Meeting The Omoticayan Clan Pt. 1

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Audrey's POV

I groan in pain as I feel my legs collapse, Jake catches me and places his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up..." He says nearly whispering. "Audrey what's going to happen to you?!"
"I'll be fine." I hesitantly reassure him, gaining confidence back in my legs. "I have a plan. I'll rip off most of my shirt and wrap it tightly onto my wound, and I'll do the also wrap my jacket tightly around it. That'll put pressure on it, and if I'm right, it'll slow down the blood flow. But it will still hurt like hell." I add, and as soon as I finish talking I bring my knife out of its pocket and start cutting "Hey- wait! Audrey let me do it." Jake said causing me to stop. "I don't want you making a mistake and injuring yourself even more, I can already tell you are starting to feel light-headed." I sigh and hand him the knife as I turn around. He starts cutting at the back of my shirt, I could tell that he was having a bit of trouble. I don't blame him, it's hard cutting a piece of clothing with a knife. But right now we didn't have any scissors. He then stops cutting and gently rips it, trying not to go too far up.

Jake's POV

After I finish, I take two steps back to see how it looks. It was so short that you could see her whole stomach, revealing her six pack. "Woah.. didn't know you were packed." I laugh. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Audrey replies flirtatiously. The loss of blood had really affected her, she's never acted this way before. I pick up her jacket and wrap it around her the back of her torso, so it covers most of the claw mark up. I feel so damn bad for her, the pain she was going through right now makes me feel sick. I want to heal her, but don't know how. "Come on. Let's go find some place to rest." I suggest. She nods as she follows me into the forest.

I shred the end of a long and thick stick, so it was formed like a spear. "Audrey come in front of me." I order, she proceeds, I then pulled her closer to me so that she wouldn't fall. She looks up at me "You have a very attractive face, did you know that?" She said sounding like she was drunk or something. Suddenly she collapses onto me "Hmmm... you smell nice." She whispers. "Audrey, stop talking. You'll get even more whoozy." I say. "Oh yeah? Make me." She replies, turning around so her face was right against mine, I feel my face heat up. "It's really dangerous out here! Stay focused." I say blandly, looking away as I carefully push her off of me. "Playing hard to get are we, Jakie?" She giggles as she starts walking again, I cringe at the nickname.

No one's POV

Grace, Norm, Trudy, and the marine (I don't know his name) were searching for Jake and Audrey. Grace was nervously fiddling with her binoculars worrying about them. "I'm going to have to call it, guys. We're not allowed to run night ops. Colonel's orders." Trudy sighs "Sorry Doc, they're just gonna have to hang on till morning." Trudy continues. "They won't make it till morning." Grace replies concerned.

Jake's POV

I wrap my jacket in a weird, sticky and orange consistency so the stick would be more flammable. I look back at Audrey, who was sitting down against a tree, playing with her braid "So cool.." She drunkenly whispers. My body tenses as I hear the animal critters get louder and louder. I run up to Audrey "Whatever you do. Follow me." She nods and grips onto the end of my shirt. I start lighting the match. "Stand back." I order. It took a couple of times but once I had it I swing the stick back and forth, causing the beasts to hiss and howl. I grab Audrey's hand and run to a more clearer space while the animals follow. "Climb up into that tree." I say as I quickly help Audrey into it. "I don't have all goddamn night. Come on. Come on!" I yell swishing my stick at them. Soon one attacks me from behind but I whack it with the fire making it whimper. Another one came from above, but I act swiftly and inject the sharp end of the stick into it, making it howl in pain.

Audrey's POV

Fear struck me like a lightning bolt, I feel my body and mind gain consciousness and confidence again. I want to tell Jake to stop attacking them, so I slowly climb out of the tree. Suddenly, one of the animals creep up to me, I flinch as it growls. I carefully put my hand out, showing that I was no harm. As soon as I did, more came and snuggled up against me. I smile in delight. "Get away from her!" Jake screams, stabbing one with a knife. I try telling him to stop but it was no use, two of them had already attacked him. "Jake!" I shout. Out of the blue, an arrow hits one of the animals, making it whimper. Then a native woman jumps into the scene and starts attacking some of the others. I couldn't believe what was happening, a random native just saved our asses. The rest of the pack run off hissing and crying. She sees the lighted stick and immediately throws it into the river. "Hey, wait- don't!" Jake yells but it was too late. She then kneels down to one of the injured animals. "Audrey! Thank God you're all right! Did any of them hurt you?" Jake exclaims while running up to me. "I'm okay. They weren't actually attacking me, they were hugging me." I chuckle. I turn around to see the native, seeming like she was upset.

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