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"Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Engine 51 Structure fire 232 South May Street" 

"Come on let me sleep for once" I rolled out of my bunk and ran to 81. I pulled on my turnout gear then jumped in truck "Kidd let's go" 
"Why aren't we allowed to sleep for a full night" "If you find out Gallo tell me" I smirked "Ok Gallo, Kidd first floor, Kidd with me second floor" "Yes lieutenant" I pulled my gloves on.

I grabbed my helmet then jumped out "Squad, 81 primary search" I grabbed my tank and pulled it on. I walked up to the stairs and pulled my mask, hood and helmet on "Ready lieutenant" I nodded slightly and we walked into the house. 
We walked up the stairs "Kidd go left I'm going right" I walked into the bedroom "CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL OUT" "Here" "WHERE ARE YOU" "Bed" I patted down the bed and there was no one there so I flipped it and there was a young girl lying there with burns down the side of her body "I'm going to get you out of here" I turned around and the fire was coming in so I picked her up and smashed the window "CHIEF I NEED THE AERIAL UP TO THIS WINDOW I HAVE A YOUNG KID" "GALLO GET THE AERIAL UP TO THAT WINDOW" Gallo put the aerial up to the window then Severide climbed up it. I handed the girl to Severide then climbed onto the aerial just as the building exploded. The blast threw me forward "Halstead you good?" I pulled myself up and nodded "I'm fine" I pulled my hood and mask off then grabbed my helmet and climbed down the ladder. 
I grabbed my shoulder in a bit pain "Halstead go get yourself checked at med" "Chief I'm ok" "And I'm not asking get a ride back with ambo and if you get a call I'll take over until ambo gets there" I nodded "Ok chief" I pulled my tank off and left it on the grass then climbed into the ambo. 
"Let me look at your shoulder" I pulled my turnout jacket off that arm so Sylvie could see it "How does your stomach feel?" "Fine" "Ok this might hurt" Sylvie touched my shoulder and I winced in pain "Stop worrying about me" "You are like your big brother" I smirked "We are all Halsteads" I pulled my turnout jacket back on. 

I jumped out and helped Sylvie and her partner in with the gurney "Dr Choi take the fire victim Brett talk to me" Brett filled them in "Dr Halstead take your sister" I walked in behind Will "What did you do now?" "Don't know what you are talking about" I smirked "You must have done something because you wouldn't be in my ER if you didn't" "Well are we talking about today or yesterday?" "Let's start with yesterday" "Well yesterday I ran into a couple of burning buildings, jumped off a ledge with a girl and ran into Mya's school and talked down 2 active shooters" I smirked, "Does Jay know about the last one?" "Yeah, it was his idea" Will started laughing "Am I dreaming?" "That's what I thought" I sat down on the bed.
"So why are you here?" "Building exploded sent me flying" "What did you land on?" "The aerial" "Kat you have to be safer now" "I know I didn't think it was going to explode if I did I would have climbed through the fire" "Ok take your jacket off" I pulled my turnout jacket and radio off and lay them on the chair "So what did you injure?" "Shoulder" "Left or right?" "Left" "APRIL CAN WE GET THE PORTABLE X-RAY IN HERE?" I looked at Will "Don't tell Jay or Mouse" "I won't it's not my place" Will did the x-ray. "It's not broken or dislocated so it will probably just bruise anyway I want to do an ultrasound" I nodded "Thought you would" Will did an ultrasound "Everything looks fine and you know your due date is sometime in June" I nodded "Yeah I'll make an appointment with an OB if you know any good ones" I hinted hoping that he would "Dr Hannah Asher" I nodded "That your girlfriend?" I smirked "No" "Mhm whatever" I jumped off the bed "I'll be back in a minute" I nodded and pulled on my turnout jacket and radio "Hey girl you almost ready?" I nodded "Just waiting on my baby brother" Will walked in "Speak of the devil "There you go" I hugged him "I'm sure it's my turn to save you soon" I smirked and walked out to the ambo and climbed in next to Sylvie. 
"Let's see those scans" I handed her them "You are gonna have one cute kid" "Only if it gets my looks" "Well I don't know it could be a handsome one" I slapped her playfully. "So hows Casey?" "Ok I think I mean I haven't heard from him since the day before yesterday" "I heard from him before the barbecue" 

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