Birthday Girl!

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"Mommy" I felt someone tap my arm. "Hey honey" I grabbed my phone and checked the time "Come in beside us" I lifted her up and put her in between Mouse and me. She snuggled into my side and I put my arm around her "Hey you ok?" "Yeah, Mya woke me up" "Want me to?" "Yeah" I smiled weakly and closed my eyes.

"Mommy it's my birthday" "It is?" "Yeah" "Ok come on then" I climbed out of bed and we walked through to the living room "You didn't come back to bed" "I know I couldn't sleep so I stayed up" "Ok" I kissed him and grabbed my phone so I could take pictures. "Go ahead and open them" "Really?" "Yeah" Mya sat down and grabbed a wrapped present. She ripped the wrapping paper open and smiled when she saw what was inside. I placed a hand on my back and smiled at the sight. Mya opened the rest of her presents then ran up to me and hugged me "Thank you mommy" "It's ok" She ran over to Mouse and hugged him. There was a knock on the door and Mya turned to me "Go ahead" I sat down on the sofa and watched her run to the door and answer it
"UNCLE JJ AUNTIE LUCY" I smiled "Hi baby sister" "Hi big brother sorry I'm not dressed" "It's ok we dropped off before work" "I can see that" I smiled "Come in" They walked in and sat down "There you go muffin" "Thank you, uncle JJ" Mya unwrapped the present then ran up to Jay and Lucy and hugged them "We have to get to work muffin but be good for mommy and daddy" "Ok uncle JJ" I smiled and lay down on the sofa "You ok baby?" "Yeah I'm just sore" I felt a pain in my stomach and I winced "Are you ok?" Mouse came running over "Your child just kicked me in the gut" I smiled "You had me worried" "I'm sorry baby" I kissed him then there was another knock at the door. "Stay there" I raised my hands in surrender "Yes sir" I smirked and Mouse went to answer the door.
"Hey man" "Hey Mouse" "Come in I'm not letting your sister move" "Will tell him I can move please" "I'm staying out of this one" "If you won't let me move then throw me an apple and make me a cup of decaf coffee" "I'll give you an apple but I got you a cup of normal coffee from that place you like down by the 21st" "I love you" "So you have said" Mouse handed me an apple and a cup of coffee. I watched Mya open her presents from Will. "Thank you, uncle Will" "No problem munchkin" "Mommy will I go put these away?" "They will be fine for today" "Ok mommy" "How you feeling?" "Apart from the backpain and getting kicked in the gut I'm fine" "You know" "Don't say it's normal because I know it is" "Ok I'm gonna go before I get into one of your fights" "Ok have fun at work" "Not gonna happen" I smirked "Be safe I love you" "Love you too" "Oww" "Just been kicked?" "Stop laughing at me Will before I kick you in the gut" He raised his hands in surrender "I'm definitely leaving now" "Bye baby brother" "Bye big sister" Will left and Mouse walked over "Can you put my phone on charge please?" "Yeah" I handed him my phone and he walked to the kitchen "Babe there's someone phoning you" "Who is it?" "Upton 2.0" "Oh answer it please" "Ok" Mouse walked threw with my phone "There you to baby" "Thanks" I smiled
 "Cassandra Upton, what trouble have you been up to?" "Mmm, nothing yet" "I don't believe that for a second" "What trouble have you been up to?" "A lot your sister is my brothers work partner" "I wondered if you were related to Jay Halstead she phoned me crying when he got a girlfriend" "Hmm any idea who that girlfriend is?" "No who is it?" "Lucy Chen" "AHHHHH wait our best friend is dating your brother and my sister was upset about it" "Damn we are gonna have some family history" "That we will" "Anyway what's up?" "I don't know I'm pregnant again" "Congrats" "But something isn't right with Charles" "What do you mean?" "He's been acting strange and I'm starting to worry about Mia and Mason" "Cassie this doesn't sound like Charles does your sister know?" "No, and don't say anything to anyone please I'm begging you" "Ok why are you starting to worry about my favourite twins?" "Every time I'm at work or Charles is watching them and I go to change them at night there's a new bruise on them" I could feel the tears in my eyes but I was trying to be strong for Cassandra"Cassie I have a spare bedroom at the moment and Jay and Lucy have 2 spare bedrooms get yourself, Mia and Mason a ticket to Chicago as soon as you can say there's a problem with your sister if you need to or say I need something" "Katrina I don't know how he will react" "It's fine when is he next at work?" "He's at work now" "Pack some bags for you and the kids I will buy you some tickets is he at work tomorrow?" "Yeah" "I'll get tickets for tomorrow I'm at work but I'm sure my boss won't mind me taking a trip to O'hare" "Katrina I can't ask you to do that" "It's fine my boss will understand but I will have to take you to your sisters work until I can get off shift or pick you up" "Ok I'll start packing now" "Don't tell him where you are going or that you are packing bags then leave a note tomorrow" "Ok thank you so much" "Don't worry about it just know I will cry when I see you, Mia and Mason" "Mommy can we see uncle Kelly?" "Shortly sweetie go ask daddy for a slice of cake for me" "Ok mommy" "Sorry about that Cassie" "When did you have a kid?" "1 or 2" "WHAT?" "I adopted Mya and it's her 7th birthday today and I'm 21 weeks pregnant" "YOU ARE JOKING" "Shh you are going to blow my ear off" "Sorry ok I'm gonna go before Charles gets home" "Ok be safe and text me if anything happens I'll text you with the tickets" "I'll buy them" "Ok but text me your flight details every single bit of it" "Ok bye" "Bye"
 Mya ran in with a bit of cake for me "Thanks munchkin" "Your welcome mommy" "Can you give mommy's phone to daddy?" "Ok" I handed her my phone and she ran into the kitchen "So baby who was that?" "Cassandra Upton, she has twins a girl Amelia Rose and a boy Mason Andrew and she's pregnant" "Any relation to Hailey Upton?" "Yeah her little sister there's stuff going on in her life and she's coming here but you can't tell Hailey tomorrow" "I won't but is there anything I can do to help?" "Yeah get whatever you can tomorrow off the books on a Charles Williamson and don't let anyone see especially Hailey she will know the name straight away" "I won't but-" "I'll get it and you dare move" "Can I at least sit up?" "No stay there I'll let you get up when I say" I sighed "Just get the door" 
"UNCLE KELLY" I smiled "What's up shorty" He picked her up and tickled her "MOMMY HELP"  "You'll have to ask daddy mommy can't move" I smirked "DADDY HELP ME" Mouse walked in and started tickling her as well. I started laughing then Kelly put her down "Happy birthday kiddo I have to go but there you go" "Thank you uncle Kelly" "Thanks Severide" "No problem Katrina" I smiled "Go open it Mya" "Bye uncle Kelly" "Bye Mya" "Bye Severide" "See ya Halstead" "Baby Cassandra just text you" "Is it flight details?" "Seems like it" "Ok that's fine text her back and tell her I'll find a way out of work if not it will be a fire truck and an ambulance picking her up from O'hare" "I'll let you text her" He walked over with my phone and I texted Cassie back. "Ok, can I go get dressed so we can go to work?" "Yeah ok" "Thank you" I got up and walked to our bedroom. 
I picked out a tight grey dress with a fine twist that showed off my bump. I grabbed my white converse and pulled them on. I walked to the bathroom and put my hair into a high ponytail then did a small bit of makeup. I walked out to the living room and Mya was standing waiting on me "Mommy are you ready?" "Yeah come on" I grabbed my phone "Daddy mommy is ready" "Come on then let's go see uncle JJ" I smiled and we walked out to the car. I leaned over to buckle Mya in when I got kicked in the gut "Oww" "You ok baby?" "Yeah, I just got kicked again" I buckled Mya in then climbed in. I grabbed Mouse's hand and placed it on my bump "Can you feel it?" "Yeah, that's our little one" "Yeah it is" I smiled then kissed him. "I love you Katrina Halstead" "I love you too Greg Gerwitz" 

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