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I pressed snooze on my alarm then rolled over and faced Mouse "Morning sunshine" "Morning handsome" I placed my head on his chest "What's wrong?" "Nothing I'm just tired still" He kissed my head "Well you have to go to work" I moaned "I know "Want me to take Mya because she will be clingy" I nodded "It's fine I can't go out on calls because of my hand so I'll take her and my bunk is there" "Ok want me to go get her ready before you  get ready?" "Yeah please put a couple of teddies and blankets in a bag for her" "Ok" I rolled out of bed and grabbed my duffel bag and took out a uniform and put it on. I walked through to the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a low ponytail then attempted to cover up the bruise on my face. I walked out and pulled my boots on. I tucked my shirt into my trousers then packed my bag. I grabbed my truck 81 jacket and put it on. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked out to the living room.
I dumped my duffel bag on the floor and grabbed an apple. "Mommy" I crouched down and hugged Mya "Hey sweetie you feeling better?" "Yeah" I kissed her head "Do you want some cereal?" "Yeah" I looked at Mouse "I'll make it" I nodded "Erm you know that school we talked about?" "Yeah, the one in between here, 51 and the 21st" "Yeah that one can you get a place for Mya starting the day after my shift?" "I'll phone up when I get to the 21st" I nodded "Thank you" I kissed him "What grade will she be?" "Second I think" "Ok we saying Halstead when I sign up?" "Yeah say that just now then we can change it when we legally change her name" I smiled and kissed Mya's head "Ok come on then munchkin" I lifted her down off the stool then grabbed my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder "I've got to go as soon as I drop you off I said to Jay I would meet him" "Ok" We walked out to the car and I buckled Mya in then threw my duffel bag in next to her.
"I didn't make lunches" "It's fine Ridder's cooking isn't that bad but don't trust Gallo's" I chuckled "I'll remember that" I smiled and looked at Mya "Mommy will uncle Kelly be there?" "I think so sweetie and auntie Stella and Uncle Matt" I smiled "YEY" I love seeing my daughter happy and I hope she's gonna be happy when we tell her that she is going to have a brother or sister. I had forgotten about that and now I'm going to stress about it all day I sighed "What's wrong?" "Nothing I just remembered it's cleaning day" "That bad?" "Cleaning the truck and apparatus floor" "Oh I'm going to leave early" "You already said you were" "I know but I'm not staying when I come to pick Mya up" "And why's that?" I smiled. 

"Want me to walk up?" "Nah it's ok" I opened my door and then unbuckled Mya and grabbed both of our bags. "I'll see you shortly" "Ok I love you" "Love you too" I grabbed Mya's hand and walked up to the apparatus floor "Uncle Kelly" Mya ran over to Severide and he picked her up before spinning her around "I don't want her sick Kelly" I walked in and put her duffel bag in the common room then walked to the locker room and put my duffel bag in my locker then walked out to the common room.
"Mommy uncle JJ is here" "Is he now" I picked her up and put her on my hip "Matt you seen Jay?" "Boden's office" I nodded "Go play with uncle Matt" "Ok mommy" I kissed her head and walked to Boden's office and knocked on the door.
"Ah, Halstead come in" I nodded then walked in "Your brother was just telling me about your hand" I nodded "Yeah I'm out for 4-6 weeks at the least" "Ok I can put you on ambo because Foster has just left to go back to med school" I nodded "Thank you Chief" "Go get yourself changed into ambo uniform" "Yes chief" I hugged Jay then whispered in his ear "Say anything about the baby I will kill you" I kissed his cheek then walked to the common room and over to Sylvie "Do you have an extra uniform?" "Yeah sure why?" "I'm your new paramedic for 4-6 weeks" I smiled "Come I'll get you a uniform" I smiled and we walked to the locker room.
 I took my shirt off then Sylvie threw me a paramedic shirt and I put it on and tucked it into my trousers  then pulled on my truck 81 jumper "I have an EMT one if you want it" "You don't have to" "It's ok I have a spare" "Thanks" Sylvie handed me an EMT jacket and I swapped them over and put my 81 shirt and jumper into my locker then closed it "I better go tell Casey now" "Yeah did you know what Foster was planning?" "No I really didn't I was just as shocked as you" "Doubt that your brother told me by accident" "That's why you never trust my- shit you never trust my little brother" I sighed "Everything ok?" "Yeah" We walked to the common room. 
"Mommy" I picked her up "Uncle JJ is going to see daddy" "Is he now" I kissed her head then put her down "Can I get fluffy" "You don't need to ask sweetie" I walked over to Matt and sat at the seat next to him "Erm I'm out for 4-6 weeks so Boden put me on ambo" "Ok th-"

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