Mated Before Ewya

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Warning: mature content in this chapter.

No one's POV

Jake runs behind Audrey as she leads him into the Tree Of Voices. He playfully tugs at her tail, making her laugh. "Come!" she grabs him by the hand. She lets go of Jake's hand, brushing her fingers across the bright purple vines. He does the same, wrapping himself in them. "This is a place for prayers to be heard and sometimes answered." Audrey murmurs, hugging the vines. She attaches her halu to the tree. Jake connects his halu to one, his pupils enlarge when he hears many voices. Audrey smiles, walking up to him and placing a hand on the vine. "They live, Jake. Within Ewya." she claims, looking up. His smile widens as children's laughter fills his ears.

"We are Omaticaya now. We may make our bow with the wood of the Home Tree." she says, Jake notices her face start to darken. "And you may choose a woman." she turns around, he could almost hear her voice crack. "There's a lot of fine women. I assume you've already chosen one." her voice lowers. "Yes, I have." Jake interrupts, making her turn back around with a face full of worry and rejection. "She's radiant, fearless, and one hell of a badass." he boasts in a love-sick tone. Audrey instantly thinks of Neytiri. Jake's played her like a guitar, he had her wrapped around his little finger.

Because of all the deep thoughts, she hadn't realised Jake's tail was wrapped around her thigh. He tilts her chin up to face him, leaning closer to her. She couldn't help but shy away, with two steps, she was backed up against a tree. Without permission, Jake cups her face and leans into a little peck. He pulls away, almost as if he were asking for permission. Audrey feels her desires burn up. She couldn't fight it any longer.

She forcefully pulls his leather chain towards her, crashing his lips onto hers. He tilts his head as he slides his tongue into her mouth. She senses the longing behind his lips, she smirks in delight. She keeps one hand on his chest and places the other onto his back neck, finding her way into his soft hair and curling it with her fingers. Jake rubs his hand up and down her neck, almost massaging it.

He nibbles on her bottom lip. She gasps and tugs on his hair, making him produce a husky groan. He pulls her even more closer, taking in her natural and sweet scent. They both pull away for air, but eagerly kiss again, never wanting to unconnect. Jake swiftly lifts her up and slams her against the tree, her breath hitches at the conflict. She wraps her legs around his waist, letting her hair cover his face. Jake quietly laughs as he swishes the hair out of his face and back behind her ear.

He takes a good look at her before he smirks and leans back in. She swings her hands around his neck. He snakes his hands down her ass, only this time she doesn't slap him. She trusts him. They pull away, staring into each other's seduced eyes. They both knew what they were thinking. He gently lifts her down as she is still holding onto his neck. They kneel down together, still looking into each other's eyes. Audrey brings out her halu, and Jake brings out his. They both close their eyes as they link braids.

Instantly, a flow of mixed emotions bolt through their bodies. Jake's eyes lighten up while his tail wildly swishes from side to side. She touches his cheek, feeling every desire fire up to the surface, she sees Jake's eyes filled with lust and love. Jake smashes her lips against Audrey's, even more desperate from before. He lifts her up onto his lap, hugging her from the waist. He places soft kisses onto her neck. Audrey arches it, wanting more. He accepts the new flesh and sucks, placing sweet love marks all across her neck and shoulders.

She claws his back, making him even more aroused. She feels all his bottled up emotions come loose as he bites down. She gasps and tugs on his hair yet again, whispering his name over and over. He kisses and licks the mark to reduce the pain into pleasure. She moans as she rubs her soft hands up and down his back, forming goosebumps onto his blue crystal skin. With a small tug, Jake unclasps her bottom cloth, letting it collapse onto her thigh. The only things that separated him from what he wanted were thin pieces of clothing. He looks at her, she looks back, giving the most loving smile. You know what happens next...

~Time Skip~

Audrey's POV

We both pant heavily as we look up into the sky, fiddling to put our clothes on. Jake offers to help me put my top back on, I nod handing him it. His fingertips tickle my back, making my body hair stand up. He then scoops my weakened body into his arms, I start tracing my finger up his muscular chest, he groans at the sensation of it. "That was amazing." he exclaimed, taking the words right out of my mouth. "I didn't expect it to feel so beautiful." I whisper, he kisses my forehead in response. "Audrey..." he intones. "Hm?" I murmur into his neck. "Nga yawne lu oer." he whispers. "Now, I know it's weird thing to say after s-" "Nga yawne lu oer." I interrupt. "It's not a weird thing to say at all." I add, Jake rests his forehead against mine in relief. "You're a real good kisser." I break the silence, quietly giggling. Jake stares at me before answering. "Well, you're a real sexy woman, so I guess that helped." he teases, I lightly hit him.

I bring my face to his and lightly kiss him again, but he had other plans. He sneakily slips his tongue into my mouth. I pull away, flicking him in annoyance. "Can't you be innocent for one goddamn minute?" I tense. He laughs hanging his head up. "Oh come on, you know you liked it." he whispers into my ear, nibbling and licking the flesh of it. Chills run down my spine, I couldn't argue with that. I inhale deeply as he runs his lips down the side of my neck. He rolls me over so he is on top. "I think that's enough for tonight." I giggle, pushing him off of me.

Jake then lays his head on his hands. I stare at his masculine arms in amusement. "Like what you see?" Jake pulls a smoulder. I bite my lip, crawling a little to get closer to him. He pulls me into his grasp. I then rest my thumb on his upper lip, sliding it down to his chin. "I drive you crazy, don't I?" I brush my small finger up and down his nose. "You have no idea." Jake chuckles in a hushed tone, tightening his grip on my waist. I turn to my side, curling up into a ball. Jake also curls up and lays his arm over my stomach while the other is above his head. Before shutting his eyes he softly kisses my cheek, I rub my head against his neck in response. We soon drift asleep in each other's warm arms.

I don't normally do stuff like this, so of course there were a bunch of flaws. Everytime I re-read it, I always think it's cringey and weird. It's out of my comfort zone and it's not really my thing to write this but it's cool! I made this one quickly because I was so excited to write it!

Nga Yawne Lu Oer (Jake Sully x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now