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I didn't know how to answer this questions. This  man literally abandoned me and after such a long time he calls to say how are you.
"I am fine dad, How are you?" I spoke somehow.
" I am okay"
There was an awkard silence for some time.
He spoke next.
" I miss you so much.", he said. My eyes widened in surprise but I didn't reply.
The next line that he spoke scared my life out
" I am sending your tickets, i want you to come back."
To say i was in shock was a understatement i didnt know what to reply. But before i could say anything, i heard the line going dead. He had ended the call.
I started to panic like anything. I cant go back to that place . Not after all these years. Not when i have consoled my heart that India is my home not that hellhole where i felt suffocated. If i go there i will be alone again, i have to face the haunting situations all over . But what i feared the most was that my feeling might resurface, those feeling which i had buried deep inside me, those childhood memories which i had made myself forget.
Khalu looked at me and saw that i was having a panic attack .
" Beta relax first, calm down." "Panic wont help you"., he said calmly.
I nodded at him and then rushed to my room . I wanted to be alone right now.

Once in my room i frantically searched for my mobile. Then i dialled in the number that i knew by heart. I put the phone near my ear.
"Pick up , pickup, pick up!", said I to myself.
When i heard his voice i heaved a sigh of relief . His voice always had comforted me .
"Did you had your talk with dad?", farhaan bhaiyaan asked.
"Yes i did," said I.
He waited for me to answer further and tears started rolling down my eyes at once.
"Bhaiya , i can't go back to that place again , please!" "I cant!" "I cant", I cried.
"Listen to me , first calm yourself down shahista." "See i understand why you don't want to come back , but lets be practical now . You cannot in any circumstance not follow dad's oder. You have to obey his commands. If he wants you too come back, you have to ."
"But bhaiyaan...", i started.
"Listen to me... shush... don't panic so much. Things might be different this time . Dad really talks about how he misses you , I know that"
"But bhaiyaan what if the same things happen again, i cannot go through that again!", i cried.
"If the same things happen shahista , you will endure it strongly. Remember you are not the same girl you were 6 years ago. You are a doctor now, a women of your own free will. What do you have to worry about? And if anything happens, i will always be by your side , i promise. You will not be completely alone. Now are we okay?"
"Yes bhaiyaan," i nodded .. " i am fine now".
"Now leave this topic, tell me about your work. How's it going doctor sahib? Are you ready to treat me? I think I might have.. now what do you call that in medical terms, ?? Ah! yes! Automatism"
I laughed loudly when he said that word, mispronouncing it badly. Only bhaiyaan had the power to make me laugh within seconds from crying.
We talked about various stuff for about an hour and then i hung up.
It was already very late. I decided to go to sleep , not worrying  about anything for now. As i got dressed and laid on the bed. I sighed, bhaiya was right, this day had to come sometime. It wouldn't have been possible to cut off dad from my life permanently. After all they were family. I didn't knew what was going to happen but i did knew one thing. This time i will not keep any expectations or allow myself to get hurt. I smiled realising i will get too see bhaiya soon. Then my eyes tight shut as deep slumber took control of me.

I woke up the next morning to the noise of khala in kitchen.
"Shahista!, wake up beta!"
I rubbed my eyes casually and sighed. Today would be a long day and i was already having a headache.
After freshing up, i decided to call a day off from work. I didn't feel like working at all.
Khala was busy doing her usual household chores.
"Shabana, beta you will again be late for school.", said she to her
" i am nearly done ma, just one second.", said shabana.
" Hi aapi, you are up? , today you slept till late."
I smiled at her, " today i think i wont go to work. I will take a break."
Khala looked at me for a second but didn't say anything.
She gave shabana her lunch and she left for school.
I went to the kitchen to help khala with her cooking.
"Shahista, you don't have to help me dear!", she said.

"No, its okay.!", said I , "By the way , where is khalu?, i asked.
"He left for work early." , she replied
"Okay", said I.
There was a silence after that and the only noise you could hear was that of the pressure cooker whistling.
"Khala", i said softly, "Dad wants me to come back"
She sighed and stopped doing her work. She then turned towards me and said sadly , "I know beta".
I started crying, " I don't want to go back khala, this is my home, you are my mother, khalu is my father."
Khala didn't say anything but she came forward and hugged me.
"Beta you know, you have to go back. I will always be there for you and will love you forever.  But he is your father . They are your family, you cannot neglect them. Why do you worry so much, aren't you happy you will be meeting farhaan after such a long time?"
"I am", said I.
"Then, smile now. We have a lot to pack. After breakfast lets get started."
So we finished our breakfast and  started packing . I didn't want to but i knew this was inevitable.
It was already afternoon when the packing was complete. I had just taken lunch and was going to take a nap. When my phone rang, i picked it , it was farhaan bhaiyaan.
"Yes bhaiyaan", i was surprised by his call as i knew he must be at work, now.
" I have sent you the tickets. Check them"
I opened the tickets he had mailed me.
"What!!!", said I shocked.
The date was of the day after tomorrow!..
I had only two days.
I frantically called him back.
"Bhaiyaan, two days is very less, you know i have a job over here?"
"Quite it.", he said casually.
I lost my temper at that statement..
"My job is no joke, okay? Even if i earn nothing as compared to you, but it still means a lot to me. I cant just leave it midway and come. It doesn't matter to me if you don't care. Moreover there is a bond, between me and the college ."
"Quiet , shahista". "You only work as a PGT there. Their are so many good hospitals over here , you could work in and complete your post graduation from and i know about the bond, i will transfer the bond money to you. Your job is not more important than your family. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill."
I was shocked, bhaiyaan never shouts on me. I was so angry that i cut the phone, without replying back.

Shahista, what happened", said khala from outside.
"I just wanna be left alone for some time please khala.", I said and closed the room.
I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I hated the fact that i couldn't control my life & was just a puppet. How did i end up in such a bad condition? Everything was so perfect when i was small. Loving father, good home, amazing brothers, no worries no tension. Even though i know i was being irrational, i blamed just one person for stealing my life away from me and that was my sister in law. I hated her from my core. I hated the fact that she was perfect! She was beautiful ambitious and a strong headed women. She stole my brother away from me and then captured everyone's hearts. Then when my other brothers got married i had more sister in laws. Soon the daughter in laws of the family overshadowed the only daughter of the family.

I was lost in my thoughts when somebody called me , "Shahista!!"
I came out of my room to see my friend Zesmina in the hall. Just like tanya Zesmina and i also worked together. Not just work we also went to the same college during our MBBS.
"Zesmina!, what are you doing here", said I.
" I was so worried about you. You didn't come to work today and you didn't pickup any of my calls or messages"
I realised that i was so lost in my thoughts today, that i hadn't even texted here.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes , i am."
"What happened? Why didn't you come to work . I missed you."
I sighed. "Long story Zesmina."
Khala said suddenly , "Why don't you girls talk in your room. I will prepare tea for both of you."
"Thanks aunty", Zesmina said.
We went to our room and sat down on the bed
"Now speak," said Zesmina.
I didn't knew where to begin . Zesmina was just like my sister. We met in school and we both went to college together. Our friendship had lasted for years and now we were inseparable. Saying goodbye to her would be as difficult as saying goodbye to khala . Since she knew me from such a long time, she knew everything about my life and knew i didnt liked to talk about it.
"I am going to Dubai!"
"What ?", she was shocked.
"Yes dad called, he wants me back i am going to Dubai."
"What about your job?"
"I have to quite it. My tickets are also booked".
"When are you going?"
"Day after tomorrow."
"Day after tomorrow! thats too soon. You cant leave your job like this in midway.
"I know Zesmina , but i cant do anything about it. Don't worry I will find something to do in Dubai."
"Don't you get any say in the matter?", she asked
"Talk to farhaan bhaiya."
"Its useless Zesmina,  he is also adamant."
She fell quiet.
" I am sorry Zesmina, i don't wanna leave you. But there is no other way.", said I remorsefully.
She stared at me for a long time.
"Please say something zesmina. Please do."
I didn't want to leave India with her hating me. I was on the verge of crying.
"Zesmina?", I askee again.
"Shahista,"she said quietly. "Fine if you go to Dubai, then i will accompany you!"

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