Coming Home

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Jamie and Greyson woke up a few times during the night but we were expecting that. It was now 7 in the morning and both Jamie and Greyson started crying again. I turned my head to look at Mouse who was getting out of his chair because I was in a lot of pain. "Here you go mommy" Mouse handed me Jamie and I started feeding her while Mouse changed Greyson's nappy. "You still in pain?" I nodded 

"Yeah, it's normal though" Mouse sat down on the bed next to me caressing my cheek. 

"She looks so fragile," Mouse said kissing her head. I nodded while starting to burp her. Mouse swapped me for Greyson and I started feeding him as he changed Jamie. Once Greyson was finished I handed him to Mouse who put him back in his cot. 

"Will you help me?" I asked and Mouse walked over to me 

"What do you need help with?" 

"Getting up and going to the toilet" I replied as Mouse helped me sit up and stand up. I winced in pain every so often but we soon got through to the bathroom. Mouse helped me in the bathroom before helping me back into bed as Natalie walked in 

"How's mommy doing?" 

"Sore" I replied with a small laugh 

"That's normal Jay's outside again" I raised my eyebrows 

"It's 8 in the morning" 

"That's Jay for you," Mouse said and I nodded. 

"So baby girl and baby boy looks perfect and mommy let's see how you're doing" Natalie checked me out quickly

"I think that you should be able to go by lunchtime. Your little ones seem to be doing good so we're not worried about them but you're a paramedic you know everything" I nodded "Want me to send Jay in?"

"I guess we should" I sighed as Natalie handed me Jamie who started crying. Mouse took Greyson as we planned. I held her to my chest and she stopped crying with the contact of my skin. Natalie walked out and Jay walked in seconds after she left.  "Jay it's 8 in the morning," I said as Jamie stretched and caught my jaw. 

"How are you feeling?" Jay asked 

"Sore but that's normal" I replied. 

"I'm gonna go get us something to eat," Mouse said looking at Greyson. I nodded 

"Can you get me something cold to drink?" 


"This is your niece. Jamie Alexandra Gerwitz" I handed her over to Jay and she started fussing

"Hey there Jamie I'm your uncle, Jay" I smiled watching Jay interact with Jamie. Mouse walked back in holding Greyson. He handed me a cold Fanta and I smiled. 

"Jay turn around" Jay turned around and his eyes widened 

"Wait there's 2" I nodded slowly 

"Meet your nephew Greyson Boydd Gerwitz," I said with a smile as he handed me Jamie and took Greyson from Mouse. I kissed Jamie's head as Jay looked down at Greyson 

"Hey there Greyson I'm your uncle Jay" I smiled as Jay's phone went. He handed Greyson to Mouse and kissed my head 

"I've got to get to the district" 

"Be safe big brother and don't tell anyone" 

"I won't and always little sister" I smiled as Jay walked out and Will walked in with Mya behind him. 

"Hey there big sister" I smiled 

"Hey, there little brother" Mya sat on the bed next to me. 

"This is your little sister Jamie" I helped Mya hold Jamie and Mouse walked around and crouched down in front of her. 

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