Toruk Makto

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Audrey's already in her link.

No one's POV

"So, what's the plan Jake." Norm murmurs, setting his link up. "There is no plan." he replies, earning a sturdy look from Norm. "Why didn't you just talk to Audrey? She would've explained what happened to the Omoticaya and maybe they would've let you near them." he snaps. "I know her, and she's stubborn. She wouldn't have done it just like that. I have to regain her trust, somehow." Jake mumbles a little at the last words, looking over at her link. "Launching." Norm sighs closing the door of his link.

Jake opens his eyes to see grey all across the area. He heavily coughs after he inhales dried out smoke and coal. He droopily lifts himself making his way to his feet, his back aching a little. Outcast, betrayer, alien. He was in the place the eye does not see. His eyes flopped even more at the sight of the burnt tree.

They needed his help, and he needed theirs. But to ever face them again, her again, he was going to have to take it to a whole new level. His ikran flys down to the ground. He smiles at it like greeting an old friend. Patting its head, he whispers "There's something we gotta do. And you're not going to like it." He hops onto its back and with one cheer, they fly off.

The way he had figured, Toruk was the baddest cat in the sky. Nothing attacks him. So why would he ever look up? But that was just a theory.

He exhales as he looks down to Toruk. He leaps off of his Ikran. THUD!

Audrey had tried telling them Grace was dying, but they were so miserable already. Her throat would always choke up and she couldn't find the words. She didn't want to sadden them even more. She was worried for Jake, where was he? Was she too harsh? Was she not harsh enough? She didn't even know what she was going to do.. all of this was giving her a headache.

A hand tugs on her thumb, she looks up to see Neytiri smiling in a sign of comfort. Though she couldn't respond (they were singing). So she wraps her finger around one of hers in response. Her voice cracks when she feels a shadow fly above them. A gush of wind hits her. Suddenly screams and yelps fill the air. Her eyes hitch up to see an animal, Toruk Makto. She stands up quickly.

A scream escapes her lips. She squints her eyes to find a man on top of the animal. Her legs grow limp before releasing who it was. Toruk lands onto the ground with a thud. Making some people forcefully trip over. The rider then hops down, gliding his hand across Toruk's scales.

His eyes meet hers. She lets her legs take control; taking slow steps towards him while he does the same. The people fearfully step back, making a path for him to walk through. Soon enough they were three feet away from each other. "I see you." he whispers with a slight smile. "I see you." she reaches out and touches his arm. She moves her hand to his shoulder, his hands caressing her neck. "I was afraid, for the people. But I don't think I am anymore." she claims. "I tried telling them about Grace, I really did-" she gets interrupted by him gently digging a hand in her hair and rolling some hair behind her ear. "It's okay, Audrey."

His gaze lifts onto the new chief. Tsu'tey backs away a little. "Tsu'tey, son of Ateyo. I stand before you; ready to serve the Omoticaya people. You're a great warrior, I can't do this without you." Jake approaches him, he hesitates a little. He looks past Jake, onto Toruk. He switches back his gaze, clearing his throat. "Toruk Makto, I will fly with you." he places a hand on his chest, Jake's mouth perks up a little. Audrey walks beside him, grasping his hand. "Our friend is dying. Grace is dying." he says to Mo'at, gently wrapping his finger around Audrey's. She reaches her hand out to Mo'at "We beg the help of Ewya." All she could think about was Grace. The hole in her stomach expanded just thinking about her not making it. Please.. please help her.

Sorry for the late update, I'm probably going to publish a new one soon since this was such a short chapter!

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