Becoming One Of The People

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Sorry it took me a while, this chapter's VERY long!

Jake's POV

I tap my fingers against the table, figuring out what the hell I'm going to do. "Haven't gotten lost in the woods, have you?" A firm voice yells, I turn to see Quaritch. "Your last report was more than two weeks ago. I'm starting to doubt your resolve." He picks up a chair and places it down. "The way I see it, it's time to terminate the mission. You gave me some good information about that Tree Of Souls place. Yeah, I got them by the balls with that when this turns into a shit fight; which it will." He snaps, Audrey fills my head, she'll never forgive me.

"By the way, you're gonna get your legs back. I got you corporate approval! Gonna have you on a shuttle tonight." He adds, I thought I would've been happier, but I'm just numb. "I have to finish this, there's one more thing. There's a ceremony, it's the final stage of becoming a man. If I do it, I'm one of them. They'll trust me, I can negotiate the terms of their location." I say, trying to not show the hurt in my voice. He looks me straight in the face and stands up. "Well, then, you better get it done, Corporal." He intones, without any emotion.

~Time Skip~

Audrey's POV

Jake throws a punch, I dodge it and pull his arm forwards, sweeping his leading leg. Taking him down with his own weight. I hear a muffled 'shit' as he thumps to the ground. "Have I ever mentioned I've studied martial arts since I was eleven?" I grin, he groans as he shakes his head. He puts his hand out for me to help him up. I was cocky enough to fall for it. As soon as my finger touches his, he thrashes me to the ground, pinning my hands above my head in one swift movement. I struggle to get out of his reach from underneath him. He was heavier than he looked.

"You're so easy to control." He slyly murmurs, I frown deeply. I roll myself and flip him over; pinning his hands above his head. "And easy to temper." He smirks, my face burns up even more. "Ugh!" I hiss backing away from him. I crack my neck before going for round two. I run at him and punch him in the jaw, he punches me in the stomach. I go to kick him in the stomach, but he firmly grabs onto my leg and rotates it, nearly tripping over myself. He swiftly turns behind me, smacking my ass. I yelp in pain.

He goes to punch me again, I grab his wrist and twist it; making him turn around to get out of my grasp. I put him in a headlock position, waiting for him to tap me. He scrambles a little but I keep him in position. He taps me and I let go, crossing my arms. "Jake I didn't say you could slap my ass!" I growl as I rub it, there was obviously a red mark. Sure a couple of men have done it, but nothing like this. "What were you thinking?!" I clench my fist in annoyance, waiting for him to respond. "I.. wasn't thinking." He mumbled, not looking up to me.

Jake's POV

She walks up to me, eyeing me every step she takes. I finally speak up. "Look, I'm-" SLAP! A firing sting spreads across my cheek, making my head turn in the direction she slapped. I touch the area, I felt like passing out after that. That was one hell of a slap. "You asshole! You sexually harassed me and all you could say is I wasn't thinking?!" She snaps, her eyes filling with water. A ton of guilt rushes through my body and mind. You're such a prick, Jake I think to myself. "Audrey I..." My voice trails off as her cold hand rests onto my stinging cheek.

"I'm sorry. I overreacted, you didn't even get to explain yourself." She slightly rubs it with her index finger, giving it a tingly feeling. How could she be so forgiving, especially if I hadn't even apologised yet? I feel weirdly mad at her for taking pity on me. "I shouldn't have to explain. There's no valuable reason for doing that, you definitely shouldn't be the one apologising. I'm sorry, I was being an absolute jerk. I needed that slap by the way." I reassure her, she laughs at the last sentence. I felt like kissing her right then and there... I wanted to so badly, I wanted her so badly. I wanted to do so many things to her. Every time she would lay a damn finger on me I would burn up. I couldn't take it much longer...

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now