"Hell of a day"

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"Turn it off" I moaned because the alarm was blaring "Babe I'm sorry to tell you this but that's your alarm" "Argg" I grabbed my phone and turned the alarm off "I'm guessing I have to go to work now" I sighed "Well get ready for work at least" "Do I have to" "Erm I would normally say phone in sick but it's a funeral and your second day as lieutenant so I wouldn't recommend it" "I forgot about those but I'm taking Mya to school today" "Not without me" "I'll be fine I'm not going to make a scene I'll drop her off and go to shift so I'm not late" "Fine but I'm not happy about it" "You don't have to be" I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and thought about the day. I wrapped the towel around my body then walked out to the bedroom. I grabbed my lieutenants uniform and pulled it on. "I like my old uniform I hate these shirts" "Aww at least it has sleeves" "Yeah that's the small bonus" I grabbed my boots and pulled them on. I walked through to the bathroom and pulled my hair into a low ponytail. I grabbed all the stuff I needed to put my hair into a bun for the funeral. I walked out and put all my hair stuff in my duffel bag "BABE CAN YOU THROW ME THE HAIRSPRAY AND HAIR GEL?" "Isn't hairspray flammable?" "Yeah but my hair doesn't stay in without it" He handed me the hairspray and hair gel and I put them in my bag "Uniforms" "Thanks" I put my spare uniforms in my bag "Ok I think I have everything" "Shoes" "Arrgg" I grabbed my shoes and put them in a separate bag so they wouldn't get dirty. "Ok now I have everything" "Except your phone and lieutenant jacket" I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket then grabbed my lieutenant jacket and pulled it on. I walked out to the living room and dumped my duffel bag on the floor.
"Someone doesn't want to go to work" "Nah it's a funeral which means I have to dress nicely" "You always dress nicely" "Well thank you" I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple "Mommy I'm ready" "Come here and I'll do your hair different" I crouched down and put her hair into a Dutch braid. "Go get something to eat" "Ok mommy" Mya ran off to the kitchen and I sat at the sofa "Babe don't forget your uniform" I sighed and walked to my bedroom. I grabbed my uniform and walked out "Mommy I'm ready" "Grab your bag then" I grabbed my duffel bag and threw it over my shoulder "I'll try and stop by the 21st after the funeral "You don't have to" "I know but funerals are sad things" "Aww what a shame" "Can't I see my boyfriend and brother to make me happy?" I kissed him "Come on then munchkin" "See you later Halstead" "Bye Chen say bye to West for me" "Will do" I kissed Mouse then walked out to the car. I placed my uniform in the back then put my duffel bag in the front. I buckled Mya in then climbed in "Mommy can we listen to baby shark?" "Fine" I put baby shark on "This is gonna be stuck in my head all day" 

I unbuckled Mya and we walked into the school. I crouched down and kissed her head "Mommy will come pick you up in the firetruck with uncle Blake ok?" "Ok mommy" I fixed her jacket and she walked into class. I stood up and watched her "Katrina Halstead?" "Yes, that's me" "Hi I'm Josh Barlow firehouse 19" "You already know who I am firehouse 51" "Nice to finally meet you" "You too so how can I help?" "I heard something about Emily being mean to Mya and I just wanted to say I am so sorry about that. I'm her step-father and Darcie brought her up a completely different way to how I would have brought her up" "I should say I'm sorry for losing it" "Don't worry I would have as well" "I would love to stay but I have to get to shift" "Is 51 coming to the funeral?" "Yeah, we are" "I'll see you there then" "Yes you will" I smiled and walked out to my car. I climbed in and started driving to 51. "How the hell is he so nice she's so... bitchy" 

I grabbed my duffel bag and dress uniform and walked into 51. I walked to the locker room and put my stuff in my locker. I walked out to the common room and sat down. "How's your hand Alex" "Fine" I shook my head "I don't know how I just let her walk out of there without punching her" "Hey lieutenant there's a Josh Barlow on the app floor for you" "Thanks Cruz" I got up and walked out to the apparatus floor. "Josh good to see you again although this is becoming a tiny bit stalkerish" "Sorry I just wanted to say I'm going to speak to Emily about her behaviour and that-" 

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