I'm With Her

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So, hello. I'm finishing this book solely for the reason that people seem to actually really enjoy it, and even though I wonder why, I'm still very grateful. <3 enjoy

Audrey's POV

"Look where we are, Grace." I hear Jake whisper from behind me. "Wow, I need to take some samples," she sighs, her eyes roaming around with wonder. It amazes me how even in a life-threatening situation, Grace still keeps her spirits up. I softly chuckle at her. I then flip my gaze to Jake, and I can read the worry hidden deep in his ripe eyes. I glide my hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort. Jake gently leans into the motion.

We soon meet Mo'at at the trunk of the tree, I nod greetingly. "The great Mother may choose to save all that she is, into this body." She murmurs, airing over Grace's avatar. I watch as the neon green spikes explore the tips of her body. I can't help but feel unease creep up into my mind.

"Is that possible?" Jake questions.

"She must pass through the eye of Ewya and return. But Jakesully, she is very weak." She warns, looking down at Grace's second, blue body.

"Hang on Grace. You're gonna make it." I lean over her human body, laying a hand on her back.

Grace and her avatar are cocooned in the willows, the glowing green spikes increasing all around her body. My heart beat quickens as the chants becomes louder.

A rush of horrible pain escalates through me, I gasp and fall back in shock

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A rush of horrible pain escalates through me, I gasp and fall back in shock. Jake's ears flicker as he rushes to my aid with wide eyes. "What happened? Are you-"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I whisper, eyes unfocused as I clear my throat. "Just focus on Grace."

Jake raises an eyebrow, "Audrey, your hair, the white strand is more.. thicker."

Suddenly, the pain vanishes, and Mo'at goes quiet. I rush down to Grace. Mo'at screams out the word stop, echoing throughout the tree and bouncing off the ground.

"Grace?" I whisper, grasping her hand into mine, as Jake palms her shoulder. "I'm with her, she's real..." she exclaims quietly.

"With her..? No... Grace. Grace!" I panic, taking her cheek into my hand and shaking her head to snap her out of it.

"What's happening?" Jake frowns. The light in her eyes die out before me, her head slumping against the moss of the ground and she's gone. I sink my head down.

The vibrant green colours across the ground fade into darkness. I shift her cold and lifeless hand up to rest upon my cheek as I choke out a quiet sob. Hot tears begin to rim around my hazy eyes. I don't let them fall until Jake looks at me, analysing the look on my face. I bite my lip, struggling to keep it together.

"Did it work?!" Jake crawls over to Mo'at, but I can tell he already knows the answer.

"Her wounds were too great, it wasn't enough time. She is with Ewya now." Mo'at replies, eyes narrowing at the ground. The hole in my stomach grows even larger, and my cries break out into a scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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