Destroyance Of Home Tree

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No one's POV

In the corner of Audrey's eye, Grace and Jake struggle in their ropes. She felt her eyes tear up.. she definitely didn't want to start crying again. Why was she like this? Couldn't she just get over it already? All they did was shout and warn them, but it was doing no use. "Run! You need to evacuate!" Grace shouts, Audrey knew they needed to flee. But she had to stay, she couldn't just run by herself, she would be betraying them. "Audrey." Jake yells, she wanted to turn her head so badly. She held herself together, tightening her grip on her bow. "God damn it, run!" He exclaims, tossing and turning through the tugging ropes. Soon enough, they start coming. The forceful air hit their bodies, some even fell over.

"Well, well, well. I'd say diplomacy has failed." Quaritch chuckles, zooming the camera in to find Jake tied up. "Alright people let's get this done. I want everything you got, just load it on them." he yells.

Tiny gas bombs land onto the ground. All Audrey could hear was coughing and screaming. They started firing arrows at the machines, she knew it was no use, they're unstoppable. Though she still tries, aiming it right at Quaritchs head. She managed to make a dint. Immediately the machines start turning up the heat, exploding everywhere Audrey looks. "Everyone to the forest!" Eytukan screams, they all run as fast as their legs could carry them.

"Audrey... Audrey!" Jake screamed. She couldn't help but stop once her gaze connected with his. Her mind told her to keep moving, and leave them to die. It is what they deserved, right? Her heart said a completely different story. As much as she wanted to deny it, she was still heavily in love with him. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. So she kept on running. "No, Audrey!" he yelps, wanting to get out of the ropes more. Mo'at slowly walks toward him, sliding her knife out. She brings it up to his neck, making him lean back. "Stop Mo'at!" Grace shouts. "If you are one of us.. help us." she whispers through tears. With one swish, she cut the ropes. Jake blinks twice in shock; realising what had just happened. He undoes Grace's ropes, pushing her in front of him. A group of missiles hit near them, sending them forwards onto a log. "Come on, move!" Jake shouts, pushing her over it. They wait for the explosions to die down. Suddenly, they start to hear wood cracking and splinting. "Go! Go! Go!" He yells pushing her off her feet. Leafs trembled, the Omoticaya surrendered, hearts broke, lives ended. Audrey's tears became more violent as she hears people die one by one. Finally, the very last branch fell down. A million cries break out.

Everyone, including the marines felt a rush of guilt flow through them. Though Quaritch was the only one left unaffected. His heart was made of pure rottenness, no sympathy.

The first thing that came into Jake's head was his mate. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hurt. "Audrey.. Audrey!" he screams, trying to find her. He soon looks to see her kneeling down, in her shaky hands with blurry eyes. He kneels down beside her, rubbing her neck at an attempt to soothe her. "I-I'm sorry." he whispers. She wanted to full on scream at him, tell him how much damage he had made on these innocent people.. on her. Though her body was too weakened and beaten. "Go. Never come back." she whispers through a runny nose. Jake's ears flatten at her words piercing through him. "Aud-"
"GO!" she pushes him, he whimpers silently. He stands up whilst turning around, taking hard and long footsteps. After a minute which seemed like an hour, she decided to go to Mo'at for comfort. Suddenly her whole body starts to tremble and ache. She falls onto her stomach unconsciously. Some Na'vi surround her worriedly.

She opens her eyes again to see people yelling at her face. Forcefully taking her out of her link. They pin her hands behind her back. "YOU MURDERER!" she screams at Parker, kicking and screaming. She feels herself go dizzy after someone injects something into her shoulder. She closes her eyes helplessly.


Audrey was sitting against the cold, hard-rock wall. Staring into the oblivion. She wouldn't dare to even take a glimpse of Jake. Seeing his face would only make her feel even more demolished. It was over... Her responsibly to become Tsahik. She wouldn't of been able to do it anyway. Even if she did, she ruined her chances because of the man she had chosen. Home Tree was one of the only places she loved. And of course like everything else, it blew up in her face, literally.

"What's going on brother? Long time, no see." a feminine voice fills their ears. "Personally, I don't think these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak." Trudy sniggers. "They get steak? That's bullshit, let me see that." the guard laughs, bending down to check if she was being serious. She chuckles, then sticks a gun to his head. "Yeah, you know what that is. Down, all the way down." she snaps. "Trudy!" Norm exclaims, pouncing up from his seat. "Max!" with one word, he runs in, dialling a code. And they soon get out of their chamber.

Trudy tosses Audrey a gun, she checks it. "I haven't used one of these baby's in a long time." she chuckles under her breath. They run to the entrance (where all the planes are) and put on gas masks. They proceed to go into the area. They soon sneak their way towards Trudy's helicopter. Trudy hops into it, adjusting her seat. "Clear." Audrey whispers as she takes the last pad off. The helicopter soon takes flight. Quaritch busts open the door, firing a gun. "I'm taking fire! Let's go!" Trudy yells as Norm helps Grace up.

They cheer and whoop in victory. Audrey turns her head to see Grace covering her stomach, not making a sound. She moves closer to her. "Crap, this is going to ruin my whole day." Grace groans looking at her blood-covered hand. "Grace is hit!" Audrey exclaims.


"Ouch." Grace mumbles after Jake injects a needle into her shoulder. "We're gonna get you some help." he whispers smiling down at her. "I'm a scientist, remember? I don't believe in fairytales." she answers, closing her eyes. "The people can help you." he squeezes her hand. "Why would they help us? It's not like Audrey is going to forgive us anytime soon." she murmurs making Jake look at Audrey, who was sitting next to Trudy. "I'll figure it out." he sighs.

Honestly I do NOT know how to end chapters. 😂

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