Exploring Pandora

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Audrey's POV

The next day

"Links are ready." Max informed. Jake looks at me and I give him a smile and a nod, I proceed to get into the bed. I wasn't going to lie, I was super hyped to explore Pandora. I overhear Grace talking to Jake "Just keep your mouth shut. Let Audrey do the talking." After Jake's door is shut, Grace walks over to me. "You ready?" She asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I smile excitedly. Right before she fully closes the door I interrupt. "Wait!" She looks down at me in confusion. "Go easy on Jake. He's had a pretty tough life." I respond calmly. She nods and closes the door. I let go of my nerves and close my eyes.

They're in the helicopter, now going to there destination.

I stare in amazement as the purple dinosaur-like animals (tetrapterons) roam near our helicopter. "The water is so pure. It looks good enough to drink." I joke making Grace laugh. "Sure does." Trudy exclaims, I'm pretty sure that was her name? I lean over a little more to get a closer look at the water and didn't realise that the seatbelt was unsecured (what a coincidence) and I slip- but a firm hand grips onto my waist and lower shirt while pulling me back in slowly, saving my fall. I clear my throat as I turn to see who saved me. "Be careful... I don't want you getting hurt." Jake spoke worriedly while signalling me to adjust the seatbelt. I look down to see his hand was still on my waist. "Thank you Jake." I reply. He also looks down and realises where his hand still was "Uh, sorry." He says sheepishly, I smile lightly then turn around.

As we flew through the jungle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom, the cold air rushed to my face forming goosebumps on my blue skin. "Woohoo!" Jake let out, causing me to giggle. Soon we were landing near some messy trees and bushes. Small animals scattered from underneath us. After we landed Grace shouted "Shut it down, we're going to be staying for a while." into her mic for Trudy to hear. Grace then told the only man without an avatar to stay near the helicopter. "One idiot with a gun is enough." She snapped. Jake hopped out of the vehicle and pointed his gun at some trees in front of me. I rolled my eyes humorously and lightly punched the back of his shoulder.

Jake's POV

As Audrey walked in front of me I lose grip of focus and dragged my eyes up and down her body. I meant what I said back at the bio lab, this woman was unbelievably beautiful, plus adorable. She was wearing a cute outfit. A black singlet which showed a little skin around her stomach, a quite short caramel light fabric jacket, a pair of caramel knee shorts that matched her jacket, dark brown-ankle laced boots, an anklet, two leather bracelets on her right wrist, a short plain-gold chain necklace and of course a sharp but small knife tucked into a belt-like thing around her hips and waist. Her hair was up in a high ponytail which fell at her upper back, it was pretty damn long. She had a cute little butt as well, just thinking about it made me laugh but heat up at the same time.

"Jake. Jake! Aye bud, my eyes are up here." I heard Audrey yell snapping me out of my trance. She was now facing me with her hands on her hips. My eyes widened as reality hit me. "I got a little.. distracted." Blurting out the top thing that came to my head. She frowned and snapped her head around following Grace. Seeing her mad like that was kind of cute, considering she was petite and way shorter than me.

Suddenly she stopped, and turned to face me again. "I know what you're probably thinking. 'Oh she's so cute when she's mad!' But believe me when I say this, I may be small but I will kick your fucking ass into next fucking week if you push my limits. Don't underestimate me Sully." She snapped, I blinked a couple of times shocked. She turned around again, whipping her tail at me and caught up to Grace. Damn I thought to myself, I saw Norm staring at me, as stunned as I was. Norm walked up to me chuckling "She's not lying, believe me I trained with her for three years. But she'll get out of her mood in about ten minutes." Which caused me to nervously laugh.

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now