The New Halstead

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"Mommy" I rolled over "Hey honey" I lifted her up and put her between Mouse and I. I kissed her head and rolled over "Hey sunshine" "Hey handsome" "Hey Mya" I smiled "What's the time?" "7:30" "And shift starts when?" "8:30" I sighed "I don't want to go" "How about I get Mya's car seat from Jay and I drive you to work" I smiled "You sure?" "Yeah" I kissed Mya's head then Mouse. "I better get up" I rolled out of bed and Mya was asleep again "Just leave her I'll wake her before I change her" Mouse nodded and I walked to the bathroom. 
I jumped in the shower. Once I was done I parted my hair then put it into a low ponytail and did a small bit of makeup to cover the dark circles under my eyes. I walked back through to my bedroom and put my uniform on. I pulled my boots on and tied them and then sat on the bed next to Mya. "Hey sweetie time to wake up" Mya rubbed her eyes then stretched. My heart dropped at the sight. "Hey let's go get you dressed then make you breakfast" "Ok mommy" I smiled and lifted her up and walked to her bedroom. "Morning big brother" "Morning where's sleeping beauty?" "Bed" I smiled and continued walking to Mya's bedroom. 
I put her down on her bed then looked through her clothes. "How about this?" I held up a pair of black leggings and a pink flamingo t-shirt "Yes" I smiled and helped her get changed. "What about your hair?" "Can you braid it again please mommy" "Sit nice then" I braided her hair then helped her put her shoes on. "Let's go get breakfast" I picked her up and walked through.
I placed her at the table. "What do you want?" "Can I have cereal?" "Of course honey" I opened the cupboard and took out to cornflakes and poured then into a bowl. I then poured the milk in and put a little sugar on top and handed her the bowl. "There you go" I smiled and made myself a cup of coffee and put it in a travel mug. I grabbed an apple then ate it. "Jay, Mouse or whoever is taking me to work hurry up because I'm going to be late" I ran through to my bedroom and grabbed my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder "Ok I'm ready I already put the car seat in my car" "Thank you" "Jay's away to work he told you to be safe" I chuckled "Fluffy?" Mya ran off and got fluffy then ran back to me and I picked Mya up "We can let uncle Jay clean that" I grabbed my travel mug and carried it out. I put Mya in the car then walked back and locked the house door. I buckled Mya in and gave her my phone. I took a sip of my coffee before taking my duffel bag off and getting in. "Thank you for taking me to work" "Don't worry about it and Jay gave me some toys for her" I smiled "He knows what I need when I need" I kissed Mouse "Why don't you come into the firehouse for a bit you aren't due at work till 10 but we get there early" "Ok" I smiled and kissed him "Let's go because I'm going to be late" "Ok Jay packed you and Mya lunch as well" "Where has he been all my life?" "Where have you been his whole life" I slapped him.

I opened my car door and got out. I grabbed my duffel bag and put it over my shoulder. I grabbed my coffee mug and put it on the top of Mouse's car. "Can you grab the bag Jay gave you?" "Yeah sure," I opened Mya's door and unbuckled her "Mommy here you go" "Thank you" I put my phone in my pocket then lifted her up. "I don't even know if I'm allowed to bring her" "If not I can take her" "You sure?" "Yeah" "Thank you" I grabbed my coffee "Have you got fluffy?" She lifted him up so I could see him "Let's go then" She placed her head on my shoulder and I kissed her head. I took a drink from my coffee and walked up to the apparatus floor with Mouse next to me.
"Say anything and I will grab my halligan" I sweetly smiled and kissed Mya's head "Mya you go with Mouse for a minute ok?" "Ok," I kissed her head and handed her to Mouse "I'll be back in a minute I need to go put my bag in my locker" "Ok" I nodded and walked to the locker room. I opened my locker and put my coffee on the bench then put my bag in it. I grabbed my truck jacket and put it on before shutting my locker and grabbing my coffee. I walked back to the apparatus floor and Mya was hiding in Mouse's neck. "Hey sweetie" I put my hands out and she came to me and I put her on my hip. "Mouse you can wait in the common room I'll go speak to Casey" he nodded "Can you take my coffee?" "Yeah but it might not be here when you come back" I chuckled and handed him my travel mug then I walked through to the bunk room and Mya was hiding in my neck again. 
I knocked on Casey's door then kissed Mya's head. "Come in" I opened the door "Halstead how can I help you?" "I wanted to ask you if you would mind if Mya here stayed until Jay or Mouse can pick her up" "Of course she can" I smiled then kissed her head. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder "Thank you so much Casey" "Don't worry about it" "Door closed?" "Leave it open" I nodded then walked out. I looked at Mya "Hey how about you walk through?" "I don't want to mommy" "Ok sweetie but if mommy has to you might have to come or stay here with someone else" "Ok mommy" I walked through to the common room again.
"And?" "She can stay" "Ok" I grabbed my mug "Hmm there's coffee left" I smiled "Mya you go to Mouse for a minute mommy needs to put some of her stuff away" "Ok" Mouse put his hands out and Mya leaned over to him. I smiled then grabbed the bag Jay gave me "Did Jay take the forms?" "Erm I think so but I can ask him when I get to work" "It's ok I'll phone him shortly" I grabbed our lunches walked over to the fridge I put them on top and walked back. "I'll be back in minute honey I need to go check the firetruck" "Mommy can I come?" "Sure" I smiled and she jumped away from Mouse and ran over to me. I grabbed my coffee and took a sip and walked out to the truck.
"How do you want to sit in mommy's seat?" "Really?" I nodded then opened my door and lifted her. "Hey Halstead" "Hey Cruz" I smiled "Don't touch anything but you can wear mommy's hat" I lifted my hat off the dashboard and put it on her. "Mommy" "Don't say anything just yet" "I won't" I nodded and checked the truck. "Mommy, can I go look around?" "Ask Mouse to take you and behave" "Ok mommy" I lifted my hat off her then lifted her out of the truck and she ran into the common room.
 I followed her quickly "Mouse" "Yeah" "No one except Cruz knows who she is to me so don't say anything just yet" I turned around and Casey was walking past "Conference room in 5" I nodded "5 minutes then everyone can know everything" I smiled and walked back out to truck and finished checking it.
 I grabbed my car keys and put them in my pocket. "Hey, sweetie" I picked Mya up and put her on my hip. "Ok, so mommy has a meeting now" I looked at Mouse "Can you take my car keys so I don't forget them" "Sure" I smiled and took my keys out my pocket and handed them to him "Feel free to clean it" I smirked and walked into the conference room.
I stood at the back where I normally stand and kissed Mya's head. She was hiding in my neck again holding onto Fluffy with one hand and the other one around my neck. "Halstead good to have you back" I nodded then rubbed Mya's back. "Ok, so I don't have anything to say except be safe anyone have anything they want to say?" I looked at Mya "Chief do you mind" "Of course not" I kissed Mya's head then walked up to the front and put Mya down and she hid behind my head. "So I'm not exactly sure how to say this" I looked at Mouse who was standing in the door frame "This is Mya and I'm adopting her" They all cheered and clapped "Hey kid that's a good thing to do" I picked Mya up and put her on my hip "These are mommy's friends and they are all kind ok?" "Ok mommy" I kissed her head "Go play with Mouse" I put her down and she ran to Mouse and I walked back to my spot "Ok anything else?" We all shook our heads. "Dismissed" I walked to the common room and sat next to Mya and Mouse.
"Mommy" "Yes sweetie" "When can we see uncle Jay" "Tonight" "Ok mommy" 

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