Meeting The Omoticayan Clan Pt. 2

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Jake's POV

Natives push Audrey and I up into a house-like tree. I notice the ladies giggling and talking as they stare at me. Audrey is glaring at them, clearly annoyed. Suddenly, they hand Audrey some clothes, I stand shocked; it looked like lingerie. "Put it on n-now?" Audrey questions wide eyed. The ladies nod sharply and leave, probably going to get mine. "Well.. turn around!" She snaps twirling her finger. "Oh, right." I laugh, turning.

Audrey's POV

I take off my worn out clothes, boots, and gold necklace, but I keep the anklet on. I grunt as I feel my back burn due to the claw mark. "You alright? Do you need any help?" Jake cautions. "No! I'm- I'm fine." I claim, I pick the feathered top up and look at it, it would barely cover my chest! I sigh as I struggle to put it on, somehow I actually succeeded. I adjust it and start putting the skirt thingy on. I then pick up a couple of leather accesories. I slide them up my arm. I'm not going to lie about the clothes, I kinda digged them.

(That's her outfit, but the skirt is a little shorter

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(That's her outfit, but the skirt is a little shorter. Ignore everything else.)

Jake's POV

"Okay, I'm done." Audrey stammered. "Finally!" I laugh as I turn around. "Damn." I mumble as she looks up to me, she looked  hotter than before. "So, what do you think? I'm feeling like it's a little skimpy..." She stutters fiddling with her skirt. "It's skimpy, but I think it suits you." I declare trying not to show too much emotion. "Really? That's great! I like it too." She sighs walking up to me. The native women then come back in and hand me some clothes. "I'm supposed to wear this?!" I bellow as I took a big look at it, I hear Audrey laugh at my reaction. She then walks away from me and turns around. "I won't look, I promise." She said as she starts playing with her hair. I playfully shake my head and proceed to take my clothes off and put the new ones on.

Audrey's POV

I wait patiently as I look over the place. Pandora truely is beautiful... As I was admiring nature, I felt someone flick me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Jake nervously smiling, fiddling with his clothes like they were uncomfortable, waiting for my response. I look down at his torso and chest. He had a very sturdy and muscular physique, I feel my cheeks burn up. "You look... great." I blurt, looking away. "It doesn't feel great." He jokes. I try and not laugh too hard; because of my injury.

The ladies come back again and hand me some sort of bandages, they look different from earth ones though. They also bring me some liquid, I look up to them in confusion. "Use that for wound. It cleans out all bacteria." A lady intones sharply. She didn't have very good English, but I understood her. "I know this will definitely hurt. I'll let you hold my hand, when you feel the pain squeeze it as hard as you can. It'll help relieve some of it." Jake assures, I look up to him with a warm smile. I pass him the liquid. He nods softly, and spins me around. I tighten my grip on his hand nervously.

"Okay. Three.. two.. one." He pours the liquid onto my wound. I scream in pain as it boils through my skin. I squeeze Jake's hand as hard as I can, making him groan in pain. He quickly wraps the bandages around my wound, adding more pain to it. I feel warm tears slide down my cheeks, making me feel even worse. My head starts to spin, causing me to stumble a little. The pain starts to slow down, but is still aching. I take slow and deep breaths as Jake's arms wrap around my upper stomach, giving me permission to lay back. "It hurts so much.." I silently chuckle nervously. "It will get better, I promise. Just for now, take it nice and easy." He whispers, I turn to give him the cutest smile I could make. "Thank you.. for everything." I murmur into his ear (rising onto my toes).

The native woman from earlier takes us to where everyone is. I hear drums beating and locals chatting. Suddenly, it becomes silent once they notice we're here. "Please don't get up." Jake yells trying to break the awkwardness. He then stamps on a woman's tail making her hiss and hit him, I quietly laugh in embarrassment. We walk over to the native and sit next to her. "So, what's your name?" I ask. "Neytiri." She murmurs. "Neytiri.. beautiful name!" I claim. She turns to me, forgetting that I could speak Na'vi. She smiles softly, then focuses on eating. "Her name is Neytiri by the way." I turn to face Jake, legs crossed. "Nice." He replies with a mouth full of food. I laugh softly, making him smile.

~Time Skip~

After dinner had finished, Mo'at called for Jake and I. "I can see you are very protective of your mate, it seems you two are deeply in love." She whispers to me, my eyes widen in embarrassment, I try to speak but no words come out. Jake chuckles but I nudge him in the arm making him stop. My mate? I didn't tell her we were together, she must've assumed it. I cringe, I have never thought Jake in that way, well maybe I have... There were some moments, but all of them were accidents. Plus, he probably sees me as a friend or a younger sibling. "Neytiri will show you where you will sleep for now. Follow her." She demands pointing at Neytiri, I nod and run with Neytiri.

We follow Neytiri up into the tree. "Audrey, here is your snonvi." She says as she points to one. "Cool. Where's mine?" Jake asks, Neytiri then points at the same snonvi. She then leaps over to her snonvi. Reality hits me like a bullet train, mates sleep in the same hammock. I gulp as I stare at him, he stares back, not saying a word. I was too nervous to say something, I don't want to make a big deal about it. Jake gives me an 'are you okay with this?' look. I slowly nod as I look down nervously, biting my lip. Jake jumps into it, struggling a bit. But he made himself comfortable saving room for me. I deeply exhale as I gently lay myself down into the hammock. I stare into his ember yellow eyes as he stares into mine, they were so fierce but soft at the same time. I break the tension and quickly turn around, leaving Jake surprised. He sighs and falls asleep, transferring back into his human body. I turn back around and let my eyes close.

I wake up to see a light flashing in my eyes. "Audrey? Audrey! Come on, that's it..." Grace shouts as I blink a couple of times and groan. "Is the avatar safe?" She babbled as she lifts me up, I nod. "Definitely, you won't believe where Jake and I are." I laugh rubbing my eyes.

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