The Avatars

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*PLEASE READ* When someone speaks in Na'vi it is like this. For example: "I am talking in Na'vi".

Audrey's POV

After the meeting finished Jake and I thought it was a good idea to head to the bio lab. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice yell "Sorry! Excuse me. Excuse me. Audrey!" I giggle as I turn around to see Norm, a friend that I did training with. "Hello Norm." I smiled as he brought me into a tight hug. "So, how's life treating you?" He asked. "Eh.. not too badly." I replied. He softly smiled and snapped his attention to Jake. "Your Jake right? Tom's brother. Wow! You look just like him." He said amazed. "Sorry, I'm Norm. Norm Spellman." He quickly added. "I went through avatar training with your brother, as well as Audrey." Jake nodded sharply, I could tell he was a little upset.

Jake's POV

Norm walked with us to the lab. "Hey! Welcome." I see a tan, about late thirties man say as he shakes my hand. "Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you." He added. "When do you think will we be able to drive them?" Audrey asked trying not to sound excited. "It'll take a few hours to get them decanted, but I think you guys would be able to take them out tomorrow!" He replied with a wide smile on his face. In the corner of my eye I saw Audrey wonder off to take a look at her avatar, I don't blame her... I wanted to do the same thing. As Norm kept blabbering about all that weird science stuff I stopped listening to him and wheeled over to the blue figures in blue liquid and massive glass tubes. "It looks like him." I sighed. "No, it looks like you, this is your avatar now Jake." Norm replied hopeful.

Audrey's POV

*Before Jake came to look at the avatars*

I stared in awe as I examined the feminine avatar. She was absolutely stunning! I thought to myself do I really look like that? Unlike all the other Na'vi, her hair was out, not in braids. Her long length of hair was formed in a half up, half down style. She had a very curvy yet athletic body, she also had a faint but visible six pack. And her face was gorgeous, her long eyelashes were nearly as long as spider legs, her lips were perfectly shaped; like hearts, and her cheek bones were sharp yet somehow soft in a way.

Jake's POV

"Damn! They got big." I exclaimed.
"Yeah. They fully mature on the flight out." Norm added. I saw Audrey walk over to my avatar while in awe, staring at the rest of the avatars. She widened her eyes and blinked twice, a big smirk slid across her face. "He's really attractive, just like you." She said nearly whispering. "Uh- thanks Audrey." I blurted as I rubbed the back of my neck. She softly laughed as she took a closer look at the avatar.

I tapped Audrey on the arm and signalled her to come with me, she nodded and followed. I walked over to her avatar and as soon as I did, my jaw dropped. She was drop-dead gorgeous, exactly like her human form. "She's really beautiful, just like you." I smirked while raising my eyebrows playfully, returning the favour. "Oh shut up." She quickly replied covering her lower face and looking somewhere else.

~Time Skip~

Audrey's POV

"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar program, she wrote the book! I mean literally, wrote the book on Pandora botany." Norm explained to Jake. "Well that's because she likes plants and animals better than people." Max added jokingly. "Here she is,  Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, is like you to meet Norm Spellman, Audrey Kayten and Jake Sully." Max said. The smoking redheaded middle-aged lady turned around, she took off her glasses and acknowledged "Norm. I've heard good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"
"May the All Mother... smile upon our first meeting." Norm proudly replied. "Not bad. You sound a little formal." Grace added. "I've studied for five years, but there is much to learn." Norm chuckled.

"Audrey, apparently you have a way with animals..." Grace says as she snaps her attention to me. "It seems so." I friendly admit as I shake her hand. "How long have you studied Pandora for?" She asked. "About four years... not as much as Norm." I clarified. "Well. It's good enough." She reassured. "This is Jake Sully." Max interrupted. "Ma'am." Jake said while putting his hand out. "Yeah. Yeah. I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother." Grace snapped. I frowned a little surprised by her. "You know, the PhD who trained for this mission for three years?" She added sharply. "He's dead. I know it's a big convenience for everyone." Jake answered blandly. "How much lab training have you had?" She questioned. "I dissected a frog once." He replied teasingly. I let a breathy laugh escape my lips. Grace, dumbfounded, bellowed "You see? You see? They're just pissing on us, without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge."
"No. No, Grace! I don't think that's a good-" Max yelled. "No! Stuff this shit. I'm going to kick his corporate ass." She interrupted.
Max let out a big sigh and said "Here tomorrow, sharp 0800. Try and use big words."

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