The Ikrans

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Audrey's POV

I nervously clear my throat, I pat my horse to try and ease my anxiety. "Hey, you'll be fine Audrey..." Jake assures me from behind. He could tell I was nervous as hell. "Thanks." I stutter, not looking back to him.

We manage to get to the place where all the banshees are. I look to see them roaming the air from below. A perk of excitement runs through me. Tsu'tey jerkingly walks up to Jake, but before he could say anything I snap "I'll go first." Jake whips his head around to me, worried. I smirk keenly as Neytiri signals me to follow her. I stay very close to the rocky walls underneath the waterfall, not wanting to slip. "Now you must choose your Ikran. This you must feel inside." Neytiri places her hand on my shoulder. "If he chooses you as well. Move quick like I showed, you will have one chance." She adds slowly. "How will I know if it chooses me?" I ask. "It will try to kill you." She murmurs, making my eyes widen. "Outstanding." I sarcastically praise.

I carefully walk through the path, eyeing every Ikran I see. I hiss at some, but they all go away. Jake slowly trails behind me, I flinch as one charges toward me but then flies away. Jake grasps my arm, making me turn around and shake my head. He takes a few steps back and observes. Then, I see a violet banshee. It's beautiful navy blue marks spread all across their scales. It roared at the sight of me. I loudly hiss back, causing it to roar even louder. I mentally prepare myself as it starts to creep up to me. I lunge on it's back as it screeches and screams. I grunt as it whacks me off of it. "Focus Audrey!" Neytiri yells. I shake my head slightly and pounce on it again, only this time I wrap my rope around it's mouth. It flys up and down, trying to get rid of me.

It then whacks to the ground, making me aggressively hit my head. Jake whips his knife out. "Make the bond Audrey!" He screams, I swiftly wrap my legs around it's mouth and grab my braid as I connect the shayhaylu. "Stop!" I scream. Energy runs up my body, causing my eyes to narrow. I unwrap the rope, the Ikran then lifts me up, causing me to chuckle. "Good boy." I whisper, it unexpectedly squawks. "Oh, good girl..." I giggle. "First flight seals the bond, do not wait. Fly!" Neytiri interrupts. "Fly?" I hesitate, my Ikran then bolts forward, sending us down. I scream as we bang against cliffs. I panic and yell "Damn it, fly straight!" My Ikran then does exactly so. "Go left. That's it..." I whisper as we fly through the beautiful landscape. "That's a girl." I sigh. After a few laps I fly back to where Jake is. He nods to me, I smile back in return.

Jake's POV

Goosebumps form on my skin as I glare at the banshees. One looks at me, it screeches. I hiss back, but it runs away cowardly. I see another one, it's eyes perk up as it also roars. I tilt my head a bit and hiss sharply. It hisses back, responding to mine. "Alright. Let's dance." I exclaim, swinging my rope in a circle. "That moron's going to die." Tsu'tey laughs, Audrey snappily hisses back at him. It runs up to me; I wrap my rope around it's mouth and jump on it's back making it squirm and shout. It takes flight and tries to escape but I was able to lower it down while holding onto it's head. "Shayhaylu Jake!" Neytiri shouts, I whip my braid around and try to connect it. The Ikran whacks it's head back; hitting me in the face, nearly causing me to go unconscious. It then hits me off and I end up hanging on the edge of the cliff. "Jake!" Audrey screams, just hearing her voice boosted my energy. I swing back up and charge at it again. "Shayhaylu Jake!" Audrey exclaims. As it screeches and squirms I wrap my legs around it's head. I grunt as I aggressively grab my braid and connect shayhaylu. The banshee's voice calms down. "That's right. You're mine." I whisper as I unwrap the rope, it then lifts me off of my feet. "You must fly. It seals the bond, go now!" Neytiri runs up to me. "Fly." I shout, making my Ikran dive downwards. "God damn!" I scream. I try to take control "Oh shit." I grunt as it bangs against the cliff like Audrey's did. I soon find myself hanging onto it's ears. "Just shut up and fly straight!" I snap, to my surprise, he immediately does what I have said. "Woohoo!" I find a comfortable position as the clear air hits my face.

No one's POV

Audrey warmly smiles as she watches Jake. She runs to her Ikran and jumps onto it; flying to where he is. "Hey!" Jake looks down to Audrey, nearly falling off. She laughs as she waves. They glide through the waterfalls and mountains; feeling every detail. "Oh yeah baby. I've got this!" Jake cheers. "Yeah!" Audrey joins, causing Jake to smirk.

~Time Skip~

The days got longer and harder, they could feel their connection grow stronger little by little everyday. The more time Jake and Audrey spent with each other, the more time their feelings expanded. He definitely wanted to do 'you know what' with her from the start, but now he was even more eager. And it wasn't like your average crush; they both felt something much more than that. But obviously, both of them were too awkward to admit it. Audrey thought Jake is interested in Neytiri, which made her self conscious. While on the other hand, Jake thought Audrey is too good for him. Although, those thoughts started to drift away as they bonded more and more.

Mostly when they have spare time, they go for a small fly around Pandora. Talking to each other. Only this time, it would be different.

Audrey's POV

Jake was showing off his skills, riding his Ikran no handed, waving them in the air. "Jake you goofball. Don't do that." I laugh, almost sounding concerned. Suddenly, I feel a wave of air rush on my back. I turn around to see Toruk Makto. "Dive!" I shout, Jake following after me. We zoom into the forest, trying to get out of the beast's reach. "Follow me!" Jake yells, pointing to a patch of rope-like things underneath a tree. I follow him, feeling my anxiety burn up. Just as we make it, the Ikran roars, stopping in its tracks. It flies away. We desperately stumble onto a tree, panting and exhaling. "Calm Lazae. Calm..." I pat my Ikran. I look at Jake with a stunned expression. Suddenly, he bursts out a chuckle, causing me to also laugh.

~Time Skip~

Jake's POV

"It is Toruk. The last shadow." Audrey places her hand onto my shoulder from behind. "Yeah, right. It's the last one you'll ever see." I sigh. "I did some research back at camp. It has only happened five times since the time of the First Songs." Audrey adds, I turn to her in amusement. "That's a long time." I intone, Audrey nods. "The first rider brought the clans together in a time of great sorrow. All Na'vi people know the story." She replies.

~Time Skip~

Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and in here is the dream. It's hard to believe it's only been three months. I can barley remember my old life. I don't know who I am anymore.

If there are any mistakes, please excuse them! I didn't really edit this. ♥︎

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