I Trusted You

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Next day

No one's POV

Audrey stretched her arms as she hopped out of her soft bed. Her eyes land on the coffee machine. "I could do for a cup of that right now." She exaggerated, striving to keep her eyes open. She must've went to sleep at about 3:00am. She went to wash her hands before making her coffee. Then it hit her, what happened last night. She groaned as she tightened her grasp on her coffee mug. Was Jake embarrassed that he mated with her? Let alone slept! He would normally be up by now.. god you've gone paranoid she thought to herself. She touched the back of her head, her hair was real messy. She grabbed a brush and took her hair tie out. Once all the knots were out, she morphed it into a low braid. As she was pouring the milk into her coffee, a hand latched onto the back of her lower shirt. She turned around to see Jake, looking up at her. "How long were you standing there?" was all she could say, he raises an eyebrow. "About three minutes." he jokes, counting his fingers. She rolls her eyes and turns to pick up her drink. Immediately he pulls her down to his height. His breath smelt like fresh mint and toothpaste, she knew obviously that he had planned this. "Trying to impress me? I can tell you've eaten mints and all." she grins, tapping him on the nose. He caught her finger and slipped it into his mouth, softly biting it. A bright redness spread across her cheeks. "You taste sweet. And like.. lavender soap?" his smirk faded into a small laugh. "Yeah- I washed my hands before..." she stutters while biting her lip. Audrey takes her finger out of his mouth, sipping on her coffee. "So.. what happened last night? You guys didn't unlink until 2:30am." Grace walked in, hands on her hips. Audrey jumped and nearly choked before coughing. "Nothing much. I guess we drank a little too much and ended up staying up really late." Jake intoned, Audrey was a little shocked at his lying skills. She definitely wouldn't have been able to do it. Grace tilted her head a little, but flicked it off with an 'okay' and started to check the fridge. "I'm going to link now." Audrey exhaled, heading towards the squishy bed. "I'll link in about three minutes, I gotta get some breakfast down my throat." he replied wheeling his way over to Grace. Audrey hopped into the link, letting her body relax.

Her eyes unfurled, she smiled as Jake's warm arm snuggled around her. Suddenly, she hears trees cracking and trembling. Her head whips around to see bulldozers making their way through the forest. "Jake. Jake! Wake up! C'mon Jake.. link already!" she screams, feeling ever hair on her body spike up. She attempts to pull him as the machines draw closer. A large branch collapses to the ground, nearly tramping on both of them. As she pulls him, she collapses to the ground due to his weight and size. She begins shaking him and screaming his name again. Jake opens his eyes to see Audrey yelling and shouting. His ears perk up when he realises they're here. He lifts her up with his hand, placing her behind him. Jake waves his hands above his head yelling "Hey! Stop! Go back!" The bulldozers keep on travelling and they both trip over as some pieces of wood flick them. "Jake! What's going on?! Why are they here?!" Audrey demands, he looks at her heartbroken and pushes her, motioning her to run. He then leaps onto machine. Crushing their cameras with a rock. But soon enough, men start trying to shoot at him. Causing him to run off of it. "Jake!" she screams. "Audrey!" he yells back, they soon find each other. "Here, come on!" he grasps her by the hand, leading them behind a tree. Audrey sobbed and screamed as they watched them, Jake rubs her shoulder; trying to calm her down. He firmly hits the tree with his fist.

"Scale. Enhance." Quaritch said as the computer zoomed in. "That son of a bitch." Parker exclaimed as they saw the video of Jake smashing the cameras. "Get me a pilot." Quaritch demanded.

"Tsu'tey will lead the war party." the chief yelled, other natives cheered and howled. Grace barged in front of everyone. "Stop please! This will only make matters worse." she yells. "You do not speak here!" Tsu'tey snaps, death glaring her. "We will strike them in the heart!" he shouts, the natives cheer once again. As they were yelling, Jake and Audrey run in holding each other's hands. "Tsu'tey. Don't do this!" Jake shouts, Tsu'teys face darkened as he looked at him. "Listen, brother.." he was interrupted by Tsu'tey pushing him down. "Tsu'tey!" Audrey screams eyeing him. "You sent them here, didn't you?" Tsu'tey looks past Audrey onto Jake. As Tsu'tey approaches him, she pushes him back. "He didn't! Listen to him." she snaps but he brushes her off. "You mated with this woman?" Neytiri shouts, backing up Tsu'tey. "Is this true..?" Mo'at confronts Audrey. She clears her throat, thinking of her responsibility to be Tsahik... "We are mated before Ewya, it is done." Mo'at looks at her, like she was throwing her whole life away. Tsu'tey turns, trying not to let the anger control him. "Please brother. Do not attack the sky people. Many Omoticaya will die if you do." Jake says. "You are not my brother!" Tsu'tey charges at him. Jake pushes him off of him, whipping out his knife. "I am not your enemy! The enemy is out there, and they are very powerful." Jake hisses, throwing the knife to the ground. "I can talk to them." his voice calms. "No more talk!" Tsu'tey yells as he slices his shoulder with his blade. Audrey screams as she gets pulled back by natives. As Tsu'tey goes to punch him, he dodges it and uppercuts him. He knees him in the stomach and punches him in the jaw. Tsu'tey trembles to the ground. "I am Omoticaya. I am one of you and I have the right to speak." Jake demands. Tsu'tey wipes the blood off of his mouth. "I have something to say.. to all of you." he intones, looking to Audrey. "The words are like stones in my heart." he whispers to her, her head tilts confusedly. Grace suddenly collapses to the ground. "Grace!" Audrey yells, kneeling down to her. She looks up at Jake. "Oh no." he mumbles. "Look. I've been sent here to-" Audrey watches Jake's eyes roll to the back of his head. He also collapses to the ground. Tsu'tey runs up to his unconscious body. "You see? It's a demon in a false body." he yells, raising his knife up to Jake's neck. Audrey tosses him over, crouching over Jake in protection. She violently hisses as she sticks her knife out; signalling 'back off bitch.' Tsu'tey groans as he walks past her, she glares back. She feels her head lighten and eyes droop. Before she could react, she passes out on top of Jake.

Audrey's POV

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" I hear Jake shout, Quaritch punches him. "Wheel this meat outta here." he spits, I gasp for air as I stumble out of my link. Before I know it, people grab me by the wrists and cuff me. "Jake! What the hell is going on here?" Grace yells.

I rub my wrists after they uncuff me. "So what.. you find yourself some ass and you just completely forget which side your on?" Quaritch whispers into Jake's face. That bitch. "Go fuck yourself! You trigger-happy douche." I let my self-control go, I inhale as I realise what I've just done. His stunned face soon turns into a troubled smirk "Take this woman somewhere else, she's getting on my nerve." The men then grab onto me again, I manage to knock one to the ground but other than that, I was stuffed.

Jake's POV

"Have you told her about you working for me?" Quaritch grins, leaning closer to me. I stare blankly at him and look down. "Well.. well." he slowly laughs. "Parker, there is still time to salvage this situation!" Grace turns to him. "Shut your pie hole." Quaritch snaps. "Or what? Rager Rick, you gonna shoot me? Don't make me laugh." she hisses. "Yeah, can we just take this down a notch?" Parker says in the between of them. "You say you wanna keep your people alive? You start listening to her." I say, Quaritch eyes me with annoyance.

~Time skip because I'm lazy~

Grace pours herself a cup of whiskey, she exhales as she drinks it. "Grace-" I was interrupted by a group of men walking towards us. They seemed to be with a woman.. but not just any woman, it was Audrey.. I sigh as I look at her, she wasn't beaten up or anything. They push her out of their grasps before walking away. "Are you okay? What did they do?!" Grace helps her sit down. "Nothing much.. I basically had to sit by myself in a room, thank God for that." she nervously laughs. Immediately Trudy comes running in. "Quaritch is loading the ships. He's going to hit Hometree." she puffs. "My God." Grace mumble. "Norm, take care of Audrey." she demands, he nods.

"Parker! Stop, these are people you're about to kill!" Grace pushes the marine off of her. "No, they're fly-bitten savages. Alright? Look around! I don't know about you but I see a lot of trees. They can move." he hisses. "There are families in there. Children.. babies! Are you going to kill children?" Grace cuts in, he looks at her. "You don't want that kind of blood on your hands. Believe me. Just let us try to talk them out. They trust us." I say, he sighs before he nods. We run to the links. "Listen, you've got one hour to get them evacuated. No funny business." Parker snaps, closing the link.

No one's POV

"Eytukan, I have something to say." Jake yells, their heads turn to him. "A great evil is upon us. The sky people are coming.. to attack Home Tree!" He yells, some of the natives yelp in response. "You have to leave or you're going to die." Grace shouts. "Are you certain of this?" Mo'at asks, eyeing them. He exhales as guilt builds up. "Look, they sent me here to learn your ways. So one day I could bring this message and that you would believe it." Audrey's heart drops, he couldn't of, could he? "Wait, what are you saying Jake. You were apart of this? No.. tell me you weren't, please." her voice trembles, holding onto his shoulder desperately. "Look, at first it was just orders. But everything changed. I fell in love with the forest and the Omoticaya people. I fell in love.. with you." He grabs her hand, her eyes unconnect with his, filling with tears. "The Omoticaya trusted you... I trusted you!" her voice raises. "Trust me now, please-" Jake pleads. "NO!" Audrey screams, ripping her hand out of his. "How could you do this to them.. to me. You used me for your own pleasure." she quietly snaps between sobs. She fiercely pushes him, his heart breaks into two. "You will never be one of The People!" she screams again, daggering her eyes at him. "We tried to stop them." Grace backs Jake up. "You also knew?" Audrey shouts, backing away. She felt sick. "No. Stop..." she says, holding onto her stomach. "Audrey, please. Please!" Jake desperately yells. "STOP!" she hisses, grabbing Mo'ats shoulder. "Bind them." Eytukan whispers, Tsu'tey grabs Jake, pinning him to the ground. He watches as Audrey collapses onto her knees; sobbing into her hands. He closes his eyes.. kill me now he thought to himself.

Sorry if this chapter was a little confusing and weird! I tried to make it as less confusing as possible. And somewhere near the war and stuff, it may become a little more confusing. But just try to stay with me!

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now