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"Ambulance 61 person down unknown causes 293 South 13th Street" 

I sighed then rolled out of bed then ran to the ambo. I pulled on my jacket and radio then jumped in the passenger's side "Can I say it is freezing and I miss bunker gear" "Is it warm?" "Oh yeah the layers keep you warm" I smiled "So how did Mouse take it?" "Really really well he erm picked me up and spun me around until I was dizzy" "That's good" I nodded "I just hope Mya takes it well" I'm sure she will what do you want?" "I really don't know because I want a girl so Mya and the baby can match but I also want a boy so Mya can wear a dress and he can wear a suit and they can match us what about you?" "Haven't really thought about it but I would be happy with any" "Yeah so would I" "Bets?" "Ok OD" "Drunk" I nodded then yawned "Don't you'll make me yawn" I chuckled.

I jumped out and grabbed the bags and walked to the door. I used the side of my hand and pounded on the door "CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN UP" A man opened the door "My daughter I think she over doused" "Ok sir show us where she is" he leads us up to a bedroom where a young girl around 15 was lying the floor.
"What's her name" "Lola" I checked her pulse "Slow" "Narcan?" "Sir do you know what she's taken?" "No, no idea" I nodded to Sylvie "Let's move her" "I'll get the stair chair?" "Nah we won't get it down the stairs I'll carry her" "Halstead you" "It's fine just don't tell my brothers" I leaned down and picked the girl up and put her on my shoulder "Let's move" "Sir we are taking her to Chicago Med you can meet us there" I walked down the stairs and out to the ambo. I placed her on the gurney "I'll drive" Sylvie jumped in and I closed the door and walked around. I started the ambo and drove off to med. 

I ran around and opened the door "Brett, what we got?" "Female 16 OD..." I zoned out thinking about the pain in my wrist from the way I was carrying her. "Trauma 3" We pushed the gurney into trauma 3 "On my count 1...2...3..." "Thanks, Brett, Halstead" I smiled and signed the paperwork "Ok do we need anything from here?" "Nope I think we are ok" I nodded and grabbed the gurney. I put it in the ambo then walked around and got in.
"So everyone will be awake now" I nodded "How did that man find his daughter it was 6:45 why was he up that early" "Maybe he heard her fall" "Yeah maybe but still"

I pulled my radio and jacket off then walked into the common room and sat down at the circle table "Halstead do you want any coffee?" "No, I'm ok" I smiled and got up then walked to the fridge. I took out the apple juice and poured a glass then sat back down. "Halstead have you heard from Jay?" I took my phone out my pocket "Nope, not since yesterday why?" "No reason" "Mhm missing Adam are we?" I smiled and everyone in the room looked at Alex "Wait how did you-" "Your brother confirmed my suspicions the other day when he told me to tell Adam not to get shot because it will break your heart" I smiled "That brother of mine" "I saw Ruzek yesterday morning after my brother shot someone" I smirked, "Who's he been shooting now?" "Oh, I didn't ask" I took a sip of my apple juice.
"MOMMY" I stood up and Mya came running into my arms and I kissed her head. "Hey, sweetie" I looked at Mouse "I had to drop her off Jay went undercover" "It's fine I'll get someone to drop me off" "Ok everything is in her bag including lunch for both of you" "Ok I'll see you shortly tell Jay to be safe" "I will I love you" "I love you too" "Bye daddy" "Bye munchkin" "Mommy I'm hungry" "Does your daddy not feed you" she shook her head "What do you want to eat?" "Pancakes" "Why don't you go ask Gallo to make you some" "What am I to make?" "Gallo, can you make some pancakes for Mya?" "What kind do you want Mya?" "Choco chip" I smiled "There are chocolate chips in the cage" "Ok" I sat down and put Mya on my knee "Who's cooking?" "Gallo is making pancakes for Mya" "Uncle Kelly" Mya jumped off my knee and ran to Severide "Obvious she doesn't like me" I chuckled "Everyone loves me" "Stella come get your man" Stella walked in "What?" "Get your man" "What's he done now?" "Being himself" I smiled "Someone want pancakes?" Mya ran over and sat on my lap "Thanks Gallo" Mya started eating her pancakes "Mommy can I go see uncle Matt?" "You don't need to ask just don't run away" I kissed her head and she ran over to Casey just as Jay walked in. I got up and ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso making him step backwards.
 He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Wow, what's wrong?" "I just wanted to hug to hug my big brother because he is still alive" "Why wouldn't I be?" "Mouse said you were undercover" "I was but I'm here now" "I know" I felt him kiss my head "How are you really?" "Happy you're here" "Apart from that" "Great" I pulled back and looked him in the eyes "So how long till your shift ends" " Half an hour and you need to phone Will and make sure he is still ok for tonight" "I forgot about that but don't you want to spend the night with Mouse and Mya?" "Mouse knows I told him when he came to pick Mya up yesterday" "That's why he was so happy this morning" I nodded "Yeah probably we ordered a shirt for Mya to tell people" He shook his head "Ok I'll go phone our little brother and you go finish your shift" "Ok but Will does not get to pick where we go" "I agree with that so I'm picking" I went and sat down at the circle table and watched Mya play with Casey. "Ok, so I booked us a table and got Will to come it took a lot of convincing though" I chuckled "Where are we going?" "I'm not telling you but wear something I don't like and I'll pick you up" "Sounds good now let me go get my stuff" "Ok I'll watch Mya" I nodded and walked to the locker room "Sylvie I'll wash your stuff then give it back to you" "There is no rush we both know what is going to happen eventually" I nodded "Yep sadly" I grabbed my duffel bag and walked out to the common room and over to Jay then hugged him.
"What's wrong" I shook my head "Nothing" "Katrina you look like you are about to cry" "I'm fine I just need a night with my brothers" "Ok let's go see your boyfriend" I nodded then pulled back "Munchkin let's go grab your bag" "Ok mommy" I smiled and blinked back my tears. I had no idea why I was about to cry but I was. I tried to keep the tears back as much as I could but I know that at one point Jay will see through that. "Ok mommy I'm ready" "Let's go then sweetie" I kissed her head and put my hand on her back then walked out to Jay's car. I threw my duffel bag in the back then buckled Mya in. I climbed in and looked at Jay "I know you are lying about being ok but I'm not going to make you tell me because I know you will tell me eventually" I looked out the window and put my head on the window "You know you are the best big brother anyone could ask for" "Is that right?" I nodded "I got my scans yesterday" "And you didn't snow me" "I was at work I'll show you before we go in" "Ok but you better" "I will don't you worry" I smiled

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