Back In Town

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"Arrgg I hate mornings" "Don't we all" I smiled and kissed Mouse "You go shower and get ready I'll wake Mya, make her breakfast and get her ready" "You are amazing" "Hmm so you keep saying" "I'll pick Mya up tonight if I can" "Ok I'll take her to school don't forget Upton's sister is coming" "Yeah I'll phone her in a minute" "Ok" I rolled out of bed and grabbed my uniform before walking to the bathroom. I had a shower then dried my body and pulled my uniform on. I blowdried my hair then braided it into a Dutch braid. I walked out and grabbed my duffel bag and packed it. "BABE YOUR PHONE IS RINGING" "WHO IS IT?" "CASSANDRA" "ANSWER IT SAY I'M GETTING READY AND I'LL PHONE HER BACK IN A MINUTE" "OK" I grabbed my boots and pulled them on. I tied the laces then grabbed my EMT bodywarmer and pulled it on. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked out to the living room. "You need to wear something warmer" "My jacket is in my locker" "Hmm ok" I dropped my duffel bag and Mouse handed me my phone and I phoned Cassie.
"Cassandra Upton" "You are so like me" "What?" "I answer with Katrina Halstead anyway you phoned" "Yeah I'm at the airport now with the twins" "Ok I'll try and be there in a car but I'm not promising that I will be in a car" "Ok I'm not too bothered as long as I get away from here" "Ok but I want the full story when you get here" "And I'll give it to you. I just can't say anything over the phone or in front of Mia and Mason" "Ok look Cassie I trust you and you need to tell your sister everything because I'm not a police officer today is my last day as a paramedic then I'm on desk duty and I can't do anything for you behind a desk" "Ok I'll tell her about Charles but not the rest" "Ok that's all I ask now go get on the flight and I'll pick you up" "Thanks Kat" "Stay safe Cassie" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket
"Everything ok?" "Yeah once you drop Mya off at school can you stop by 51 so I can get your car seat?" "Yeah, why?" "Cassandra is coming and she has twins" "Oh I forgot yeah I'll stop by but you need to get to work" I sighed "If I'm not there leave it in the common room or with squad" "Ok I love you" "I love you too" I picked my duffel bag up and kissed him "Ok I better go say bye to Mya for me" "I will" I walked out to my car and threw my duffel bag on the floor then drove to 51.

I grabbed my duffel bag then climbed out. I walked up to the apparatus floor "Hey it's Halstead's last shift" "That it is" I walked to the locker room and threw my duffel bag in my locker then Casey walked in "Just the person" "How can I help Kat?" "I need to ask you something as captain" "Yeah spill" "What's the chance that Boden lets me go for around an hour in an hour and a half?" "Do you have a good reason?" "Yeah my best friend is coming in from Indianapolis Hailey Uptons sister anyway her boyfriend or whatever they are now is abusive and she's escaping here for a little while" "I'll sort it I'll get Kidd to cover on ambo just tell me before you live but you can't be longer than an hour" "Thank you so much Matt" I hugged him "No problem" I grabbed my jacket and walked out to ambo. "Hey Chilli" "Halstead" Chilli had been acting strange recently so I decided to go tell Kidd to watch her but the bells went.

"Squad 3, Ambulance 61 Person Trapped 201 West Lexington Street" 

I pulled my jacket and radio off then jumped into the driver's seat and started driving to West Lexington Street. "Chilli what's up with you" "What do you mean" "You've been acting strange the past couple of shifts" "No I've not" "Whatever you say Chilli" "What's that supposed to mean?" "YOU ALMOST KILLED A PATIENT LAST SHIFT" "It all worked out I fixed it" "No I fixed it and I'm the PIC so I take all the heat for everything you tell Boden whatever is going on or I go to him" "I thought we were family" "Yeah we are but you are endangering patients" 

I jumped out and pulled on my gloves then grabbed the medical bags and walked over to squad. "What we got?" "Man with his hand stuck in the mixer" I shook my head "Sir what's your name?" "Sam Diaz" "Sam I'm Katrina and this is Jessica" I looked at his arm and grabbed some gauze "Ok how we want to do this?" "However you think is best Severide" "Ok" Squad started removing his arm from the mixer "Ok let's get him out of here" Squad helped us move him into the back of the ambo. I turned to Chilli.
"Chilli you are driving" "You don't trust me?" "Why should I trust you?" "Why don't you just tell everyone they will find out" "It's not my place just get in and drive to med" "I'll get in the back" "CHILLI I'M THE PIC AND YOU DO AS I SAY GET IN AND DRIVE TO MED BEFORE I LET SOMEONE FROM SQUAD DRIVE ME THERE" I curled over in pain "Katrina" Severide, Cruz and Capp came running over "I'm good I'm good" "I don't believe that" "I just got kicked in the gut again we need to get to med" "Ok Capp drive 61 to med Chilli get in the squad truck" "Thanks Severide" I climbed in the back and Severide shut the doors. "Sam how you feeling?" "Ok I suppose" I checked his stats "Everything seems fine CAPP WHAT'S OUR ETA?" "2 MINUTES HALSTEAD"

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