First Lessons

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Jake's POV

Next morning

"The last thing we see is this marine's ass drag poor Audrey into the jungle with some angry thanator after them." Grace chortled, making everyone laugh including Audrey next to her. "Hey, it's not something you can teach." I reply with a mouth full of food. "You know, for reasons that I cannot fathom. The Omaticaya have chosen you and Audrey. God help us all." Grace jokes.

Audrey's POV

I look to see Norm, he was clearly upset. I stand up and walk over to him. "What's bugging you?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder. "I.. don't want to talk about it." He snaps nudging my hand off his shoulder. I open my mouth to speak again but hesitate, I figure he just needed some space. I walk back to my seat and sit down.

Jake's POV

"So, how were the hammocks? Were they comfortable? I never really slept in them." Grace questioned curious. I watch as Audrey lowers her head and starts to eat more food, avoiding the question. "They were fine I guess. Hard to get into though." I reply as I clear my throat. "Audrey, what about you? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Grace nudges her arm. "It's just.. this really good yoghurt, man I love this stuff!" Audrey stutters sheepishly, we all could tell she wasn't telling the truth. Before Grace could talk again, I blurt out "The Na'vi thinks Audrey and I are mates, so we slept in the same snonvi." Grace bursts out laughing, smacking the table. Audrey hangs her head down low in shame. "How awkward that would've been, why didn't you do anything about it?" Grace jokes wiping tears out of her eyes. "Yeah Audrey, why didn't you do anything about it?" I tease flirtatiously. She looks up at me disappointed and looks back down again.

~Time Skip~

Jake's POV

"Okay, let's run through them again." Grace says shoving the screen in front of me, Audrey watching from behind. "Mo'at, dragon lady. Eytucan."
"Eytukan. He's the clan leader." Grace corrects me. "But Mo'at's the spiritual leader, like a shaman." Grace adds, I nod. "Tsu'tey." I say. "He'll be the next clan leader." Grace replies as she swipes again. "Neytiri." I clarify. "She'll be the next Tsahik, they become a mated pair. Unless she gives it to someone else. But that can only happen if the woman she offers it to is worthy enough, which barely no one is." Grace claims. "So, who's this Ewya?" I ask. "Who's Ewya?" Norm snaps. "Only their deity. Their goddess, made up of all living things! Everything they know. You'd also know this if you had any training whatsoever." He rebuked. Audrey rolled her eyes and started walking to her machine. "Snap out of it guys." Grace demands as she flicks Norm in the head. "Just don't do anything unusually stupid." She laughs, causing me to smile. I then close the door and let my mind drift away.

Jake's POV

I open my eyes to see Audrey snuggling into my chest, legs and arms wrapped around my body. "Crap..." I whisper hopelessly, not knowing what to do. I gulp as her eyes start to flutter open.

Audrey's POV

I panic as I realise my face is buried into Jake's chest. I break out of his arms and sit up; covering my face. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't intentionally mean to do that." I mumble still hiding in my hands. "Hey, it's fine. I did the same thing. But it's not a big deal, you know?" I'm sure you meant it in a brotherly way." He reassures, removing my hands from my face. Brother, I don't know why but I felt as if he stabbed my stomach, right then and there. He thinks of me like a brother, not even a sister?

~Time Skip~

"His name is Ta'te. He is male." Neytiri tells me while patting his back. I nod as I struggle to hop onto his back, but eventually I get on. I did some horse riding when I was a kid, but nothing like this. I grab my braid from my back and connect the shahaylu. Instantly, I feel a perk of electricity run through my body. I gasp as I feel the connection with him. "Calm Ta'te, calm." I whisper, rubbing his neck. "Feel him. His breath, his heartbeat. His strong legs." Neytiri murmurs. Without any hesitation, Ta'te drives forward, just like I told him to. I remember the injury on my back, so I carefully ride a few laps, then trot back to Neytiri and Jake. I could get used to this. "Good." She intoned, making me smile. I hop down from Ta'te, massaging his back. We then walk over to another horse.

"Easy boy." Jake mumbles. "Pale is female." Neytiri replies, the horse whacks Jake with one of it's ears. "Oh. Easy girl..." Jake laughs, weirdly sending chills down my spine. Neytiri explains the same thing to Jake as she did with me. "Forward." Jake yells hesitantly. The horse then bolts forward, catching Jake off guard. He splats on the ground, right in a puddle of mud. I laugh hysterically as I run up to him and kneel down, wiping mud off of his face and body. Of course, Tsu'tey and another man had to run in at the same time. "You should go away." Tsu'tey snaps as Jake stands up. "Nah you'd miss me. I knew you could speak English." He replies pointing his finger at him. "This alien will learn nothing, a rock sees more. Look at him!" Tsu'tey scoffs as Jake wipes mud off his tongue. I snap a dirty look at him and he notices, not knowing I spoke Na'vi. Neytiri smirks and whacks Tsu'tey's horse's behind, making the horse jump as they ride away. "Again." Neytiri demands.

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