"Scared Us"

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Katrina's POV

"Halstead you need to stay with me" My eyes got heavy and the room soon went black.

Stella's POV

Halstead pushed me out the way then a beam landed on her I grabbed my radio "Mayday mayday firefighter down" Halstead screamed in pain and I left useless I crouched down next to her head "Stay with me Halstead" "KIDD GET OUT OF HERE" I sighed there is no way I am leaving my best friend until squad gets up here. "I'm not leaving you" she screamed again "Halstead stay with me" "Tell Jay and W-" "Halstead you need to stay with me" I grabbed my radio "Halstead is still stuck I need help shes under a beam" I looked up and Kelly and Cruz were walking in "She's unconscious and she has a pulse" "Stella go outside your tank is gonna die" I nodded and walked outside. I took my hat and hood off then my mask. 
I walked over to Casey "She's stuck under a beam" "How?" "Saving me" I sighed then sat on the front of truck. Soon enough Severide and Cruz came with Halstead in their arms. I got up and ran over "Stella she will be fine" I fell onto Kelly's chest "Shh it's gonna be ok" "It should have been me" I sighed "I'm taking 51 out of service go to med" I nodded "I'll drive captain" Casey nodded and I jumped in truck and drove to med.

Will's POV

"Will not to worry you but your big sister is coming in" "What? Katrina's coming in?" "She was trapped under a beam and I'm gonna have Crockett take it" I nodded "Thanks Maggie I'll phone Jay" I walked into the break room and took my phone out my pocket and sat down on the sofa and phoned Jay. "Hey bro what's up" "Jay..." "Will what is it?" "Kat's been brought in" "She's what Will please tell me are kidding" "Jay I wish I was" I sighed.

Jay's POV

I saw my phone and a picture of Will pop up. "Hey bro what's up?" "Jay..." I looked at Hailey "Will what is it?" "Kat's been brought in" My heart sunk to my stomach "She's what? Will please tell me you are kidding" "Jay I wish I was" I heard Will sighing "I'm coming don't leave her side" I stood up and walked to Voight's office. I knocked on the door and he signalled me to go in. 
"Hank, do you mind if I leave?" He stood up "Why?" "Katrina is being brought into med as we speak" "Go I'll get everyone to meet you there you take Mouse and Hailey" I nodded and walked over to my desk "Mouse, Hailey we need to go" I grabbed my jacket "I'll explain in the car"

Ruzek's POV

Jay, Hailey and Mouse just walked out in a rush then Voight walked out "I'm handing this case over to homicide" What why would he want to do that "Why?" I looked at Rojas "Katrina Halstead is being taken to med as we speak" I jumped up and grabbed my jacket "Ruzek stay here for a minute and pack this case up" "Sarge I want to be there" "Ok go" I ran downstairs and out to my car.

Jay's POV

I jumped out of my car and ran into med. Kelly stopped me running past the waiting room. "Jay she's in with Connor just now Will is checking on a patient then he is coming out"
I looked up and Will walked out "Will how is she?" "We don't know yet from what I saw possibly a broken leg, broken ribs, concussion..." Will went quiet "I think she has internal bleeding" I looked down at the floor trying to keep it together but I couldn't I walked over to the wall and slid down it when Connor walked out.
"Family of Katrina Halstead" I stood up with the rest of 51 and intelligence and walked over with Will. "She has a few broken ribs, a concussion and she had some internal bleeding but we fixed it in surgery. She's pretty beaten up" I nodded "Can I go see her?" "Follow me" I followed Connor to Katrina's room "She should wake up soon" I nodded and stood outside her door watching her. Her chest calmly going up and down. I opened her door and walked in. 
I pulled the chair closer to her bed and sat down and grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles "Hey baby sister I need you to wake up for me. I need you to be here. I love you and I wish I knew you before I knew when mom showed up yesterday that it wouldn't end well. Your boyfriend whoever he is he needs you. Will needs you" I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

Katrina's POV

Bright lights were the first thing I saw. I moaned as I tried to blink away the brightness. The pain was manageable. I looked over and saw Jay standing outside with Mouse and Ruzek. I moaned in pain from my chest and head. Jay saw I was awake and rushed in.
"Hey little sister" "Hey big brother" my voice was croaked "I'm gonna go get you some water" I gave him a slight nod and he walked out then Mouse in.
"Hey sunshine" I smiled "Hey handsome" He walked over and sat next to me, "Jay asks I was keeping you company" I nodded. I put my hand on his face "I love you Mouse" "I love you too Katrina" I smiled and put my hand back on the bed so Jay wouldn't catch us. "So how scared was Jay?" "He sped here then ran inside and Severide had to hold him back" I chuckled "Don't make me laugh" "Sorry so what happened?" "We were in a house fire a couple of doors along from Jay and I's house and a beam was falling so I shoved Kidd out of the way and it landed on me" he shook his head "You need to be careful" "Careful and quiet are not in the Halstead's vocabulary" I smiled because it hurt to laugh. "Don't talk until Jay gets back" I nodded then Jay walked back in. 

Mouse's POV

I hated seeing her this way but it was like seeing Jay been shot Halsteads are strong and they don't give up so I walked in "Hey sunshine" I smiled "Hey handsome" I walked over and sat on the chair next to her bed. I didn't want to get caught "Jay asks I was keeping you company" She nodded. She put her hand on my face and I smiled "I love you Mouse" "I love you too Katrina" I smiled and she put her hand back on the bed so Jay wouldn't catch us. "So how scared was Jay?" "He sped here then ran inside and Severide had to hold him back" she chuckled "Don't make me laugh" "Sorry so what happened?" "We were in a house fire a couple of doors along from Jay and I's house and a beam was falling so I shoved Kidd out of the way and it landed on me" I shook his head "You need to be careful" "Careful and quiet are not in the Halstead's vocabulary" I chuckled and she smiled. "Don't talk until Jay gets back" She nodded then Jay walked back in. 

Katrina's POV

"Here" I took a sip of the water. "Thanks" I gave a weak smile "How long am I out?" "You will have to ask Connor" I sighed. I grabbed Jay's hand "Is 51 still here?" he nodded "They don't leave once someone gets hurt" I nodded "Can you go get them?" he nodded then walked out to go get them. "Are you not tired?" I shook my head gently "Once Jay leaves in kissing you" he chuckled.
51 walked in with Jay behind them. Kelly and Casey were the first 2 to walk-in "Oh look it's thing 1 and thing 2" I chuckled but it hurt "Well good to see your sense of humour is still there Halstead"  I smiled "Kidd stop blaming yourself I can see it in your eyes" she shook her head "Am I thing one or two?" I smiled "Ohh you Casey thing 1" He hit Kelly's shoulder then Will walked in "There's my little brother" I smiled and Will walked over "Good to see you awake" I smiled and reached up to hug him "Halstead" "Yeah," we all said in unison "Oh Dr Halstead you're needed in Trauma 3" "I'll see you later" "Bye Will" I smiled "We are gonna get back on shift" "Be safe you lot" I smiled as they left. "Where's Connor" "Why? What's wrong?" "Nothing but I know the rules after someone wakes up after surgery their doctor is meant to check on them" "I smiled and looked at Mouse out the corner of my eye. "He was in surgery when you woke up but intelligence is outside" "Go get them I'm bored" "Ok" I looked at Mouse "When you go back to 21st when I get Jay out of here come back" "Happily" I smiled then the rest of intelligence walked in. 
"You scared the living daylights out of me Kat" "I'm sorry Ruz" I smiled "How are you feeling?" "It hurts to laugh so if anyone makes me laugh I will steal Jay's gun during the night then come shoot you" I smiled "You still have your sense of humour" "Hi Connor" "Hi Katrina I'm guessing Will's been in" I nodded "Well you should be out here in a couple of days" "Thank god" "Maybe tomorrow" I smiled "Connor I will save your life any day if you get me out of here tomorrow" They all laughed "You are definitely a Halstead" I smiled "I'm gonna leave you to get rest" "Thanks Connor" "We better go"  I smiled as intelligence walked out "Jay you need rest as well you look like you have been all night" "It's only 9 pm" "Exaclty 9 pm go home get sleep" "Ok fine I'll be back before I start tomorrow" "Ok night big brother" "Night little sister" "I love you" "I love you too" I hugged him then lay down on the bed and smiled to Mouse "I might see you tomorrow Mouse" I grabbed my phone and looked through social media until I heard a knock on the door. I looked up at Mouse was standing there.
I smiled and he walked in. I moved along the bed and patted it "Come lie next to me" I smiled and Mouse sat on the bed next to me. I kissed him and he put his arm around me "I mean what I said earlier" "So did I" I put my head on his chest and relaxed a bit. "I need to say something" "What?" "You look sexy in bunker gear" "I want to laugh but it hurts" I smiled "Go to sleep" "I'm going to" I smiled then closed my eyes.

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