Friend and Family

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"Morning baby" I rolled over and looked at Mouse "Morning handsome" I kissed him "What's the time?" "We need to get up so we can take Mya to school" I sighed "I forgot about that" I rolled out of bed "I'll go wake her then get her changed" "I'll make pancakes then" I nodded "Sounds good but none for me" "Apple for you" I nodded and walked to Mya's bedroom.
I sat on the side of the bed and woke her up gently "Morning sleepyhead" "Morning mommy" I kissed her head "Shall we get you ready for school?""YESS" I smiled "Go get your outfit" Mya ran over to the chair and grabbed her long-sleeved black and white stripy top and her dungaree dress. I helped her get changed into it then grabbed her shoes and put them on "Is your bag ready?" She nodded "Daddy helped me back it last night" "Ok grab your bag daddy's making pancakes" "YEYY" I walked out to the kitchen
"I'm going to go get ready" "Ok what are you wearing?" "Something that matches Mya I'll do her hair once I'm done" "Ok" I walked to the bedroom and pulled out my black dungaree dress and black and white stripy top. I got changed then pulled on my black boots and walked to the bathroom. I curled my hair into beach curls then did a natural make up look. I brushed my teeth then walked out to the kitchen
"Incoming" I caught the apple Mouse threw at me "Just as well I can catch" I smirked, "So Mya what do you want doing with your hair?" "Can you braid it?" I nodded "Eat your pancakes and I'll braid it" I braided Mya's hair when my phone buzzed I pulled it out of my bag that I left on the counter last night "Katrina Halstead" "That's one way to greet your best friend" "Lucy how are you?" "I'm good how about you?" "I'm good I'm sorry I haven't phoned you" "It's ok you've been busy" "You could say that" "So I have some holiday time I need to take so I booked a flight to Chicago to come see you" "Are you in Chicago just now?" "No, I'm about to get on the plane to O'hare" "Well I have something I need to do but once I'm done your plane should be in" I caught Mouse looking at me "Stop staring" I smirked "Ok my flight lands in around an hour and 15 minutes" "I'll be at O'hare waiting for you" "You better be" "Ok I have to go but I'll see you soon" "Ok miss you" "Miss you too" I put my phone back in my bag "And that was?" "My best friend from Indianapolis" "She can stay in our spare bedroom" I nodded "I'll see if she has anywhere to go yet" "Ok we better get our little munchkin to school" I smiled and grabbed my bag from the counter then Mya grabbed hers. We walked out to the car and I buckled Mya in then climbed in the front.
"So Lucy?" "Background check?" He nodded "Lucy Chen she is a police officer so her background is good" "Ok I won't check her out" "Ok good" I smiled and kissed his cheek "Mommy will I get to meet your friend?" "Yeah, you will sweetie" I looked at Mouse "We should tell" I nudged my head back a bit "Tonight" "What about Lucy I'm sure you will want to go to Molly's with her" "I'll find a babysitter and we can all go to Molly's" "Who will babysit?" "My little brother then we can tell her tomorrow because I got an email saying the shirt was arriving today"

I hopped out the car and unbuckled Mya. "Shall we go sign this paperwork?" "YEAH," I smiled and kissed her head. I took Mouse's hand as we walked into the school
"Hi there we phoned up a couple of days ago about my daughter starting here" "Oh you must be Mya Halstead I'll go get Mrs Stewart" "Thank you" She got up and walked into a back room before walking out with a young woman around mid 30's "Hi there I'm Elise Stewart and you must be Mya" I smiled and put my hand on her back "You must be Mr and Mrs Halstead" I tried not to laugh "We aren't married I'm Katrina Halstead and this is my boyfriend Greg Gewitz" "Oh I'm so sorry" "It's ok" "I'll get you to fill out this paperwork and leave a list of people who can pick her up if you two can't" I nodded "Thank you" I looked at Mouse "Who should we put?" "Intelligence and a couple from 51 and Will?" I nodded "Yeah sounds good" We filled out the paperwork then turned to Mya "We will see you soon ok?" "Ok mommy" I hugged her then kissed her head "Bye daddy" "Be good munchkin" "Bye Mya" "Bye mommy" I smiled and we walked out to the car
"I need to get to the 21st" "Can I use your car?" "If you must" I smirked "Well mine is still at 51 and I'm not meant to be driving" "Ok but only if you stop for coffee on your way back" "Of course from that coffee shop that knows the 21st orders off by heart" "Yeah that will do" I smirked "Ok but I want a doughnut as well" "I'll stop off for doughnuts for intelligence as well"

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