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My phone was ringing so I grabbed it and answered "Katrina Halstead" My voice was croaky because I just woke up "Halstead it's Severide" "What time is it?" "2 am" "Severide I was sleeping" "Sorry but they just caught the guy" "Baby is everything ok?" "Yeah go back to sleep" "Why couldn't have that waited till morning" "I thought you would want to know" I yawned "Ok I'll think more about it in the morning but I still want my lunch and doughnuts" "I'll bring them for lunch" "Ok good around 12?" "Sounds good" "Night Severide"  "Night Halstead" I put my phone back on the bedside table. "What's wrong?" "Nothing they caught the guy setting the fires" "That's good isn't it?" "Yeah, I think it is" I lay back down and put my head on Mouse's chest and fell back asleep.

"Mommy" "Hey sweetie" "I had a bad dream" "Come up beside mommy and daddy" she climbed up and lay in between us. I checked the time and it was 4 am. I kissed her head and she snuggled into my side. I rubbed her back in circles and her breathing slowly started normalising showing she was falling asleep. I kissed her head and started falling back asleep myself. 

I looked down at Mya who was snuggling into my side still "Morning" "Morning" I smiled and kissed Mya's head "What time is it?" I grabbed my phone and checked the time "10 am" I sighed "Bad dream?" I nodded "4 am" "Leave her sleeping?" "Yeah but you are late for work" "Oh sh-" "Dare and I'll phone Jay tell him Mya is unwell and you will be late" "Ok thank you" I phoned Jay "Hey baby sister where's Mouse?" "He's late Mya was up last night and we slept in" "Ok I'll cover" "Thank you and Severide phoned me at 2 am saying they caught the guy causing the fires" "That's good I'll see you shortly" "Ok bye bug brother" "Bye baby sister" I hung up and gave Mya a little shake to try and wake her. "Morning baby girl" "Morning mama" I kissed her head then Mouse walked back in, "Jay said he will cover for you" "I owe him" "Yeah we both do" I smiled then felt Mya's head "OK Mya go get ready" "Ok mama" I kissed her head and she ran through "I don't think she's well she's really warm" "I'll go check her temperature and you can go get ready" I nodded "Ok" I got up and picked out an outfit. I took my hair out and let the waves go free. I got changed into the black jeans, dark grey turtle neck long-sleeved crop top and my leather jacket. I pulled on my white trainers then walked out to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and ate it. I wrote Jackson a note to say where we were "You ready baby girl?" "Yeah mama" I kissed her head and picked her up and walked out to Mouse's car and buckled her in. 
"You ok?" "Just tired" "I love you" "I love you too" I kissed him then grabbed my phone and looked through Instagram.

I unbuckled Mya and picked her up. "Hey, Severide" "Hey I'm early I have to be somewhere but here is the lunch and doughnuts I'm due you" "I'll take those" "HEY THEY ARE MINE" "NOT ANYMORE" "I'LL GET JAY TO ARREST YOU FOR STEALING MY FOOD" I turned back to Severide "Thank you for my lunch" "No problem I'll see you tomorrow" I walked into the 21st "Trudy have you seen my boyfriend?" "He ran upstairs with a bag" "Yeah my lunch and doughnuts" "I'll buzz you up" "Thanks Trudy" I walked over to the gate and pulled it open and walked up to the bullpen.
I placed Mya on my seat and walked over to Mouse and stood behind him and placed my chin on his shoulder  "Where's my food?" "Don't know what you are talking about" "You do" "I don't" "JAY" "What's the shouting for?" "Mouse stole my lunch and doughnuts" "Never mess with a Halstead's lunch or doughnuts I thought you would have learned that by now Mouse" "I don't have her food" "RUZEK" "What is it, Kat?" "Have you seen my lunch or doughnuts?" "Interrogation 1" I smiled "Never steal my food" I smirked and walked to interrogation 1 and grabbed the bag of food then walked back to the bullpen.
I moved Mya onto my knee and grabbed my lunch then saw he got Mya lunch. I took hers out and handed it to her "Uncle Kelly got you lunch" "YEY" I kissed her head then ate the salad Severide got me. "That good Halstead?" I nodded "Yeah someone stole it so it tastes so much better" I smirked "Halstead there's someone downstairs for you" I picked Mya up and put her on my hip then walked down the stairs.
"JACKSON" I ran over to him and hugged him "It's been less than 12 hours" "I know I just like having you here" I kissed Mya's head "So who's this little one?" "This is Mya my daughter" "Ah this is Mya" I rubbed her back "Mya this is mommy's friend Jackson" I smiled "Come on up I'll grab my stuff and we can go to the park?" "YEY" I smiled and walked over to the gate and put my hand on the scanner then put my pin in. "Am I allowed up here?" I nodded "It will only be for 5 minutes if that" "Ok" We walked up to the bullpen.
I put Mya down "DADDY MAMA SAYS WE CAN GO TO THE PARK" I smiled "Mya" I put my finger up to my lips "Sorry mama" I smiled and grabbed my phone from my desk then grabbed a doughnut "The rest of the doughnuts are in the bag" "Halstead pass me a doughnut" "Ruzek get your own" I smirked, "Come on then baby girl" "Coming mama" I kissed her head. We walked down the stairs "Lieutenant Halstead, officer West" "Officer Chen how can we help you?" "Antonio was looking for you I said I didn't know where you were" "Thanks Lucy" "Halstead" "Trudy" "I have something to give you" "Why?" She handed me a mug that said "My Mom, My Firefighter, My Hero" "Aw Trudy you didn't have to"

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