Site 26

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Jake's POV

"So, where are we going?" I wheel over to Grace. "Getting out of dodge. I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this whole thing." Grace says, screwing the lid of her bottle on. "There's a mobile link at Site 26 we can work at, way up in the mountains." She adds. I look over to see Norm talking to Audrey, almost like he's flirting with her. Audrey laughs as he whispers something to her. I feel jealousy creep up on me, and I don't like it. I clench my fist in annoyance. ""Wait- the hallelujah mountains?" Audrey yells excitedly. "Yeah." Grace intones. Audrey happily laughs, I pull a confused face. "The legendary floating mountains of Pandora. Heard of them?" Norm snaps.

~Time Skip~

"We're getting close." Grace mumbles, looking outside of the helicopter. "Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy laughs. "We're in the Flux Vortex." Grace replies. "We're VFR from here on." Trudy says. "What's VFR?" Audrey questions. "It means you gotta see where your going." She answers, earning a confused look from Audrey. "But you can't see anything." Audrey exclaims. "Exactly. Ain't that a bitch." Trudy laughs. As the fog disappears, I stare in awe at the floating mountains. "You should see your faces." Trudy exhales.

We soon land on a nice patch of grass and make our way into the station. "Welcome to camp." Grace walks through the door. As Trudy opens up the fridge door, I look at the photos of Grace and some Na'vi kids. Grace didn't miss a thing, she knew I was talking to the Colonel. But I had what she needed, a way back in with the clan. Even though Audrey was there too, it still would've been twice the chance. "Jake, you'll be in the link at the end with Audrey." Grace informs, showing us to where our links are.

~Time Skip~

Audrey's POV

I gasp as I look below the massive tree we're on. I follow Neytiri puffing, who was picking up her pace every second. I look to see Jake, staring at the view. Neytiri imitates a bird call. A banshee then bolts to her, squawking rapidly. Jake pushes me back firmly out of safety. "Holy shit!" He exclaims, making me giggle. "Do not look at her in the eye." Neytiri demands, making both of us look down. She then feeds the animal some sort of meat. "Calm Ze'ze..." She mumbles, making the creature purr. "Ikran is not horse. Once the shayhaylu is made." Neytiri closes her eyes as she links her braid. "Ikran will only fly with one hunter for the whole life." She hops onto her Ikran fiercely. "To become taronyu, hunter, you must choose your Ikran and it must choose you."
"When?" Jake objects. "When you are ready." She murmurs as she flys her Ikran through the tree, making loud animal noises. I stare in awe at the beautiful animal, I just couldn't wait to get mine.

~Time Skip~

Jake's POV

"Okay, this is video log twelve. Time's 21:34." I say plainly to the camera recording me. "Do I really have to do this now? I need to get some rack." I complain, turning to Grace. "No, now. When it's fresh. Audrey's already done hers. Now it's your turn!" She snaps, looking into her magnifying glass. I see Audrey sound asleep, on her shoulder snoring like hell. I silently laugh at the sight of her.
"Okay. Location: shack. And the days are starting to blur together. You know, the language is a pain. But I figured it's like field-stripping a weapon. Just repetition, repetition. Neytiri calls me skxanwg. It means moron. Norm's attitude has improved lately. It's good he's back on board, but he thinks I'm a skxanwg too. My feet are getting tougher. I can run farther everyday. I have to trust my body to know what to do. Everyday it's reading the trails, the tracks of the waterhole, the tiniest scents and sounds. She's always going on about the flow and the energy, the spirits of animals. I really hope this tree-hugger crap isn't on the finals. With Neytiri, it's learn fast or die. Audrey.. honestly, I don't know what to say about her. There's just something about her that makes me go all soft, which isn't good for my reputation. Anyway, I won't go too much into it. She's talked Mo'at into letting Grace into the village, it's the first time since the school was shut down.
Neytiri says all energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back." I try and say more but I feel my eyes close as I drift to sleep.

~Time Skip~

Audrey's POV

Jake does this after Audrey!

Neytiri follows me as I search to find an animal to shoot. My ears perk up as I spot one. I stretch out the bow across my chest, strengthening my core. The animal looks up to me alarmed, it screeches. I let my fingers go, striking the animal with my arrow. I run up to it, taking my knife out and placing my hand on it's stomach. "I see you... My sister, and thank you." I inject the knife, putting the creature out of it's misery. "Your spirit goes with Ewya. And leaves your body behind, to become part of The People." I clearly intone. "Clean kill." Neytiri says, making me look up to her. "You are ready."

This is where things start to spice up with Jake and Audrey's relationship. 😉

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now