Driving The Avatar

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Audrey's POV

The next morning I was greeted by Norm and Jake smiling. I waved and proceeded to walk to Grace. "So, have much link time have you logged?" She asked. "About 450 hours or so." I replied. She nodded "You're there." and walked over to Norm. Mine was in the middle of Jake's and Norm's. "Jake! How much link time?" I questioned him raising an eyebrow. "Nothing. But I read a manual." He whispered. I laughed quietly. "Tell me you're joking." Grace butted in. "Woah.. this is cool." Jake said amazed. I shook my head playfully and hopped into the soft and squishy bed. "Relax... let your mind go blank." The scientist said calmly. I smiled and closed my eyes waiting for her to close the door.

Immediately, a variety of vibrant colours splashed all over the place. "Audrey! Audrey, can you hear me?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I open my eyes to see beaming lights shining in them. "Pupillary reflexes are good." Another person says. The lady then clicks her fingers a couple of times near my ears. "Pinna response also good."
"How are you feeling Audrey?" She asks warmly. I raise my arms to see my hands, I let out a breathy laugh. "Woah..."
"Yeah, it's a lot to get used to." The male laughs. I sit up and start wiggling my toes, I felt so childish but I didn't care.

Suddenly I hear chords breaking, I whip my head around to see Jake amazed (his bed is next to yours). I could tell he was more than thrilled to finally walk again. Then things got a little out of hand, he started whacking his tail everywhere like a child. "Jake, calm down! You're not use to your avatar body. Come on, they're gonna put you out." I yelled trying to grab his attention. He turned to me and said "This is great..." He then bolted out of the room laughing while making a mess everywhere he ran.

I ripped the chords off of me and followed after him. "Wait- no Audrey!" The female said, but I didn't listen. "It's okay, I'll get him." I yelled. "Jake! Wait up!" I tried catching up to him. What felt like chasing started to feel more like running just for the fun of it, I felt so free... It was an emotion I couldn't explain.

I was right behind him when suddenly Jake stopped and turned around causing me to run into him. I fell on him while he collapsed causing him to groan as he looked up to me. "Uh- sorry Jake. I didn't realise you'd stopped." I cautioned feeling my face burn up. This allowed me to take a good look at his face. He looked even better now- no Audrey snap out of it! He smirked when he realised how close we were to each other. "No, I get it. Women like to fall for me." He replied in a flirtatious tone, wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh at the cheesy pick-up line, but am slightly irritated by it. We take a few seconds to look into each other's eyes, but I react soon and hop off of him, dusting the dirt off on me. "Hey, love birds!" A feminine avatar yells while walking up to us. "Damn.." I hear Jake mumble. I feel a weird feeling of jealousy creep up on me, but I try to shrug it off. "Grace?" Jake and I ask stunned at the same time. "Well, who'd you expect, numb nuts." She laughed. "Here, think fast!" She says as she tosses two vibrant fruits at us. "Motor controls looking good." Grace smiles, I was shocked how nice she was being. We both chuckle appreciatively after having one bite of the fruit.

~Time Skip~

"Alright everybody, lights out!" Grace yells. "Don't play with that, you'll go blind Jake." I laugh. "That's kinda freaky." He whispered as he stared at the end of his braid. Once the lights are out Jake turns to me wide eyed. I roll my eyes playfully and comment "What do you want?"
"All I want is to talk to you." He says pouting his lips childishly. "Save it for tomorrow." I giggle while shutting my eyes.

Jake's POV

I sigh as I close my eyes, waiting to transfer to my human body. I gasp as I open my eyes, I fling open the door "Welcome back." Max said. I nod as I get back into my wheelchair. "You okay?" He asks. "Yep." I reply.

~Time Skip~

"I'm Trudy, I fly all the science sorties. And this here is my baby." Trudy claims as she whacks her helicopter. "Hey, Wainfleet! Get it done!" She yells. "You guys are packing some heavy gear." I say as I follow her. "Yeah, that's cause we aren't the only thing flying around out there, or the biggest." She laughs. "I'm gonna need you on a door gun, I'm a man short." She added. "I thought you'd never ask." I reply sarcastically causing her to laugh. "Well. There's your man." She exclaimed pointing to Quaritch.

I wheel over to him lifting some weights. "You wanted to see me Colonel." I say. "I pulled your record, Corporal. Venezuela, that was some mean bush." He replied lowering the weights. "But nothing like Pandora." He spat looking at my legs. "You got some heart kid... Showing up here." He got up and started walking over to his robot, starting to talk about all this stuff about when he was 'young'. It was all complicated honestly. The lever lifted me up so I was on his level. "Look Sully, I need you to learn about these savages from the inside. I want you to gain the Na'vi's trust. I need to know how to force their cooperation or hammer them hard if they won't."

"Am I still with Augustine?" I asked. "Yeah, you walk like one of her science pukes, quack like them, but you report to me. Can you do that for me son?" He replied. "Hell, yeah sir." I said straight forward. "Son, I take care of my own. You get me what I need, I'll seek to get your legs back when you rotate home." He said sharply while controlling his robot. "I'd like that very much, sir." I replied.

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you an insight on what Audrey/you look like.

This is her hair

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This is her hair. She also has the same face side profile as the drawing.

And this is her face (ignore the hair)!

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And this is her face (ignore the hair)!

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now