard them say internal injuries but he's still hasn't regained consciousness" "Halstead you did the right thing" I nodded slightly "Yeah I know but you of all people will know how replaying something in your head makes it worse" "Yeah well I think tha-" "AUNTIE KAT" I turned around and got attacked my Amelia and Mason "That will make it better?" "Yeah, something like that" I smiled and kissed their heads "You are so tall shrink" I placed my hands on their heads as if I was trying to make them shrink "Hey" "Hey" I smiled "Ok so car seats are in your car I have to get to work" "Babe it's 5 in the morning" "Caught a case but Will is dropping Mya off at school" "Of course and ok you did well you two can come sleep in my office" "We can share" I nodded and took their hands "Ok so I'll come wake you up before we leave ok?" "Ok," I opened my office door "You know where I am if either of you needs me" "Ok auntie Kat" I closed the door and walked to the common room.
"So how was your night with my brother, boyfriend, your sister and Lucy?" "Awkward to say the least" I sat down "How were your calls?" "Erm well, I got stuck on top of a car" "Halstead that was not your fault anyone could have been stuck up there" I chuckled "Severide is only saying that because he got to carry me down off it" "I am not only saying that so I can add to my list of weird saves" "You wouldn't be saying that if it was Kidd stuck up there" I smirked, "Want a coffee?" "Nah I'm good" "Cofee Halstead" I grabbed the cup of coffee "You are all so kind" I smirked "Yeah we really are" 

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